
A Brief History of My Wiki Time
In February 2010 I founded Aionopedia, At the time i was freshly reitred from World of Warcraft and knew instantly after 30 minutes of play that the community needed a wiki. I jumped int the deep end, created a domain, bought server space and started off into the wide world of wiki management. Before this all i knew was simple, adding text and making fonts bold, italics e.t.c. Nothing about managment and customisation of the mediawiki platform. By August 2010 it is the largest wiki based on the MMO Aion.
Getting to Know Me


A brief intro about me and my past including infomation about the projects im working on and photo gallery links to my travels around China and New Zealand
@Bohtauri Twitter Feed

Twitter feed with the latest major and interesting additions and features to Rift@ZAM

Contacting Me
There are several ways you can contact me.

Photo Gallery
540 Tiny Cranes
540 Tiny Cranes
Me Holding a Jar with 1,000 Cranes
Me Holding a Jar with 1,000 Cranes
1,000 Tiny White Cranes
1,000 Tiny White Cranes
3mm long Microgami
3mm long Microgami

Wiki Contributions
Site Edits Notable Info
ZAM Wikibase's 6,000+ Began October 2010
Aionopedia 85,145 Founder and Head Admin.
Wowpedia 8,000 Contributed edits over 5 years of WoW playing.
Wikipedia 15,000 Focuses on Physics, Engineering and mythology.
Game Characters
Game Name Server Professions Game Style
Spiral Knights Bohtauri, Tier 2 Gear Tier 4 Handguns Explorer of the Depths
Rift Bohtaumoor the Shady, 41, Cleric Reclaimer, PvP Foraging, Mining, Apothecary Warfront Healing Specialist
Rift Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 11, Rogue Reclaimer, PvP Foraging, Mining, Butchering
Aion Aionopedia, 53 Nezekan Cooking Crafter
WoW Skjaldvangr Proudmoore Alchemy, Mining PvP, 20-man Raider

Bohtauri Gains his Epic Loot!!!
Bohtauri Gains his Epic Loot!!!
Bohtauri @ Abel Tasman Nat. Park - New Zealand
Bohtauri @ Abel Tasman Nat. Park - New Zealand


This page last modified 2014-08-07 14:25:58.