Vana'diel Bestiary: Byakko  

Found in:Ru'Aun Gardens
Spawned using:Autumnstone, Gem of the West
Secondary Job:Black Mage
Level:85 - 90
  • Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Based on Lightning
  • Weak against Fire
  • Weak against Light
Updated: Sun Nov 9 07:45:33 2008

Byakko Picture

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Byakko in Ru'Aun Gardens

    • This area of the gardens cannot be accessed normally like the platforms for Seiryu, Genbu, and Suzaku, but must require going through the Shrine of Ru'Avitau from the entrance beneath the stairs at the teleport pads that lead to the Genbu platform.

Byakko's ??? Location
Byakko's ??? Location

  • Spawned by trading a Gem of the West and an Autumnstone to the ???. This ??? will re-appear 15 minutes after Byakko is defeated or de-spawned.

  • When spawned, Byakko's melee attacks have an additional Light Damage effect to them. This effect cannot be dispelled by magic, but can be removed by hitting Byakko with the East Wind ranged weapon.

Byakko Special Attacks

  • Banishga III: AoE Light based magic damage. (Circle of effect originates from spell target)

  • Banish IV: Strong single target Light based magic damage.

  • Holy: Single target Light based magic damage.

  • Diaga III: AoE Light based DoT magic that decreases the targets' defense. (Circle of effect originates from spell target)

  • Dia III: Single target Light based DoT magic that decreases the target's defense.

  • Paralyga: AoE Paralysis magic. (Circle of effect originates from spell target)

  • Roar: AoE Paralysis effect (Circle of effect originates from mob).

  • Claw Cyclone: Frontal cone AoE physical damage.

  • Razor Fang: Single target critical hit physical damage.

  • Perfect Dodge: All melee attacks performed on Byakko will be evaded. Ranged attacks and magic can still affect him. Denoted by the mob 2hr animation.

Byakko in Shrine of Ru'Avitau

  • Significantly lower HP than the Byakko spawned in Ru'Aun Gardens.

  • Shares the entire ability set with the Byakko spawned in Ru'Aun Gardens.

  • Does not drop anything.

Historical Information

Bai Hu (Byakko in Japanese) is one of the four symbols of the Chinese Constellations, representing the "White Tiger of the West" and of the season of Autumn. The other three symbols being the "Azure Dragon of the East", the "Black Tortoise of the North", and the "Vermillion Bird of the South"

Each symbol corresponded to an element in the Five Element system, with Bai Hu corresponding to the element of metal.

  • In the Five Element system in China, there is a 5th legendary beast known as Huang Long, the Yellow Dragon of the Center. While there is no direct equivalent in Japanese, Huang Long is believed to be linked to the dragon Ouryu

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2010-08-09 04:24:05.

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New god skins
# Feb 02 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Was surfing the net and found this. http://www2.wbs.ne.jp/~muller/ff/ss1/kami/kami.htm
# Jan 23 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
win this guy easily with 14-15ppl.
1death in 6fight.
4pant drop but 0axe...
# Jan 23 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
win this guy easily with 14-15ppl.
1death in 6fight.
4pant drop but 0axe...
# Jan 23 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
win this guy with 14 ppl.
formation is like this

pld rng
byakko drk
pld whmx2+smn

blmx3 rdm brd whm

smn use aoe stoneskin, whm do blinkga.
banish4 and ga3 must stun. regular stun on ws.
pld blink off turn back to let the other pld know blink and stoneskin is gone. take turn voke and use ability.
6fight 6win. 1death.
4pant, 0axe. 3wood,1behe skin. and scrolls.
# Jan 16 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Weaknesses listed are wrong.

Byakko is very very strong to Light and very weak to Dark. Slightly weak to Fire. Very strong to Ice.
# Dec 25 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Default
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
serket was soloable b4, when AOE didnt remove shadows, now serket is unsoloable..

Somone needs to tell that to the RDM/NIN with an Enhancing Sword and Joyeuse that I saw solo him a couple days ago.

He was throwing up utsusemi way, way more often than seemed normal (I was actually going to call a GM, I was convinced he was using some sort of hack). I asked him about it later and he said that it was because he was wearing the AF hat and relic body to double up on fast cast improvements and self hasting. According to him the recast time on Utsusemi (and every other spell) is cut nearly in half this way and a 75 RDM/NIN is able to throw out utsusemu every 8 seconds or so.

Edited, Sat Dec 25 07:20:03 2004
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
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I thought of it first:

RE: um
# Jan 02 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
371 posts
Fast Cast does not reduce recast timers, it only decreases casttime on spells, and even then it's random as to how well it reduces the casttime. The only way to reduce recast time on a spell is to be Hasted prior to using it. This is how RDM/NIN can throw up Utsusemi faster than most. Also if you have "Haste"+#% items they reduce recast time as well. Otherwise Fast Cast has nothing to do with it.
RE: um
# Jan 05 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
243 posts
Umm... Fast Cast does, in fact, decrease recasting time. Take a spell like Blaze Spikes and cast it with BLM and RDM. There's a BIG difference between the casting and recasting time between a BLM and RDM.

If you think I'm full of it, read this thread: http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40109&highlight=fast+cast
Includes research from the greatest RDM across all worlds, Grendal (Apple Pie).

Also, Fast Cast is NOT random. Its a FIXED percent reduction in casting/re-casting time. I believe Fast Cast IV is something like 20% spell casting reduction. (5% for each level + Chapeau.)


Each level of Fast Cast = 5% (75RDM/NIN will have 25% reduction with chapeau and relic body.)
Haste recast reduction = 12%
Casting time of Utsusemi:Ichi = 3 seconds
Recasting time of Utsusemi:Ichi = 30 seconds
Casting time of Utsusemi:Ni = 1.5 seconds
Recasting time of Utsusemi:Ni = 45 seconds

Time to cast Ichi: (3 * 0.75) = 2.25 seconds
Time to recast Ichi: (30 * 0.63) = 18.9 seconds
Total time to cast/recast = 21.15 seconds

Time to cast Ni: (1.5 * 0.75) = 1.125 seconds
Time to recast Ni: (45 * 0.63) = 28.35 seconds
Total time to cast/recast = 29.475 seconds

If you’re casting those back to back, I’d say a RDM/NIN could average around the 8-10 seconds of recasting utsusemi.

Fun! ^^
new byakko
# Dec 16 2004 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Byakko is now striped like a raptor
Suzaku is now super cool (pheonix coloured)
Seiryu is blueish whiteish
Genbu sorta looks the same
Kirin is now a mix of orange and red >.< i wish i had pics
First attempt
# Dec 11 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
Its two-hour ability is Perfect Dodge, and it seems to use when it is low on life.

As said below, all the abilities a normal tiger mob would have, along with Perfect Dodge, Double Attack, and Triple Attack. However, gods seem to use two hours at random, not necessarily when low on life unless it hasnt already done so earlier.

I've heard this done two ways on my server:

Throw an army of about 4 ninjas on him, each at a different angle I assume. Have them count the blinks of the previous ninja in line, take turns, provoke as the last blink of the ninja before you absorbs attack. Continue in cycle as smoothly as possible to minimize damage recieved.

Throw two paladins on it, taking oposite sides, and include two or three summoners into the party. Same strategy as above, but with summoners or whm/summoners rotating blink-ga.

We did this with paladins yesterday, but at 50% life began taking deaths one after the other. Kicked PLDs from PT as died and subbed in replacement, with myself being last in line as ninja. When my turn came to be subbed in, our last PLD hit the dirt right as I engaged. I lasted about two minutes, but tanking it alone was impossible; we were defeated.

I've yet to fight Seiryu, but from what I hear this is the hardest god to defeat by far due to his fast attacks and high damage. As a NIN74 I was hit for 315~375 damage a swing, with an added elemental effect of 40~50. I dont know how much a critical would have caused, b/c he never landed one before I died.

If its your first time trying Byakko, bring ninjas, bring paladins, bring summoners... lots of tanks, you'll need them if anyone dies. Just have them sit outside of alliance and kick/add as deaths occur, and let a WHM outside alliance RaiseIII for them so that they can get back in line.

If you have other strategies for beating him, please tell, I want to try him again.^^;

EDIT: We saved stun for his magic, and used flash spells in marathon to try and lower the number of hits recieved.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 13:53:19 2004
# Nov 10 2004 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
These would be mobs much lower than Serket or Aquarius (both very solo-able...)

serket was soloable b4, when AOE didnt remove shadows, now serket is unsoloable...
RE: lol
# Jan 23 2005 at 2:48 AM Rating: Default
you get a rate down for being dumb. ninja can solo serket easily. Serket = pos
Serket solo
# Dec 11 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
serket was soloable b4, when AOE didnt remove shadows, now serket is unsoloable...
Actually as a NIN74 I fought him the past two days with a team of three. The only AOE that destroys copy image that he has used on me so far is Bind-ga, and -ga magic was like that long before the patch changed Utsusemi. Earthpounder is still blinkable, but now occasionally removes two blinks instead of one. Venom Storm has no effect on Utsusemi, nor is it blocked, but does zero damage aside from inflicting poison. Serket is definately still soloable with proper preparation. If you keep him blinded, he misses ninjas with high evasion much more than he actually lands hits.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 13:34:09 2004
RE: lol
# Dec 09 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
SErket is still easy to solo for a Thf, Nin or Rdm/Nin
RE: lol
# Dec 04 2004 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Wrong. Serket was soloed by a 75thf on my server a week ago or so. It took him about 1.5 hours.
# Nov 05 2004 at 4:47 AM Rating: Excellent
235 posts
Uses Light-based magic. Spells include Diaga III, Banishga III, Banish IV, and Holy. Has the weakest magic of the four godbeasts, but high physical attack power. Hits fast and triple attacks fairly often. Uses the following TP attacks:

Razor Fang (single-target massive damage, blinkable)
Claw Cyclone (straight-line damage from front of beast)
Roar (Paralyzga)

Its two-hour ability is Perfect Dodge, and it seems to use when it is low on life.
sharing a story bout the 4 Sky gods
# Oct 21 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Default
well i was watching this anime movie call Mysterious Play which my sister really likes to watch and Suzaku(Phoenix) is south Seiryu is east (dragon) i dont remember but i think Genbu is the west (turtle) and Byakko(tiger) is the north and this is base on Japanese Gods as well i think.... cuz i saw these names wen i played Onimusha lol these 4 sky gods came from Japan i think
RE: sharing a story bout the 4 Sky gods
# Oct 25 2004 at 1:42 AM Rating: Good
Well, Those gods are from China, not from Japan
RE: sharing a story bout the 4 Sky gods
# Jan 22 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
No, they're from Japan. The idea of four animals in a south/west/east/north pattern is quite common further their names are written using a Japanese pattern.

I was going to write their names out in hiragana for you but the system won't let me use it or kanji.

Edited, Sat Jan 22 12:53:02 2005
RE: sharing a story bout the 4 Sky gods
# Jun 09 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
Well, the ancient Chinese always associated the four gods with each of the four seasons; each god with their own traits and significance to life on earth. These four gods were particularly held in higher esteem than most other gods. Also, they were different in the sense that they were beast gods, as opposed to human deities.

In Chinese astrology, these four mythical animals are in fact rulers of 'kingdoms' in the skies. The sky is divided into four specific regions, and each of these four gods is set on a cardinal point, on each of the four directions - north, south, east and west. Each of the four regions has their own set of seven constellations. Which is why there are 28 constellations observed in ancient Chinese astrology.

The Turtle

Colour: Black
Cardinal Point/Direction: North
Season: Winter
Planet: Mercury
Element: Water
Chinese Name: Xuan Wu
Japanese Name: Genbu

The Phoenix

Colour: Red
Cardinal Point/Direction: South
Season: Summer
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Chinese Name: Feng-huang
Japanese Name: Suzaku

The Dragon

Colour: Green
Cardinal Point/Direction: East
Season: Spring
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Wood
Chinese Name: Long-wang
Japanese Name: Seiryuu

The Tiger

Colour: White
Cardinal Point/Direction: West
Season: Autumn
Planet: Venus
Element: Metal
Chinese Name: Bai Hu
Japanese Name: Byakko
RE: sharing a story bout the 4 Sky gods
# Jul 06 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
The Dragon

Colour: Green
Cardinal Point/Direction: East
Season: Spring
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Wood
Chinese Name: Long-wang
Japanese Name: Seiryuu

anyone else notice the chinese name here?
# Oct 19 2004 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Lol congratulations Ritan.. I look forward to getting to fight this soon (I've been missing all the God fights, still only fought Genbu; ;)
# Oct 17 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
This NM is hella hard... you know why? Cause getting there with an alliance, people will ***** up and die along the way, and cause others to die and everyone will die in shrine just to get to this island. The NM itself isn't that hard, but again, you need the right PT setup. I pretty much agree with RitanX on this one. Hardest fight in the game so far for me would be the AA BCNM (alliance version). That's one hell of a fight. I think I died 3 times during the fight and ate 3 raise 1s ><;;
RE: tiger
# Jun 15 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
This NM is hella hard... you know why? Cause getting there with an alliance, people will ***** up and die along the way, and cause others to die and everyone will die in shrine just to get to this island. The NM itself isn't that hard, but again, you need the right PT setup. I pretty much agree with RitanX on this one. Hardest fight in the game so far for me would be the AA BCNM (alliance version). That's one hell of a fight. I think I died 3 times during the fight and ate 3 raise 1s ><;;

1. This NM is hella hard, if this is your first time fighting it EVER... Otherwise he is more than manageable. If you are going with an experienced LS, and you are new to gods, don't panic too much. No one person can easily ***** this fight up, and a well balanced alliance can take him down in 5 minutes CONSISTENTLY with zero deaths. RNG, if you are below 73, expect to miss OFTEN, at 71 I was literally only around 50% accurate even with full R. Acc gear, Squid sushi, and the Bard stacking double prelude on me >.>
I actually had better accuracy on Kirin than I did Byakko at 71 :P

As far as people dying just getting to the island, if your alliance of 70+ players can't keep sneak on through the shrine , maybe they bought their account >.> (Sure even the best of us make mistakes, but it shouldn't be common)

For the most part as a RNG you will find yourself off to the side shooting, stepping up a bit for Slugshot/Sidewinder. One peice of advice that seems obvious but I often forget... BE SURE to have fresh shadows up, and maybe even have your recast timer ready before using a weaponskill. If Byakko gets one of his WS in on you with shadows down, it will be instant death. (last time we fought him he hit me with Razor Fang (I think..?) for about 1200 damage right after ripping through my shadows)

Edited, Wed Jun 15 22:39:02 2005
# Oct 15 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Wow I really really suprised at this battle. Most of the people with us said Byakko was the hardest god(except Kirin) and ALWAYS caused tons of trouble. But he really wasnt to hard at all. Note his doe hit VERY HARD and VERY FAST, he cast Banishaga III and Banish IV, and does the normal Tiger AoE attack(Claw Cyclone). Really your best bet is TP up your melees pre battle w/Spirits within or any other wepon skills, just make sure all melees and tanks are at 300% TP. Have all darks stun banishaga and make sure your tank part has multiple ppl subbing smn( for aerial armor) we took him with 18 people and only 2 deaths( lol me and the main tank). Really wasnt as hard as I expected, just watch out claw cyclone and his other stupied tiger attacks,(I got killed by one of them). It took us about 20 or so minutes to kill him. Note: You CANNOT kite Byakko^^
# Oct 09 2004 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
just beat him, we had 26 people subbing in and out. stun, spirits, and good tanks. bout all the strat you need.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 05 2004 at 1:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HE IS INPOSSIBLE.....Plz ANy Strats on Killing Him Share PLz God Share Umm
Tough SOB
# Sep 22 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Of all the HNM's in Sky, this is probaly the toughest one. His double and triple attack eats through Utsemumi and paladins get hit hard. You can't "kite" it like Genbu cuz Byakko is quick. Honestly to beat this HNM you need 2 good ninja's with no lag and a backup pld with mages healing pld at all times.
# Sep 18 2004 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
981 posts
The "H" is for Honored.

Honored Notorious Monster.
RE: Umm
# Oct 08 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
isnt it High Notorious Monster? as in High level
RE: Umm
# Sep 24 2004 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Honored, eh? o.0 Why do they call it Hyper Notorious Monster Link Shell then? Hard....NM

It's Hyper Notorious Monster. I wouldnt exactly call AQ "Honored" it's just a Crab in a Tree.
May sound like a noob but..
# Jul 26 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
I hate to ask...But what does HNM mean? I knoe NM means Notorious Monster and BCNM is BUrning Circle Notorious Monster....so what does HNM mean??
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Sep 26 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
194 posts
Unfortunately, in the end, HNM still means Hyper Notorious Monster...
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Aug 06 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
i thought it meant huge notorious monster >< maybe im' just stupid lol but that's what people tell me it means
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Jul 30 2004 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Hyper Notorious Monster
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Aug 09 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,389 posts
Those are all good guesses, but it just stands for Hard.

It's hard because it can't be solo'd. There are a few HNM that actually can be... but it's not usually done.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Sep 21 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
Solo'd HNM's? Yeah I saw that. A SMN taking on Aquarius with -just- Carbuncle. At the rate he was going, would've taken him a few hours of running around in a circle with Carby doing 5-10 pts a hit. Fun to watch.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Oct 17 2004 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
Aquarius is not an HNM. Takes a summoner 6 hours to solo it, but Carbuncle is free if you have the right gear... so it doesn't really matter.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Aug 11 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
sorry man but the H in HNM means hyper :P
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Nov 11 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
50 posts
I'd say it's "hell" nm :)
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Aug 15 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
i am leaning with Hard because thats all i hear and i am in a HardNM ls (68whm/smn) and this is first i have ever heard H refrenced as hyper
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Aug 17 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,324 posts
High ...

High because it's level is above the current level cap of 75. There were HMN's when the level cap was 50 that get slapped around daily now by any and everyone. These would be mobs much lower than Serket or Aquarius (both very solo-able...)
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Aug 24 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
ok, SE didn't implement the abbreviation HNM, players did. So make of it what you will, it was originally "Hard" Notorious Monster, as seen on the japanese sites. Many american sites have defined it as High, Hyper, and a few others that sound even more rediculous. Stick with what you know, but in the end it all means the same, a rediculously hard NM. now shush about what the H stands for.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Sep 01 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
Actually, I thought it meant Hell NM, but I guess not.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Sep 24 2004 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
I had always heard HNM was Huge Notorious Monster... ya know...cause most of them are freakin huge!
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Sep 24 2004 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
nope everyone ive come in contact with call them Hard notorious monsters
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Oct 01 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
lol on Bismark it's Hardcore NM
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Oct 11 2004 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
The H is for hotdog
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Oct 15 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
alls i've heard is honoprable nm so im guessin that but i dunno
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Oct 20 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Default
63 posts
almost off the screen.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Nov 24 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
171 posts
Just push a little further..
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Dec 01 2004 at 3:32 AM Rating: Default
495 posts
Oh no!! Message... dissapearing!
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Dec 23 2004 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
omg this is small >_>
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Dec 31 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
lmao! This is why I love the internet
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Jan 06 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Default
can it
get any
all HNM's
can draw
you in.
easy way
to tell.
as for
what the
H means
it dont
does it?
its a
hard ***
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Jan 11 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
Lol this is so cool, maybe it might run off screen
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Jan 25 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
75 posts
So we got Hyper, Huge, Hardcore, Hard, Hotdog, Honorable, etc.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its a Humid NM.. except the ones in the desert, and high places.. unless it's raining.

...I like swords. (Yeah just trying to keep this thread going off the edge of the world =P)
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Jan 31 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
586 posts
This subject came up in my LS today. One guy said it stands for "horny" but was just kidding. It seems most people on alexander call it hyper notorious monster, but i think it probably is hard NM instead. There are some dummies on alexander. (i'm not saying any names so please don't flame)

It's an interesting thought, that all HNMs can draw you in. I've heard of a HNM cockatrice in meriphataud that can do it, and know that the ram HNM in la theine can as well.

Side note: When i loaded this page, the posts didn't squish down to size like normal. I think it has to do with this topic going out so far. I tried to resist the urge to continue this silliness, but dammit.... conformity strikes again XD
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Feb 02 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
171 posts
i wanna see how far this pushes out >.>
anyways, i've heard high, hard, honorific (meaning it gives you a title), hyper,huge, etc. i just dont care anymore what the H stands for, they're just fun. so i'm going to say HNM stands for "Hella-fun" Notorious Monster

Edited, Wed Feb 2 14:32:26 2005
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Feb 16 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
4,324 posts
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Feb 19 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
huggable notorious monster
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Feb 28 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default

RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Mar 28 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,230 posts
High makes the most sense out of all the options. Yes, most are huge, but we all know size doesn't matter...

Unless you're referring to their stats, as in STR, HP, DEF, etc...

Which would make "High" (as in, higher than the level cap) be quite reasonable.

*shrinks thread*
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Mar 28 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,230 posts
Did I mention I want the Dryadic Abjurations and the Haidate of this kitten so my Samurai can pwn someday? Ok, just thought I'd add that for posterity.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Aug 06 2006 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
I'd kinda like the haidate too.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Sep 26 2006 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
A guy I know quit a ls because nobody agreed with him that it was HyperNM

lol, keep it off the browser!
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Oct 06 2006 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,230 posts

High NM it is:

In addition, a new type of high notorious monster (HNM) will be added to the beastman strongholds.
RE: May sound like a noob but..
# Mar 17 2007 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,991 posts
so your the ones who broke my page!
# Jul 14 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
isnt there a set of armor related to the 4 saint beast thingys? i saw a 75 bard in jeuno yesterday wearing pieces of gear as follows:
Kirins Osode,Byakkos Haidate,cant remember the others,but you know....etc.
# Jul 12 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Default
esterday i was just running around in bastok on Fenrir server and i see a tiny taru like me with really dark armor, so i check him . . .


i almost died, not because it was cool equip, but because it was a taru ^^ TARU ROCK AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT MUAAAHAHAAHHAa!
unlock Kirin?
# May 29 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
Dont you need this guys seal to unlock Kirin?
RE: unlock Kirin?
# Jun 22 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Default
kirin wuts that?
RE: unlock Kirin?
# Jul 06 2004 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
kirin is in my opinion the hardest NM in the game. he's a notorious manticore who's some ungodly level and it takes several alliances to kill him.
RE: unlock Kirin?
# May 29 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,145 posts
Correct. Along with the seals of the rest of the four gods, Suzaku, Genbu, and Seiryu.

Edited, Sat May 29 17:38:10 2004
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