I found another quest involving her while doing ZM3 but i cant find any info on it. The guard in the chieftainess' hut in kazham starts it. You are told to deliver a letter to angelica. You dont have to complete "A pose by any other name" to get the quest, however you do have to complete it to deliver the letter. I delivered the letter and got a return letter but I was ignored when trying to deliver it. Not sure what to do on this one.
Oh and I think its official, Pikko is the cutest taru ever. =^.^=
I got that quest, too. Its calles "A question of Taste". When I got the letter and the painting from Angelica, I went to Kazahm and talkes to Etteh Solaej, the Mithra closest to the chiefteness. After a cutscene where the chieftainess scolds Etteh for opening her mail, the chieftainess tells you either to tell Angelica to forget it or to take the painting to the Temple of Ugglepah yourself. I am not sure which to do, but being only lvl 57 Bard, I am inlined not to go to the temple at the moment.
I could have sworn there was someone who wanter her autograph. But I can't remember who. Doesn't show what quest this might be related to and I don't see it in my active quests...