Joined a random Shiva-prime party today. After finished up Shiva at Fei'yan, the party members agreed to kill Utakku for the bulb. We killed about 20s of them without drop. The stupid thing kept dropping cloth, crystals and revial roots. Finally, we gave up as mages decided to leave ..while others want to solo and hunt for treasure chest there. Grrr. anyway, i will go back there with my ls members . -your sexy mayor!
me and my friend were camping shadows, and randomly killed a ghost, and first one droped, i was like "o, isnt that worth a good amount of money?" well hes uber rich, and im uber poor, so, without telling me, he passes, about 2min later, b4 it drops, i dc and we loose it, then find out its going for 100k ><, which may not seem like alot to some people, but i only have 500k, which my friend gave me out of pitty XD
Low Drop rate i think, but me and my friend just got one finally in Fe'Yin. She was there for about 4 hours and i turned up for the last 1hour and 30mins so she could kill the ghosts quicker.
We even began to wonder if the bulb existed but it does, just be patient i guess. Treasure hunter probably would have helped.
Got my bulb last night for the Opo crown, first Utukku we (71 blm/36rdm and 60 whm/30 smn) killed dropped it. However we spent all night tonight killing with no drop. It can be bought from the Auction House, under "Others" - "Misc". On Midgard its about 40k.