Lebros Cavern - Excavation Duty  

Realm:Aht Urhgan
Start Area: Aht Urhgan Whitegate
Start NPC:Famad (L - 10)
Max Party:6
Related Areas:Halvung Staging Point
Related Mobs:Qiqirn Ceramist
Qiqirn Volcanist
Rank:Private Second Class
Min Level:50
Max Level:75
Reward:1000~ Assault Points
Items Required:Qiqirn Mine
Items Granted:??? Box
??? Earring
Hi-Potion +3
Reraise Earring
This Quest is Repeatable
This Quest requires Aht Urhgan
Last Updated: Thu Aug 20 05:58:37 2009

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The Imperial Army plans to traverse Lebros Cavern as part of their attack on Halvung, however the tunnels are blocked with rocks. You must remove the obstructions.

Objective Remove the obstructions.

The objective of this assault is to destroy the 5 Brittle Rocks throughout the map. Along the way are bombs and Qiqirn.

The bombs do not need to be fought but fighting the Qiqirn may help as they drop temporary Qiqirn Mine items which destroy Brittle Rocks in one shot.

Starting at G-11 head north west past a bomb to the first Brittle Rock. There are several preferred methods of fighting the walls. Some prefer an all mage party, some prefer an all melee party. Whatever your setup have everyone attack the wall.

Brittle Rocks have extremely high defense, so high level magic isn't as useful here as low delay weapons or DoT spells such as Rasp, Bio and the like.

Once the first Brittle Rock has been defeated head north and take a right at the crossroads ahead. Here you'll find some Qiqirn. You can fight them if you like to try and get Qiqirn Mines.

From here there is one more wall at the far north and three more walls further east.

Once all Brittle Rocks are destroyed the Rune of Release spawns at F-10


This page last modified 2008-01-15 04:26:40.
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Just managed
# Oct 12 2008 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Done this many times with the usual setups on 75 Caps

Tried it with DRK/SAM(me), BLM/WHM, RDM/BLM and MNK/WAR on lvl 70 cap for the first time the other day.

Also first time i'd tried it with MNK. BLM went to solo the wall and the rest of us took the other 3. Was close however, the BLM came and helped us with last wall till it got down to 25% then ran back to Rune of Release. Did it with 30 secs to spare.
# Feb 09 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
280 posts
Did this for the first time last night.. set up was WAR72(me), NIN75, DRG75, MNK75, and BLM75.. We had no problems and finished with over 5 minutes to spare. Easy and straightforward.
Note to THF
# Dec 15 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
274 posts
The fist 15 times I did this was as a THF before I started doing it as BLM. I'm taru btw. When I was joining parties that are being assembled for this party I sometimes get a response that says "Sorry, thf not needed" or "Sorry, thf to week for this mission". I wonder how could that be when I most often outdamage other mellee jobs for this mission (drk is the mellee that I remember I have never outdamaged for this mission, I have consistently outdamaged WAR and SAM too as a thief but not the ones that has really good gear). And then I realized something when I started doing this mission as a BLM when we have other THF in the party that indeed THF is very weak for this mission, I noticed that they were landing 0 in hits all too often no matter what race is. So I always check their gear and take note.

Suggestion: Attack is most important for thf in this mission.

I dual wield BK+1 for this mission and that's +20 atk for weapons alone. With my gear configuration I have done better than all the thf I've seen on this mission (except for that mithra with a Mandau in haste gear). This is also a mission where you can notice just how much critical hits a thief does compared to other jobs without using a parser although I remember ninja oftentimes can actually do more critical hits.
"Let me read your cards that I may see your misfortunes."
Try to beat me dual wields
# Aug 22 2007 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Did 124 dmg on a rock... only a DRK can do that... try to beat me MNKS

Throwing Bomb Arms?
# May 01 2007 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Has anyone ever tried this rumor out? I doubt it would work but i'm a bit curious about it since Bombs explode and you get bomb arms from bombs...maybe bombarms do decent dmg against the B.Walls... I would try it except I'm a Monk and its my only job over 50 atm.
TP burn
# Jan 23 2007 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
just did this with TP burn of war nin drg drg drg mnk.

took less than 20mins
# Jan 17 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
I would consider this assault to be the mother of all Bandwagon-Assaults.
It seems to be almost everyone's first assault and almost everyone who has assaulted has done this one. It's rather easy to do and can be efficiently done with time-to-spare in a party of 4 competant players.

A great party setup for this assault is: DOTter (RDM or BLM), Secondary DOTter, DD, DD, however many job combinations can work for this assault as it is not a difficult one (War & Mnk seem to be decent DDs for this assault, for example).

Members should be prepared to be able to invisible themselves, as there are bombs dispersed throughout the map, one fairly close to the entrance. Assuming the party setup is 4-Players, all 4 players will work together on the first Rock. When the First Rock is down, 1 BLM or RDM will head to solo the North Rock while the 3 others head east to break down 3 more Rocks.

Players are able to Skillchain on the Rocks, and the rocks provide very decent weapon skillups as well after 200. A Secondary DOTter helping out the team of 3 is very beneficial adding extra DOT effects while the 2 DDs work physically on the rock. Effective DOT spells are Bio, Shock, Choke, and Burn - Stacking Bio II on the rock is wonderful. Throwing in Tier 1 Spells now and then is also handy.

After the BLM or RDM soloing the North Rock has destroyed the Rock, they should head directly to the Rune/Chest spawn point while the other 3 finish off the last door. This allows the Solo BLM or RDM to have ample time to reach the Rune Point with plenty of time to spare, ending in an even quicker Assault.

Most of the times that I've followed a scenario like above, we've successfully completed the Assault with 10 Minutes to spare. We have tried a couple times farming Qiqirms for the rock bombs, but they are very powerful and can easily kill off members in one movement. Therefore, I don't recommend killing Qiqirns since this Assault is practically accomplishable without these bombs.

Edited, Jan 17th 2007 11:29pm by Hotpeppa
Easily done with a Blm on board
# Jan 11 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
This mission is easily dealt with if you take a Blm with you.

I have done it several times with a group of 3 blm and no others along.

This can also be done with as few as four as long as atleast 2 of the four are either a monk or a dragoon as they put out the damage best as I have seen.

Don't bother killing the rats for grenades because you can simply break the walls down with force. The blm way of taking down a wall is by DoT ing the wall down using SHOCK - BURN - CHOKE - BIO and the occasional lower tiered spell as not to drain your mana. Also Heal up while the DoT is active. After the first wall is down have a blm run up to the north wall and solo it down while the rest of the group, either 2-3 blm or whatever you choose, goes to the following wall and works on that one. There are five walls total. The north wall can be considered the second wall that the blm solos on the north side of the map. The third wall that the group (minus one blm) will be working on will be down and they will be part of the way done with the next ussually by the time the north wall dropping blm is done so that blm can then come and help drop that wall and also help with the final wall. It is wise to send the blm down the the treasure which appears at (F-10) while the 5th wall is about 50% done.

Don't bother with the rats and the bombs agro to sight.
bombs hmmm
# Jan 10 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
388 posts
Bombs are items you use on the wall to destroy it.
You get the bombs as drops from local Qiqirn mobs.
# Jan 09 2007 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Are the mines an item or a piece of equipment (ie> throwing skill capped?)
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