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Auction House: Armor - Feet

Magus Charuqs
[Feet] All Races
DEF:13 HP+13 MP+13
Evasion Skill+10
Lv.52 BLU

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Nice Bewts
# Dec 31 2006 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
I see a lot of BLU that count these out, but they're fantastic boots. The +10 Evasion skill is amazingly useful for solo or when you inevitably pull hate, the enmity - helps to prevent your DPS from pulling hate and the MP is always nice. I wouldn't give these up for much of anything.
# Dec 12 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
The Immortal flan was a really easy NM. of course, i didnt actually fight that much. i had my friend (71BLU) to help me out, and he whooped his butt. its a really easy fight, so dont stress out
Here is basiclly a guide for this.
# Oct 16 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
First you have to of completed the AF weapon quest Beginnings and wait until Japenese midnight passes at least one time after completion.

Then go speak to Waoud as Blue Mage for a new CS.

Then head Mount Zhayolm. You'll need to make your way to the Navukgo Execution Chamber and find the Decorative Bronze Gate. There you'll fight a Immortal Flan.

~*~*~*To get to Navukgo Execution Chamber, you need to pass through the gate in Mount Zhayolm. For this you will need a Cast Metal Plate. This pops around the Mt in certain spots. Kind of like a mining point and appears as a ??? If you need one of these suggest looking up how to get*~*~*~

To get there take the Halvung Staging point. You should have this since the last mission required you to visit all 5 staging points. Follow the West wall until you reach the Gates of Halvung. Here you will use the Cast Metal Plate to open the gate. Once inside make your way to (H-7). This is a highly used BLM mana burn spot for Flan typically called Puddings. Take the tunnel to the West and make your way to (G-7). Here you will find a zone at the very N/W corner. Zone into Halvung once inside head directly West and zone right back out at (E-7). You'll be back outside on in Mt. Zhayolm again, but on the second half of the Map on the Island of Vozold. Follow the Left Wall unil you hit (C-7). Then make your way through the tunnel until you hit (D-8). Basiclly head straight back and take the Second left. At (D-8) you'll zone into Navukgo Execution Chamber. I didn't notice any mobs inside here seems to be a pretty save area with only one brass door inside that leads to the BCNM.

Once you've made it to Navukgo Execution Chamber enter the BCNM via the brass gate. The battle is uncapped with a 30 minute time limit and you can enter with up to 18 people. (I solo'd this as 74BLM.)

The Immortal Flan is a ooze black mage-type mob, and will use spells like sleepga, AMs, and tier III -ga. Also the number of Immortal Flans that spawns in the BCNM depends on how many people enter the BCNM. If only one person enters there is only one Flan to kill. Two people, there is only one Flan. With six, there are two flans to kill. I'm unsure about any other numbers though.

After the Immortal Flan(s) is defeated, go back to Aht Urhgan Whitegate and speak with Waoud for another cutscene. You will recieve a Sealed Immortal Letter to deliver to a master craftsman.

Go to Lathuya who can be found in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (F-8) on the 2nd floor and she'll tell her boss is fishing in the Aydeewa Subterrane.

Now you have to go to the Wajaom Woodlands and enter the Aydeewa Subterrane at (K-9). Head north until you see a lake and select the blank targetable spot in the lake for a cutscene. (There are no mobs along the way to the lake inside the Aydeewa Subterrane).

Finally go back to Aht Urhgan Whitegate, talk to Lathuya for your reward.

You then have to wait until Japanese Midnight again before you can have the next piece of your choice crafted.

Edited, Oct 19th 2006 at 7:56am PDT by KeoniOfGaruda
# Oct 07 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
how do i get these i have no isea and how do i get hands,head,body,leg,feet please help me get them ty
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