umm damn i was looking to get the stronger version the "war sword" but since its like 170k (kujata) i just got this 1 for 15k i think they are all the same Oo 170k for the same swors and -10 dmg than this one i bet if your thinking i should get war sword cuz of a faster swing time and +1 dmg your just gona end up waisting $$
this sword is awesome!I got it for my war it is great.the best sword you can get for a few levels.but when you hit lvl 35 you get awesome SC with the extra damage and it jus makes soloing and partys go more smoth!
At 34, Sword caps at 100 for WAR, and Axe/Great Axe at 105.
So by switching to an axe, even if it had the exact same stats on it as the hunting sword, you'd get Accuracy+5 and Attack+5. Now, if you saw that on the axe/gaxe you'd drop the sword in a heartbeat.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
I bought this sword from my friend for 15k he said it was a deal and i believe him (it was selling at the AH for like 25-30k). so thinking I would use it after lvling pld I bought it from him. but now all the damn sword is doing is taking up space in my inventory >< I've tried selling but to no avail. . .
I have been waiting and waiting for San d'Oria to be first in Conquest, and now it is, so I ran along to Helbort's to pick up my new Hunter's Sword and...
Nothing. She didn't even have it on her list.
What gives? I have muchos fame in Sandy and am a Lv 34 PLD. All the requirements are fulfilled, why isn't she selling me any sword? I demand swordage! >_<
Just a tip save up cash after getting a longsword and get this at 34! This is a good sword until AF-1 when you get the Honor Sword! Look in AH for this one since the only shop in Sandy sells it and its a rarity if it is in Sandy <gotta be 1st place in conquest>
Is there anywhere other than AH and Helberts that sell this? Currently it is not listed in Helberts blades...wondering if Windy or any other places sell it.