Vana'diel Bestiary: Orctrap  

Found in:Carpenters' Landing
Level:38 - 40
  • Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Not Linking
  • Based on Wind
  • Weak against Fire
  • Strong against Light
Involved in Quests:
Updated: Wed Mar 20 19:29:27 2013

Orctrap Picture

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General Information

    • Respawn time is approximately one to three hours, but sometimes can extend to up to six hours after its last Time of Death.

  • Susceptible to all enfeebles.

Orctrap's Special Attacks

  • Soporific- AoE Sleep Effect (Circle of effect originates from mob).

  • Palsy Pollen - Frontal cone AoE Paralysis effect.

  • Gloesuccus - Single target Slow effect.

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2010-02-22 23:47:10.

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Yea dude
# May 25 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
u guys are just dumb i guess cause i just killed orctrap hes not that hard at lvl 60 got nothing but imas keep trying till i get it cause i need SH ASAP

PS: dont be cool with killing it straight up slaughter it faster u kill higher drop rate is :)
easy solo @46THF/20BST
# May 20 2006 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
just wanted to say its entirely possible for a THF to kill this NM as early as lv 46 if you have good evasion, even without /nin. Just make sure you have plenty of bloody and sleep bolts. Sleep him when your SA timer is up, and go behind him and SA him every chance you get. Spam bloodies when your health gets low. He misses all the time, and when he does hit, its only for 30-40 or so. I used about 10 sleep bolts and 18 bloodies during the fight.

Anyway i'm 0/1 now

Edited, Sat May 20 18:58:39 2006
RE: easy solo @46THF/20BST
# May 24 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I do the Sleep method occasionally when I'm running low on BBs but to reply to the first post, this guy is pretty, the only time he gets me nervous is when I'm paralyzed, I'm a 51THF/14RNG, killed him 20+ times, got the katana for 5 friends and sold the one I got for myself for a mithran scimitar. still has yet to drop the Hoju belt though:(
RE: easy solo @46THF/20BST
# May 24 2006 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,105 posts
Good to see other thieves appreciate this great method of playing. I use thf/rng and with sharpshot those bloody bolts really count. I was also wondering if anybody else used the sleep bolts/sneak attack method. Rate up!

So is this thing worth camping? I kinda would like that for my nin, but it's like 700k at ah on Asura.
25% drop rate
# May 15 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
I've killed this NM 58 times. (I was saving for a SH before christmas. The Katana was 1-2 million at the time...down to 500k-600k now) In that run I managed to get 14 katana drops, 2 belt drops. That works out to about 25% drop rate with TH2. Of course that percentage includes a test I ran on CHR gear. I don't know if non thf/thf users drop rates are affected by CHR, but thf/thf definitely are! Out of 22 kills I managed 8 drops!! That was with just adding a light staff macroed in for the kill, and 2 chr rings adding +3 chr each. Also of note, my best drop rates came during the over-halfway-to-full waxing moon phase.

Indeed the PH information is correct. Patience is a virtue. Spawn time is generally 1-1.5 hours, though OT likes to occasionally skip spawns resulting in the 3-4 hour fiasco.

To make better use of my time I fished for dark bass and then giant catfish while I camped, which took my fishing skill up over 30 from around 18.

Hope this information helps somebody out ^^
Happy Hunting!

# May 14 2006 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
can anybody pls tell me the pos of where it pops?
drop finally
# May 06 2006 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
i finally got the drop off this stingy bugger today. im like 1/40 on it. goes for bout 600k on my server.
i've always wanted to ask this...
# May 09 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
if "noobs" are always slaughtering the zone, and all the kewl kids are widescanning the PH... how the hell does even having th PH information help? there would never be anything on wide scan... the first thing i do when i see an asshat just standing widescanning everything and killing nothing is train everything, thundaga3, repeat. i suggest the other kids that are lame like me start using these tactics instead of thinking you have no chance of claiming something. just a tip, and it's one that works.
i've always wanted to ask this...
# Jul 11 2006 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
Theres also the people that don't think lvl'ing blm to 75 is a mandatory quest for FFXI and don't feel like killing everything in zone. I know i'm usually the only one camping this when i do, and its nice to be able to kill something, go afk for 5 minutes come back and repeat.

Plus, if they kill place holder, and you kill everything else, doesn't it just make it easier to spot placeholer? It will be the ONLY thing on widescan, depending on how big your widescan is.
# Apr 17 2006 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
Annoyin im sure your liying heres why, my thf/rng is 6/10 soooo ya lol.
# Apr 13 2006 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
338 posts
the PH info is correct. I hate this NM. Camping as a 69thf/9rng i went 0/8 today bring my total to 0/17. 3 flytrap leaves 0 belts 0 katanas. This NM just plain out SUX!
# Mar 30 2006 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Finally... after 13 fights.. he drops ^^

Fight was easy, to be sure not to die I took out my NPC, Pimy.

The Fight went smooth, it never did the Para ability. When it had 2%left it used the sleep so Pimy got asleep, I use Fast Blade and dead... I shut my eys and I get, 14 exp and NIKKARIOE :D:D Finally I have enuff to buy my Armor... :D
# Mar 18 2006 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
ZanetheDarkKnight wrote:

Sabertooth Tiger
Birdtrap (PH - Orctrap will appear here)
Thunder Elemental (during thunder weather)
Spinous Pugil
Spinous Pugil
Spinous Pugil
Spinous Pugil
Chuaie (NPC)
Anguent (NPC)
Lourdaude (NPC)
Cofisephe (NPC)

The Bird trap under the Thunder Elemental is a beetle not a bird trap other then that thiat is the correct ph info ... thouh it may vary ...
My Fav NM hates me -.-
# Mar 18 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
Ive killed it 5times... 0/5 >.< First time it almost killed me, rest it was like a Huge Hornet. But to be on the safe side I always call my NPC :P Hes rly easy until he uses hes anooying paralyze... 48+ blink or RDM could take him down. Im 50 PLD with 11RNG sub lol. I always use cure when yellow hp...

And the PH info is great!
Drop rate
# Mar 14 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
I belive this NM hates me. Have claimed like 6 times, and out of those 6 times it dropped one flytrap. **** NM!

Info on my experiences
# Mar 14 2006 at 12:59 AM Rating: Good
Over the last 4 days i have been camping this guy whenever i am bored and have gone 1/9 on the katana and 2/9 on the belt. Without TH

I found his average spawn time was 1:15 - 1:25

The widescan information is correct.

FYI on the phoenix the katana is 700k and the belt was 150k
Killed it
# Mar 12 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
I was camping it cuz I need money, but what I didnt know it should beat my @$$...

It was to Gilsellers there, they was in a pt but they didnt have RNG sub. One was WHM/RDM or/BLM and the other one was PLD/WAR. I went there as PLD50/RNG11. Then he pops almost behind the WHM. She dosent see it I flash and got him. The battle was tough, Im farming for new eq now so I dont have good >.< Half in the battle I had to 2hr -.- I killed him with Fast Blade and had 92hp left o.o No Katana but a 200k Belt is nice! :D
Yup, easy gil.
# Mar 11 2006 at 3:35 AM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
The info on the placeholder is 100% correct. I was camping this little guy today as a 54drk/7rng and got claim twice. The first time nothing dropped. The second time, about 2 hours later, I picked up a Nikkariaoe. Since my Nin is way too low to use it went to the AH. Currently going for 600k on Alexander.

One useful bit I can add is that the respawn time between placeholders is 2 hours 12 min game time, so pay attention to the clock when you kill one.

Also it was a little over 2 hours between NM spawns.

Edited, Sat Mar 11 02:41:13 2006
# Feb 20 2006 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
>.> The post about the /rng widescan technique is perfect! Thank you for that :D

I got to Carpenters landing and there were two others, but obviously didnt know about ph as they were just killing random traps. I killed the ph for about 20mins and got orctrap. I was War49/rng1 and called my npc out to help, also used meat jerky and a pear au lait for good measure >.>

I beat its *** down and am now 1/1 Thank you so much for that great post! Thats 1 million less i have to spend on ninja now ^^
Stupid lucky
# Jan 28 2006 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
1st time I killed this NM I was just messing arround going to carpenter's landing to try and get gargoyle boots. Spur of the moment decision. So I get there, and kill some traps while waiting for the boat, and he spawns behind the WHM there camping it and I claim, and it drops! Sell for 3 MILLION!

Today I go there to do the tea with a tonberry quest to make up some space (stupid gensing and ingot) and i decide to kill some traps while i wait. So it spawns agian, and it drops agian!!

2/2 on Nikkariaoe.
20 mins
# Jan 28 2006 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
I just wanna say we all have our bad luck. And we all have the good stuff too tho. I had camped this only 1 time before and i fell asleep healing as THF61/RNG1 and woke up dead. Damn Tigers aggroed me resting. So earlier today i was bored and decided to go for round 2. Well I show up and realized i forgot my RA. SO determined to claim w/ steal as THF/RNG again i proceed. 20 mins and 3 PH kills later he pops right in front of me. I flee up and **** my steal macro, so i had to claim with a regular attack. The fight started bad and i thought i was gonna die. A few Dancing Edges later he dies. I close my eyes and hope i can finally get a decent drop off an NM. Sure enought, I went 1/1 on this SOB. Call it what u willl, i say i was long due for some money. Just thought i'd share my good fortune w/ every1. Keep it up.

Edited, Sat Jan 28 02:26:34 2006
# Dec 29 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
before the update

he usually spawned around sunset for me,
and i've got the drop everytime the moon was
full. 4/9ish
Here is the Deal
# Dec 25 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
This guy pops every 1.15-1.30 hours now "place holder" for widescan is like they said above, "second to last". while i wait all i do is kill those flytraps that are 2nd to last on the list unless they are in the eastern section. Dont even bother going that way towards the Barg. He pops anywhre from the rocks infront of the tunnel to the corridor, to I-10 area. This guy is easy but the drop is Nearly impossible. Thanks god he is a easy nm and pops so soon. Well have fun hunting and GL
A different PH on my Widescan
# Dec 05 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
My cousin is on a different sever then me, but he told me about this NM during Thanksgiving. So After finishing lvling NIN in dunes, I changed back to my drk and got Power Sandles then headed to Landing last night. I checked here remembering seeing an order of the mobs on Widescan. I came as a 60DRK/1RNG and checked the order, then looked at widescan, they did not matchup at all. Took me about an hour, but I finally figured out which Birdtrap was the placeholder. Someone mentioned an update, so I guess this would be the updated Widescan list for lvl 1 RNG sub.

*scroll down to bottom of the list*

Sabertooth Tiger
Birdtrap (PH - Orctrap will appear here)
Thunder Elemental (during thunder weather)
Spinous Pugil
Spinous Pugil
Spinous Pugil
Spinous Pugil
Chuaie (NPC)
Anguent (NPC)
Lourdaude (NPC)
Cofisephe (NPC)

I'm 1/10 ON Orctrap.

1st claim: Nothing
2nd claim: Nothing
3rd claim: Nothing
4th claim: Flytrap Leaf
5th claim: Nothing
6th - 9th: Nothing and maybe a Leaf
10th claim: Nikkariaoe ^^

Hope this list helps.

Edited, Fri Dec 16 02:28:21 2005
RE: A different PH on my Widescan
# Dec 10 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
636 posts

Edited, Sat Dec 10 15:28:08 2005
RE: A different PH on my Widescan
# Dec 09 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Actually just go to the last page and scroll up. About 5 birdtraps all on the eastern side. The 6th on the western side will be the PH
Right on
# Oct 26 2005 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
You was right on about the Place Holder took about 1.45 hr to spawn killed easy as 58mnk/rng
droped leaf guess ill keep trying great guild rate up.

sorry for triple post but i did get katana on my second kill with 3 other campers around. i got all PH and when i poped it was easy to get they was all killing other traps

Edited, Wed Oct 26 08:45:50 2005
Right on
# Oct 26 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
You was right on about the Place Holder took about 1.45 hr to spawn killed easy as 58mnk/rng
droped leaf guess ill keep trying great guild rate up.
Right on
# Oct 26 2005 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
You was right on about the Place Holder took about 1.45 hr to spawn killed easy as 58mnk/rng
droped leaf guess ill keep trying great guild rate up.
# Oct 17 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
A couple of Ls mates and I decided to camp this guy for the 2nd time the other day. The first time we camped him we killed traps for about 2 hrs when Orctrap pops, easy kill(75-DRG,65-MNK, and 56-BLM <-me), got Katana sold it for 800k on Ramuh. Now 2nd time we had been there for more than 4 hrs we were getting rdy to leave when i see him and a THF racing toward him so i stun to claim. Again easy kill same DRG, 73-RDM, and me at 62. Got Katana and Belt but Katana dropped 400k in price >.< oh well 2/2 not too shabby!!!
drop rate sucks
# Oct 11 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
394 posts
i'm 3/30something on this nm. It's taken about 1- 5 1/2 hrs to pop. Ever since the little "patch" for the pop rate i haven't gotten a single drop even with thf sub. Heavily camped now. Price is up to 900k on Ifrit for the katana.
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