Vana'diel Bestiary: Somn-Paemn  

Found in:Bastok Markets
Found at Location:H - 9
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Updated: Tue Feb 19 04:56:13 2008

Somn-Paemn Picture

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bastok is bomb!
# Apr 16 2007 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
i play on kujata server bastok is first place like 70% of the time yet they stil cant take control of sarutabaruta i wanted to do an expeditionary mission and try to take control of that area but still no luck in forming a party for that

# Jul 28 2006 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
what is the point of having this NPC when (no offense) Bastok SUCKS?!?!?!?!?
# Aug 19 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
It's not that Bastok sucks, it's just that the area he sells stuff from is right outside windurst, so you rarely get any other nation in control of it. The same reason the windy/sandy npc for gustaburg goods never have anything to sell you.
Reason for Pikko
# Sep 18 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
She mustve found out what marriage means! =P
# Feb 28 2005 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
omg! lol why is Pikko so pissed??!!?
# Oct 04 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
435 posts
She's pissed because she came all the way to Bastok only to find that he only sells stuff when Bastok has control of Sarutabaruta :P

To the best of my knowledge, on Sylph, this has only happened twice.
# Aug 23 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
bastok is almost always last. on my server (fenrir) i doubt that will ever happen
Don't count on this vendor
# Apr 06 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
214 posts
This NPC will only have items for sale when Sarutabaruta is under Bastokian control. Don't count on that happening often, if ever.
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