ok I was sitting in jeuno when I seen a shout for someone wanting raise2 for 500k. im thinking what the hell so I check action house and ya its price was 460->500k
Finally got Raise II to drop. So drop rate for me is 1/13 on this guy. The price range at the AH has been 140-160k. I put it up for 140k.
Well after wasting three hours competing with perma campers for Dodge Earrings, I think I'll be perma camping this guy along with Abyss and Ocean Sahagins until I can raise 3.5 mil to get a Hauberk.
I've killed this guy no less than 10 times! And all I've ever got was 6k gil(each kill), Reraise III, Shellra IV, and WHM Testimonies. This and the Abyss Sahagin spawn every 15 to 20 minutes. I'm 1/3 on the Lance that drops from the Ocean Sahagin, which is a 24 hours spawn. I've gotten a bunch of Bard songs from the Abyss Sahagin.
This thing isn't particularly tough. It will do Benediction at about 50% life. It will Cure/Curaga now and then. The problem with this mob is that it spawns in a room full of lvl 70-72 Sahagins. So unless you can carby pull, you're going to need a good team to clear out the room one by one.
This will take a good lvl 70 BST about 10 mintes to kill. But like I said the drop rate is horrible, and you have to do a quest to get behind the Ornamental Door each time because the key breaks once you use it.