camped very day since march 08 update killed all but 3, claimed all but 2.... in these 3-4 weeks have goten 3 trotter boots, 2 ingots, currently we were 0/13 since last drop.... late pop poping in last 30 min... 1 brd shows up... gets tod, next day him and 2 of his friends camp. claim, get both boots and ingot ><, on side note, not hevaly camped, or either were runing all comp off. Some small things i have noticed.
1) likes to pop either close to zone, or on ledge side (awlays spawns withing 5.0 to water.
2) usualy pops within 1H mark, not always just usualy, in our experence if dosent pop in first hour it has poped in last 20 min. It CAN drop 2 boots in a row, in fact we went 0/9, got 2 in row, went 0/2, got 1 pair, then 0/13, then comp got there boots.
3) drop rate is around 10% on the Trotter boots, and around 5% on the ingot, vile elixer, reraiser, and arcana breaker are all 100%