Myself being a 75 bard, in an HNMls i rarely use string instruments, unless in a specific type of party [Ballad etc]. Even as my lower levels I, personally havent used this instrument much due to my string instrument not being capped at the moment. You should've seen me trying with the Lullaby+2 harp, i always wondered why sleeps never stayed well. Which is why i use Marys horn (Lullaby+1) For the moment due to overcapped wind instrument skill. This is indeed an excellent instrument IF your string skill is CAPPED. :3
Kinda off topic but i suggest if you have gotten to Sea to sing to the Pink ***** things to lvl up you string skills. I'm only lvl 31 brd I spend 3 minutes in sea every time i lvl and cap all but singing in no time.
I have been testing this in ballista I know you may think I'm crazy but I've seen it remove 2 buffs I might of had soul voice up as well but I do not think I have each time I use it well for higher lvls I never had to much resist of anything other than requiem in the bay anyway takecare guys muah <(^.^)>
A friend brought to my attention today that I had posted on here a while back about my concerns regarding the military harp. I am now a lvl75 brd with much experience with the harp. It does not, as I had previously thought, remove more than one status effect a mob has, but rather increases the chances of not being resisted when casting magic finale. Honestly, the only instance this harp is useful as far as my experience goes, is when being an active brd in an HNM LS. I have always owned this harp, since I was a lvl 50s brd, as previously stated in my other post, but I have never been resisted with magic finale except for when being engaged with an HNM dragon or God in sky. I feel that as this purchase is generally expensive, at least on my server, that it is not worthwhile to buy until you are in fact in an HNM LS. Save your money until you are a 70+ brd, at which point I feel this purchase is a must :D Good luck!
Joined 30 cap Kolshushu Garrison and fought all day today for these lil puppies. Party started by Kenwik, Crispus, Kakkarot and Flak on Kujata server. Kenwik promised alliance that everyone could lot on Mannequin parts and chronicles. Military gear would be sold and split with alliance members. At end of day, Kenwik quatermastered all the Military Gear. We were all like, "so how much does everybody get?" Kenwik first said that he was going to give out Miltiary Gear. We were all like "wtf?" Then a few seconds later, Kenwik breaks the alliance, reforms with Kakkarot, Crispus and Flack. Crispus then hits Tele-Holla and they take off. "We got Screwed!" was said by almost everyone. A few of the players got with the other whm and chase after them. I'm left behind with a couple players and I say "***** this, I'm going after them." I hoof it to the Mea Krag and grab a choco back to Jueno while hitting /sea all Kenwik to make sure he hasn't logged. When I get back to jueno I /tell him that if he doesn't cough up the gear, I'm gonna /shout to jueno about what he and his buds have done. He /tells me back "Come get your sh*t and stop crying." I'm laughing thinking to myself "Is this tard serious?" So I find him and /trade to him. He gives me the Military Axe which fetches about 100-120k on Kujata, so be warned. Don't Garrison or buy from Crispus, Kakkarot, Kenwik or Flack because the gear you are buying is coming at the expense of several honest players.
i have not done a lot of testing with this harp as of yet, but if it does lower resist rates, then it is extremely useful.
around lvl 65 the resist rate for offensive bard songs goes up steadily, regardless of how much better your gear comparatively gets. before 65 i could probably count the number of finale resists on one hand, and all of them were on NM's. at 75, fighting hnm's and gods, the resist rate is extremely high and any help to this effect is useful.
the only other logical thing this harp would do is lower the recast time on finale, which is also extremly useful.
I'm lv 41 BRD and would really like to get my hands on this. I'm still pretty new to the game and have not heard many details of garrison. Is this like a mission offered by your home city gate guards? Is there a garrison guide out there?
Well, I was lucky enough to find one of these harps relatively cheap on the AH. I was just playing around and bidding 100-200k on it, as the current rate on cerberus is 1-1.2million. O.o So I bid 100k, and no go... I bid 200k, and I bought it @_@! I think someone may have been trying to post it for 2million, but either way, it's mine.
I am currently a lvl51 brd, but it is not my main, so I have yet to try it out. I was kind of disappointed to see some people are saying that it only lowers resists to finale. I have no problems with resists whatsoever, nor have I since I was a brd in Yuhtunga Jungle. I was always told that this instrument removes multiple buffs on mobs like Antica that have shell, protect, etc... I guess the best way is to simply try it out myself. I'll followup soon to let everyone know what I have discovered >:)
ok people get this great item from garrsion, but there is nothing on what item do i trade to the outpost and where do i find this item. Can someone please post some info. on what the item to trade in is, where do i find it and what mob drops them please.
This sold for 550k last week in Jeuno. Dropped ina a level 30 garrisson in Buburimu Peninsula, fighting Goblins. I can imagine higher up Bards really digging this, especially if there is no RDM in the party.
I'm pretty sure this comes with the group loot at the end of the garrison. We got a bunch of mannequin feet and legs, this harp and a few other items. A bit of cash, and a few pages from the dragon chronicles (which are always nice).
We are doing another garrison this friday, so I'll let you know exactly what mannequin bits drop. ^_^ Good luck!
I do garrisons frequently, and I got my first harp, sold it for 250k. I soon learned that finale is the BRD equivalent of erase. No wonder it's worth so much 0.0;
Time to start doing level 30 Garrisons, I already got a 13-knot Quipus! (Aragoneau)
I think I won't tell its price to other garrison goers, and just tell them I need this for my BRD. Hopefully, they'll let me keep it. Since I will Garrison as BRD. ^^
Yep, gods are known to resist Finale a good bit especially Kirin. I heard that even with this somebody has to cast Finale a few times to get buffs off Kirin. It would also help in Avatars because I can't even Finale them.