Vana'diel Bestiary: Doppelganger Dio  

Found in:Outer Horutoto Ruins
Level:23 - 25
  • Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Not Linking
  • Detects by Sound
  • Detects by Low HP
  • Based on Dark
  • Weak against Fire
  • Weak against Light
  • Strong against Darkness
Updated: Fri Dec 28 16:26:12 2007

Doppelganger Dio Picture

Doppelganger Dio is a lottery spawn from the place holder Balloon in the Outter Horutotto Ruins. The Balloon spawns every eight minutes with the chance instead spawning Doppelganger Dio, Doppelganger Gog, or Bomb King. He will always spawn behind the left door in one of three positions: (J-6); (I-7); or (G-7).

This page last modified 2010-01-16 03:19:25.

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What do you think?
# Aug 25 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
397 posts
Trying to stay on topic, does anyone think that myself (24RDM/12BLM), and my roommate(24BLM/12WHM) will have a problem with either of the Dopplegangers?
wow all these lucky people
# Aug 20 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
I camped here for 5 hours straight... only spawn i saw was Bomb King... and i didnt even get him... the rest of the time i ran through the door and nothing but a balloon... i killed a total of about 15 to 20 balloons while iw as there... finnaly gave up and walked out
# Aug 17 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
Dio \m/

Edited, Tue Aug 17 22:17:02 2004
never seen one
# Aug 05 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
I'm in Outer right now and I haven't seen one doppleganger. I've seen Bomb King twice but doppleganger. do they only come out on a certain day or something?
RE: never seen one
# Aug 07 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
859 posts
I've gotten Bomb King much more often than the Doppelgangers.
RE: never seen one
# Aug 20 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
Bomb king is a rare spawn of a ballon, and the two dopplegangers are rare spawns of the bomb king, that's why you fight bomb king more often
RE: never seen one
# Oct 31 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent

I fight more doppel's than bombking.
so you might wanna rethink that one.
RE: never seen one
# Oct 21 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
i have seen the bomb king twice in about a month i see the dopppelgangers more than I have ever seen the king so i don't know what's going on with the Odin server then killed the King twice and got 2 rings and only the spear from the doppelgangers once mostly the roots
First time drop
# Aug 05 2004 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
So i was browsing the NM list on here the other day and saw the bomb king.
So i figure i would go and fight it cause on the post it says it spawns like gang busters.
So i get to the place with my buddy and we get like 3 Balloons in a row then a Doppleganger Dio.
So not knowing really what it was i faught it and killed it with little problem (because of my WAR buddy ^^).
But the guy dies and he drops a Cruel Scythe.
But my friend being a lucky punk got it on a lot :(
But it was a easy fight and i suggest you try it sometime if you havn't.

Doppleganger Dio= 1/1
Bomb King= 1/4
Lizzy= 0/4...Damn boots!
# Jul 30 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
859 posts
Was hanging out in the tower, opened a door and saw it. Figured I had a buffer so why not. Ustu, Sneak, smack. Engaged w/ full hp, and left w/ full hp. 31thf/15nin. And I got a whole revival root for my troubles.
# Jul 29 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
ok i am thnking of doing this with a 30rdm what sub should i have and what spells do i need to get spear? please help out

also what tower is this in

Edited, Thu Jul 29 22:35:30 2004
RE: rdm
# Aug 08 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
The sub that you should do this with is either BST or RNG. (I suggest RNG tho) Cause they have windescan. And yeah, I'm a lvl 30 RDM and I did fine... No drop tho...
RE: rdm
# Aug 08 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Default
242 posts
dont bring RNG or BST, there is little need for widescan on this. it spawns in one of the three rooms, but only one of them will have a spawn at a time. Its easy to time the spawn, and once its respawn time, run between the three rooms and kill the ballon, then just wait in one of them for respawn. bring whatever will help you kill it the most.

Edited, Sun Aug 8 21:07:57 2004
Why Subjob helps
# Jul 28 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
I have been here with my BLM and WAR, heres the battles: (all againast DIO)

23 BLM/WHM-got Pwned
27 BLM/WHM-got him down to 1/4 HP
30 WAR/01 RNG-beat him with 2 hp left (O_o)
30 WAR/15 DRK-beat him with 200 hp left

Subjob really does matter...lol

Edited, Wed Jul 28 17:57:22 2004
dio and gog..
# Jul 26 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
i want to fight the doppelganger's dio and gog, but i'm only a 30 thf with 200 xp out of 5800...so i dont want to die and delevel lol. I really want the cruel scythe though for when i level my drk, but i'm a brd right now lol soo i dont know what to do besides bring my whm friend with me to raise me when i die >.< lol.
# Jul 14 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
I just have to say, that lighting makes him look really, really cool
Soloed... technically...
# Jul 12 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
294 posts
Soloed at 28bst/14whm. It ate 2.5 of my tigers. The first tiger, it sliced through like it was butter. The second took it a while because of pet food. It almost had me in the red when I got my 3rd tiger up and finished him. Didn't drop the scythe tho. *******.

The king is dead
# Jul 11 2004 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
lvl 31RDM/10RNG (for widescan) PWNED all 3 of them with no problems, target them through the door, put them to sleep, enfeeble the hell outta them, enwater, then goto town.
Spawn times
# Jul 10 2004 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
Just to let you guys know...

this NM is a random pop with ballon.

ballons spawn every 8 minutes on the dot.

Hope that helps :)
# Jul 08 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Good
176 posts
Killed it right now. It was just standing there in the room... lowest HP I got was 111 after Dimensional Death hit me for 102. I finished with 246 HP left and 64 MP. Subbed THF15 and got Rivival Root, Dark Crystal, and Cruel Scythe. Easy fight, easy 15k. =)

Edited, Thu Jul 8 01:32:45 2004
gonna camp
# Jul 04 2004 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
Me and two others are gonna camp this guy, the other doppelganger and bomb king today. We just decided to do it for a while and whoever gets whatever gets the item. Except they are letting me have the cruel scythe from this time. Anyone know what kind of a pop this is? Lottery or Set time thingy?
RE: gonna camp
# Jul 10 2004 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
They are on a lottery pop from the balloons that spawn there.
Easy fight
# Jun 28 2004 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I came with my 35War/17Mnk needing a cruel scythe for my DRK. It took a little while to get a spawn from Dio, but once I did it was a very easy battle. I got my TP up to 300 during the 8 min. gaps. Once I engaged it, I used dodge, Warcry and Boost, then did Sturmwind (Great Axe skill) and it dealt 270 damage. Over all, Dio did me about 30 damage and he died in about 3-5 hits. I got a Cruel Scythe and Revival root on the first try.
i dont understand
# Jun 22 2004 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
i needed a cruel scythe so im talking about how i need it and one of the guys in my LS said y pay for it when u could get it for free so im all like free hell yea lets go so we goto the ruins got him the first try no drop killed some replacments (bombs) and then another spawn in like 10 min killed him again no drop then killed replacments for 5hrs straight and no drop go gio killed him and till no freaking drop ok i understand the rare item thing and the drop is rare but y the hell did it take 5 min for second spawn and then 5 hrs for rhe next i dont understand any tips plz
# Jun 22 2004 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Just faced him. 32 Samurai / 16 Warrior
Here is how the battle went.
I used the 300%tp I had gained and Enpied it
Took 1/4 of its life.
Then went the random slashes
Then used Meditate and Empied.
Before he was about the die he used the dreaded "Dimensional Death" but thank god it missed me.
I got 18 EXP and Revival Tree Root
how many
# Jun 22 2004 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
how many people camp this thing?? alot??... i hope not, well anyways, how much does the scythe and the spear sell for on everyones serevers... and finally what does the king drop and what does it sell for?
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 22 2004 at 7:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All NM are ridiculously camped by people like yourself who farm them for money instead of letting people of the appropriate level fight them who could actually xp off them or use the gear that drops. Thanks for listing your name so I can /blist you. Hopefully you never need a raise when I'm nearby.
RE: how many
# Jun 30 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
203 posts
OK... a decent challenge NM can kill the person fighting it EASY. NM aren't normal monsters... they have pumped up stats. So the person hunting isn't taking anything away from lower levels. Next, I'm guessing your VERY low level because you dont realize how much money you need to get decent armor and spells (if your a caster.) As a lvl 34 WHM the other day finishing mission 3-3 with some higher level friends we found a key and a chest. The person that got it went back to town and saw it was worth 40k... He was happy... but not overly excited. So, basically, you NEED large chunks of money... badly.
RE: how many
# Jun 25 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
2,261 posts
Anon wrote:
All NM are ridiculously camped by people like yourself who farm them for money instead of letting people of the appropriate level fight them who could actually xp off them or use the gear that drops. Thanks for listing your name so I can /blist you. Hopefully you never need a raise when I'm nearby.

WHAT? First off, Winterkun said it perfectly about everyone hunts NMs. Its a way of making money, if you need the item, you can always buy it from the AH, people who camp these are not throwing them away.

2nd: "Thanks for listing your name so I can /blist you. Hopefully you never need a raise when I'm nearby." WHAT?! Your mad that he's camping a NM that drops melee weapons when your either a RDM or WHM??!! (if you were a 75 pld, you wouldn't complain about a low profit drop) You sound like the kettle calling the pot black.

3rd: Your lucky you DIDN'T post your name, because everyone that read this from Fenrir (or whatever server your on..) would probably /blist you. The original poster did nothing to you personally, yet you act like he stood there, stole your mob, then laughed in your face when he threw drop away....

My name is in my sig, feel free to /blist me.

Edited, Fri Jun 25 19:22:57 2004
RE: how many
# Jul 02 2004 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
WHAT? First off, Winterkun said it perfectly about everyone hunts NMs. Its a way of making money, if you need the item, you can always buy it from the AH, people who camp these are not throwing them away.

Yeah we all hunt NMs, some of us for different reasons, I myself do it for sport. If i get a drop great, if not oh well. But WHY do lvl 50+s camp NMs like leaping lizzie, or spiny spipi, or gog and dio? WHATS the point? If you're lvl 35 or higher you can make more money farming Pashbow than camping spipi, or the dopples (beastmans blood alone sells for 15K-20K a dozen, not to mention tree clippings and what not).

You're telling me that people camp lizzie for money? What money? IF they manage to get a pop, and IF they manage to get a drop they stand most likely at 1000 to 1 odds (so one person gets money, the other 30 retards get nothing.) So youre tellin me that standing there for 12 hours is for money? I doubt it. I think its greed, you can make money farming.

Yes I COULD buy the leaping boots, and I COULD buy the emps hairpin, but really, why would I? At lvl 30, farming 600K for 2 pieces when I should be able to just go get them from NMs drops? They didn't put the NMs in for High Levels to farm and make cash, thats why theres things like Giants, and elementals, manticoras, and Crafting.... At 30 I make 10K=15K an hour, in 5 lvls (or in a few more woodcraft levels, at 29 now...) I imagine I'll make 30K an hour just from a change to better farming areas that aren't clogged. You can't tell me that the 8 hours a lvl 50+ spends camping lizzie to get one drop equates out to the same as a lvl 50 farming for 8 hours.

Leaping boots 240-320K (sylph)

I know that looks hefty, like you could make some gooooooood money, but, if that takes you 8 hours to get one then it figures out to 30K-40K an hour. (This is assuming that other morons haven't flooded Jeuno's 1-3 sales a day limit.) At lvl 50+ that should be nothing, hell on a good day I make about half that an hour at THIRTY.

Anyway, the NM for money thing is a fallacy to justify greedy players who want to dominate and monopolize a market, and I, personally, refuse to support it. I'll go out and snipe my NMs from said higher levels and LAUGH when I get them. Oh, and if I'm still killing rams at lvl 50 or higher, for anything other than synthing, I'm quitting the game. God forbid I become such a lame *** player that I have to farm rams when I could farm the glacier.

Edit: added a note

Edited, Fri Jul 2 22:55:36 2004
RE: how many
# Aug 03 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
yes what is it for i mean your hunting these items to sell or wear you not gonna keep 2 pairs of leaping boots for the hell of it youd probobly sell the secound pair for money. same goes for a bunch of other NM drops.
RE: how many
# Jul 10 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
So youre tellin me that standing there for 12 hours is for money? I doubt it. I think its greed, you can make money farming.

Greed for WHAT?!?! If not money then what? You think people are camping NM because the want you not to have the item? ... riiight...

Yes I COULD buy the leaping boots, and I COULD buy the emps hairpin, but really, why would I? At lvl 30, farming 600K for 2 pieces when I should be able to just go get them from NMs drops?

How is that any different than someone else saying the same thing? It's not like you're out going after IT+++ NM, so anyone lower than your level can talk all the same **** to you.

I know that looks hefty, like you could make some gooooooood money, but, if that takes you 8 hours to get one then it figures out to 30K-40K an hour. (This is assuming that other morons haven't flooded Jeuno's 1-3 sales a day limit.) At lvl 50+ that should be nothing, hell on a good day I make about half that an hour at THIRTY.

Umm wrong. At no point ever during this game is 30-40k an hour nothing. Period. Ok, maybe when you have 5 level 75 jobs and are hunting HNM all day long, but even then, 30-40k an hour is still damn nice.

Anyway, the NM for money thing is a fallacy to justify greedy players who want to dominate and monopolize a market, and I, personally, refuse to support it.

RE: how many
# Jul 21 2004 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent

Well, Duh, they're for job related items. (Imagine that.) Sheesh.

Edit: Wow, I didn't even notice it was you Plow, that explains alot. You've been on my Blacklist since Kazam. That explains your attitude, you're also the same guy who thought it was perfectly ok to train Gobs in Yhoater.

Edited, Sun Aug 1 11:49:04 2004
RE: how many
# Jun 24 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
153 posts
Overeacting much? NM hunting is an very common way to make money and no one levels off of NMs. Someone needing the item just has to camp it like everyone else, sheesh
Good advice to you all
# Jun 22 2004 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good

Edited, Fri Aug 13 13:47:48 2004
# Jun 10 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
killed him without getting hit... no drop
hit him with aero and water3
# Jun 09 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
I was lvling my thf today and i decided to kill some Crawlers by the tower at the top of East Sarta.While i was a gob aggroed me and i ran to tower zone and inside a 25 whm/blm said watch out Dio is in there.I said want me to kill him with rdm?So i ran back to town got rdm, lvl 32,and came in. He was in the room to the southeast. I killed him no prob and got drop!
the Cruel scythe. That was the 2nd time ive killed Dio becuz i usually get Gog or bomb king.

World: Fairy
Jobs: 32 Rdm 10 nin 10 rng 16 war 8 thf
NM Killed: SpinySpipi,Gog,Dio,Leaping Lizzie,Bomb KIng,Golden Bat, and Jagged eared Jack.

Edited, Wed Jun 9 18:27:06 2004
# May 23 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I killed twice in 10 minutes (!!) and just the first time dropped me the scythe (I was with a friend, so he can drop twice even being a RARE item).
RE: drop
# Apr 27 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
124 posts
RE: drop
# Apr 27 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
124 posts
RE: drop
# Apr 27 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
124 posts
RE: drop
# Apr 27 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
124 posts
# May 22 2004 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah i was in the ruins lvl'ing my guy (low lvl it was sub)i go into this room not knowing where i am and see this really creepy dude staring at me....i thought it was a virus or something(how many monsters have human shape and armor?)so i was like cool....then he hit a few times and i died,i figured out he wasnt a virus or something later on.
This is how it worked...
# May 17 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Here is my story....

I had read up on these guys a few times and when I saw that they were only in the low 20's, i was ecstatic as i could take all three. I go and after finally finding the right area, i start checking rooms. As i check the fourth room, the door opens and i see that pimp lookng Dio staring me in my eyes. As fear grips me, the door closes...With that shock worn off, i ready sneak attack, equip my horn arrows, and ready for battle. Open the door and he aggros. It is a close fought battle...

I take the upper hand on life. Arrows doing 80 damage a shot!! Uh oh, he hits me twice in a row for 100 damage...getting bad...use two hour...PERFECT DODGE! haha, got him on the run now....two hour gone...he uses WS...uh oh 150 damage from that. Finally, my last knife stroke falls with about 120 hp remaining. Got the scythe.

I spent about an hour and a half there. I got bomb king 3 times, and dio twice. The second time i got dio, i knew i shouldnt fight him, but i had to...i missed my screenshot...needless to say...died...

This is a great place to hunt as a level 30. I was a thief and i think thieves will have most problems. Can not use sneak attack which is our bread and butter. It will be a tough fight every time. If he hits evasion down you are dead. Most other classes should be fine. Its great if are busy with other things. Spawn is every 8 mins after you kill it....guaranteed. Odds are good youll get a NM half the time. I used the time to level throwing skill from a boomerang the bomb king dropped. i might also do it when i have homework or something. Anyways, this guy is sweet and i like the scythe...can actually use it for DRK as evasion down would be usefull...
RE: This is how it worked...
# May 19 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Ok so i stopped by this the other day. I was still only 29 from when Dio killed me before. So i come by hopng to run into the bomb king. Open the door and Dio is staring me in the face again!! So i knew i had no chance but i attack him. Did not get sneak off...must be impossible...and its even for a while. He hits me thrice in a row and im losing bad. I tucked tail and ran. I lived, but so did Dio. I will return and kill this clown many times over for his insolence.
RE: This is how it worked...
# Jun 19 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
i was level 29 RDM when i fought this guy. my story was

I was looking for bomb king really thinking this was gonna be hard =D i open the door and he was standing there i was panicingbut oddly enough he didnt aggro.... i was like ok =D casted Blind. enfeeble was maxed so i got him blinded, then a little poison and dia. i was like eh how hard can he be. i hit him for 30 [ |] his bar was like that im like uhhhh.....o ****. he hits me and i lose 45 hp
i was like =D im so dead =) my hp bar was already like this [ | ] im like haha im dead. he then missed 3 times in a row. i casted enthunder and kept attackign did his WS and i was dropped to red. did a Cure III and kept fighting hit me and did the WS again did another Cure III. i kept on now it was at he had like [ | ] that much i was like muahahaha he did WS twice in a row....Cure III. i was out of MP i was like hmmmm i run and door closes in front of him he was trapped behind the door =) i rested..........hehehe casted thunder and blizzard and he falls...no drop stupid fool all that trouble for nothing

Tarek ~~~Alexander~~~ excuse my drawings =)
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