Vana'diel Bestiary: Antican Eques  

Found in:Western Altepa Desert
Level:45 - 49
  • Aggro
  • Linking
  • Detects by Sound
  • Based on Dark
  • Weak against Wind
  • Strong against Darkness
  • Strong against Earth
Updated: Fri Dec 28 16:26:12 2007

Antican Eques Picture

An Eques is traditionally a mounted knight. Chocobos are too rare to ride however, so instead these soldiers thoroughly train their legs until their running speed compensates for lack of having a proper steed.

Some/all of the information in this article has been culled from various FFXI guides, and translated by Elmer the Pointy.

This page last modified 2007-09-28 04:55:37.

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# Mar 27 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
BLUE HAIR????? is the picher real or fake?
(my gess is fake)looks cool =)
# Dec 12 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
His name is just 1 letter away from Equus, so shouldn't he be riding a horse? Or at least a Chocobo...

# Jul 26 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
618 posts
Never saw this till my lil bst party went to the Revelation Rock. We ding 45 and I told them that theres a TON of beetle (T-IT+ to us) over there. With our pets we move out (sucky part; not many pets over there). Start killing beetles and near the death of the bettle one of these Anica come over and Flash me. Blink eats it and another BST sics pet on it and we finish off the bettle.
The argo PLD Antica was EM.... Boy that is a HARD mob... Dishes out nice Dmg, But has TONS def so the fight was long. At 45 these are EM-VT that I seen so far.
PLD Mob does (what I have seen): Cure 3, shell 2, protect 2, flash, and the normal antica attacks.

Edited, Tue Jul 26 09:21:28 2005
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