In the thread describing the tactic used to defeat the Carmine Dobsonflies, which are mass-linking type monsters, I have discovered an interesting concept. If a party of 1 Pld and 3 Smn were to use the strategy, and use Ifrit or Fenrir to Astral Flow twice each, See further
Supose Astral Flow is not affected by # of targets. Therefore, if the Pld can get the mobs to surround him while using Invincible, and then have the Smns Astral Flow the mobs that are swhirling around him simultaneusly, by firing consecutve blasts, it should produce enough damage to destroy every mob, resulting in massive Xp chains. this would require a party of at least 38th lvl characters. The result it almost too much to logicly fathom, as I have never seen more than Chain 4
Since these are not agro, if no one in your group touches the caveberries or casts beneficial magic on said ninja, you shouldn't be in any trouble (aside from lag).
not true some mobs do go after the whole pt even if you do nothing. I got killed by a lizzy in the jungle after the blm mis-fired onto a lizzy and zoned it... nobody touched him but lizzy came back for us ; ;... another time was a pug in dunes came back for everyone in the PT... Goblins dont do that, maybe its the way they persue ???