Vana'diel Bestiary: Altedour I Tavnazia  

Found in:Fei'Yin
Found at Location:G - 8
Job:Black Mage
  • Quest Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Linking
  • Detects by Sound
  • Detects by Low HP
  • Based on Dark
  • Weak against Fire
  • Weak against Light
  • Strong against Darkness
Involved in Quests:
Updated: Sun Aug 7 09:42:18 2011

Altedour I Tavnazia Picture

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{Too Weak}!
# Oct 17 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
I just got my af3 completed on Thursday. Our setup included the following:

PLD 75
PLD 70
DRK 75
MNK 58
WHM 59
WHM 53
WHM 56
THF 62
BLM 58
THF 51
DRG 53
RDM 75
and a few others in that level range. We killed him very easily. 1 person died each time, because of mistakes, but other than that it went very smoothly. o.< I think a high level tank, plenty of healing, and a good mix of DD can take this guy out quick. Have fun. :P
tight looking
# Oct 11 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
450 posts
heh he looks tight.. but i would never fight him >.< hed probly own me while im frozen looking at his fighting style. most elvaans look cool with any job maleeing.
Need Paladin!
# Oct 09 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
I setup an alliance recently to give this bad boy a try, and of course we failed the first time around. The dimensional death spams were too much to handle.

Anyways, i got a new bell, and i'm preparing to go back to this NM for my AF3.

I was wandering if there was any Paladins on the KUJATA server who would be nice enuff to accompany me and my alliance on this battle. I am lookin for a level 60 or higher PLD.

We have 4 WHMs, 1 BLM, 2 BRDs, 2 DRKs, 2 MNKs, 1 RDM, 1 SAM/WAR, and 1 RNG. Levels ranging from 55-75.

I would like to do this asap, but without a good PLD it's gonna be hard. If you would like to help me and my alliance please contact me either on here, or at my LS's website on our forums, or just /tell me on KUJATA. My WHM's name is Rend of course ^ ^

Thanks for your time.
This dude is named after the city in the new areas in CoP
# Sep 28 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
The name check the name out! Very strange indeed!
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 07 2004 at 3:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ******... You must not know the story, Tavnazia was a big city that was almost completly leveled by the Beastmen's special weapon. The reason that's his name is because "Altedour I Tavnazia" means "Altedour FROM Tavnazia" in a different language. This dude was created before the expansion pack... Looooooong before... So ya, get your facts straight before saying stupid things like "That's strange, this dude is named after some new place!"
RE: This dude is named after the city in the new areas in Co
# Oct 14 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
167 posts
I'm going to have to disagree with you on that.

Tavnazia is probably his name. There are other Shadow mobs that have a letter between their names, and none of them have the letter "I".

Is it so strange that his name is the same as the name of the city? The city was probably named after its founder, and he's probably of the same family.
RE: This dude is named after the city in the new areas in Co
# Dec 24 2004 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
actually if pay attention to the story line he is the leader of tavnasia who was betrayed by the other countries when they sent the beatsmen after tavnasia so that they could kill the shadow lord well needless to say tavnasias defenses fell and altedour fled to eldieme necropolis where he was caught by the beastmen and killed. there the tavnasians souls have not crossed over and rome the area seeking revenge on the adventures that they come across. altedour is the leader of all of the tavnasian undeads ^_^ and there is your history lesson for the day *bows*
RE: This dude is named after the city in the new areas in Co
# Nov 07 2004 at 3:28 AM Rating: Excellent
I think the "I" is short for "the first"... Altedour the First of Tavnazia. He is referred to several times during this quest as a Marquis, a royal title that is more than likely a sign of family/title succession. Just a thought ^^
second af3 fight ^^
# Sep 27 2004 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
273 posts
I just beat this with a full alliance 5 minutes ago twice for 2 whm's. This party consisted of members from lvs 56-74 with a whole lot of mages I ended the first fight with a Skewer for 543 damage at 300 % tp. (due to the fact we saved our ws tell very end so he wouldnt spam dimensional death spam). This was my second af3 fight, first one was my own for drg :oP. I will try and have some pictures tomorrow to show everyone thank you ^^
Uh oh!
# Sep 11 2004 at 5:26 AM Rating: Default
16 posts
I'm a 51 WHM and i just got the Bell after 2 hours of camping the stalkers... >.<'

This battle looks pretty nasty... it's gonna be hard to find that much help! Anyone on Kujata got time to kill? Send Dendae a tell! otherwise.. cross your fingers for me!

i'll let you know how it goes.
easy as a lvl 75 party.
# Sep 10 2004 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
This one wasent hard at all I asked my linkshell to help(linkshell=Friendslist) 58Whm(me),
75 Pld, 75 DRk, 75 RNG, 75 Whm and another 75 Rng beat this evil guy in less then 30 seconds Pretty easy have both the RNGs use Barrage sharp shot and there 2 hours Pld uses 2 hour and Provoke= massive hate then well by this time he sould be dead if not just keep hitting away whms Cure and buff. Done very easy u can do this with just 3 or 4 Rngs. lol The only reason I asked so many Friends well once i asked for help everyone offerd there help and lots of these posts say this is very hard!

Edited, Sat Sep 11 19:32:26 2004
# Sep 07 2004 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
lvl 75drk/nin has soloed this on my server. He says as a lvl 69nin/war i can solo this nm. Problem with ppl who do this nm fight is they bring TOO MANY PPL. Just gives the mob tp so he can spam dimensional death. There's your problem. If you have less ppl to attack it then there is less tp gained and less spamming of dimensional death. Actually no spamming.
# Aug 15 2004 at 3:34 AM Rating: Excellent
500 posts
When he dies, he has diologue. He says:

"It is finally over... ahh!
I can... I can see... Tavnazia!
The land of wind... and light.
My... my home..."

...kind of made me feel sad about killing him...
RE: diologue
# Oct 08 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
235 posts
He's a ghost, he was already dead. You shouldn't really feel bad :P He led a tortured existance as was, you should feel good to set him free of that.
# Aug 05 2004 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
I've killed this badboy 4 times for 4 WHMs in 2 complete alliances. He is not hard if the alliance plans it out before the fight.

First off, I HIGHLY recommend getting a lvl 70+ PLD to tank this thing. My first alliance had a lvl 72 NIN tank and he died both fights we had to do for our WHMs (Reraise 2 + Raise 2 is a must if you have a NIN tank or an alliance below 12 people and lower than lvl 60). This guy will spam Dimentional Death as some have previously mentioned. I almost died in less than 5 seconds (lvl 61 THF/NIN at the time), going from 1000+ HP to red, because I was Trick Buddy for a higher lvl THF after our NIN died. The second alliance I had, the WHMs hired a lvl 75 JP PLD to tank. This time, no deaths occured and the PLD didn't go down below 500 HP and kept hate almost the whole time.

Here's what I recommend you do for this fight. Build up TP so a THF can Trick onto the main tank. Try to have 1 healer in each party of the alliance. Have each healer focus on the main tank but also watch the HP of other damage dealers. From here on, have enough MP to keep the tank alive while the damage dealers hack away at his HP. He has quite a bit of HP but it shouldn't take longer than 3 minutes to kill him with the right alliance setup. Watch for his DD because HP goes down VERY fast if not careful.

Good luck to all you WHMs. Oh yeah, I believe if the alliance is doing multiple AFs for WHMs, the WHMs going after the first one will have to zone or wait a while before you can fight him again. At least that was what we had to do all 4 times.
# Jul 18 2004 at 3:29 AM Rating: Default
This fight is easy as long as you arent an idiot... period, end of story. Most, and probobly all AF3 fights are, provided you gave a brain.
RE: wuss
# Sep 01 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
Your skills in grammar, typing, and explanation leave me speechless with awe. You are undoubtedly the wisest, most reverent poster to these forums.

Actually, you sound like a dumbass. "This fight is easy as long as you aren't an idiot." That's good; real good. Just because YOU'VE succeeded in this battle with the help of more experienced players doesn't make you God. I, for one, am quite apprehensive about this battle. I'm told Altedour I Tavnazia has an area attack that can do 50-1000 damage.

Please, please don't post simply to boost your ego.
RE: wuss
# Jul 24 2004 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
lol, definatly right. XD
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 21 2004 at 6:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) thats so fuc*in tru
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 21 2004 at 6:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Amen brother amen
This guy is no joke
# Jun 18 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Well i know i hate these posts but Just be forewarned when i went i was going to go with a party of 58 pld 60 pld 61 nin 61 rdm 60 sam 58 thief 59 thief 75 monk 58 bst 60 drk and luckily when we went some lvl 70+ that i knew were fighting capricious cassie ( well waiting for hte spawn and offered to help) The lvl 70+ party was 75 blm 75 rdm 73 whm 75 blm

It wasnt a real problem but hte 75 monk grabbed hate and almost went down and I a 58 whitemage threw all my mp solely into the monk (if they 75s wouldnt have came we were goign to trick onto the 61 ninja and have the pld use cover on the monk and it may have went well) but i believe the 3 taru whm sharing healing duty is possibly low if you dont have enough damage dealers.

Re: This guy is a joke
# Jun 04 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
264 posts
I'm very interested in your strategy, and I can see it working perfectly for damage control. Here's my question though... if nukes don't hurt the thing, how are you doing damage if it's running around the room chasing the tank the whole time?

You mentioned THFs, MNKs, and DRKs, so I can only assume they're taking swings at the mob as he runs by. I don't see how a THF would land SA in this situation.
This guy is a joke
# Jun 04 2004 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
21 posts
We fought this guy with 16 ppl just because I read on here thet it was so hard. Truthfully if you have the brains to outsmart him he is a big sissy.
All you have to do once the tank has hate is run around the room. The whole time hes following he cant use WS, and Dimentional Death only happens once in a while. We faught him twice and could have easily done it with 6-8 ppl.

Recommended PT set up: 55-60 lvl 60 tank perferably.
2 whm, 2 mnk, 2 thf, drk, pld no blm cuz frankly your magic is useless against him. Freeze took 13 dmg :) Oh by the way bring refresh drinks if ya got no rdm. Melon will do fine!
Hope this helps Good luck!

Edited, Fri Jun 4 07:48:04 2004
RE: This guy is a joke
# Jun 15 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
^^; Freeze did 13 damage eh? Maybe he should've tried fire magic instead of MP-sucking ancient magic, and ice element ancient magic at that.... I had no problem nuking on this guy; as most of the people here mentioned the big problem is keeping hate on the tank. Dimensional Death on a RNG or DRK can often KO them in one hit...
riot and a half
# Apr 22 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
2,148 posts
This battle is a riot and a half. I got to do it 8 times in a row and about a dozen people died. Our (full) alliance was 60+ melee with a lv75 paly tank and 8 white mages. Melee all went out and got 300 tp and unloaded at start of battle (before paly had built up hate..). I'm not sure if a tank CAN controle hate in this fight, our paly used invincible the first time and the nm STILL killed off a few drk's and sams. After that we had a lv71 thf sneak/trick shark bite onto the paly and melee waited a few vokes before unloading their 300 tp. Didn't work, another dead drk. Rinse repeat, 8 times. I ended up making a row cureIV macro's with the drk's and sam's names hardcoded in them after the third fight.
#REDACTED, Posted: May 30 2004 at 2:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow. That's so sad.
RE: riot and a half
# May 15 2004 at 3:05 AM Rating: Excellent
726 posts
It makes me wonder if these NMs have slightly different AI to other monsters. Marchelute also lost interest in the PLD even with invincible on.
RE: riot and a half
# Sep 13 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, Marchelute also ignored my Benediction (which is just weird)! This is a very good point Rigsta!

Cheers ^^

43 WHM / 21 BLM
Windurstian of the 4th Rank
a little info
# Apr 22 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
57 posts
Spawns by trading a Tavnazian bell to the ??? in the J-10 area of Fei'yin.

First off, this sucker hits HARD. He constantly spams Dimensional Death (hit me for about 350-400 each at lvl 55 paladin)

My strong recommendation for a safe trip is an alliance at 58-60.

HOWEVER, it is possible (just very difficult) to take it out with an alliance of 55's if your main tank is at least 60.

here's how it worked: White mages (need 3 at least) spam cure III on the main tank. If you let up for even a second, he'll get overwhelmed by DD.

main tank let loose with everything you have to keep aggro, have a thf sneak/trick it onto you if you can, you'll need all the help you can get. Full AF paladin REALLY helps here due to all the +enmity. Blinktanking would be nice, absorbing DD's, but there's no way a ninja could keep hate in this battle, you need to do too much damage to kill the sucker.

Everyone else, kill it as fast as possible. The longer it stays alive, the more chance the mages will run out of mp. Aggro control is gonna be REALLY tough, because your mages are going to be spamming cures so much, so in my personal opinion damage > hate control

If you do go in with an alliance at 55, prepare to die, we had one melee and our mages standing at the end, everyone else was the victim of dimensional death spam.

He drops the rare/ex head armor "Tavnazian mask" that is used in the whm AF3 quest.
RE: a little info
# Apr 27 2004 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
Ya, When I went for WHM AF3, We did the exact same thing as you did, a lot of us died mostly the mages due to poor tanking... not the tanks fault because it is hard to control agro :/.. but it's the only somewhat affective way most people (including myself) could find to try and beat it.
# Apr 21 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,033 posts
I was in Fei-Yin the other day trying to finish teleport-vahzl quest and saw a /anon party of JP in AF armor kill this without much problem.

No other info =(
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