icon Shura Zunari Kabuto +1  

Shura Zunari Kabuto +1
[Head] All Races
DEF:21 HP-30 STR+6
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# May 07 2008 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
Got this in march 2008, it's sweet >_>b
# May 24 2006 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
509 posts
For the work and time involved in making this, it isnt really all THAT great. Unfortunately it just might be the best mnk headpiece
Cactuszach Rathebringer- [EQ]85 Human Pally Karana

Cactuszach- [FFXI] 75 Galka Monk Hades server

Cactuszach- [LOTRO] 50 Dwarf Guardian Vilya server
# Apr 11 2006 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
A HUGE congratulations to Driderk of Diabolos!! 96.8 Woodworking and he just HQed this for Raneman! Congrats Rane on one sexy piece of gear, and congrats Dri for beating the odds ^^
# May 08 2005 at 5:23 AM Rating: Default
50 posts
I'd like to see your picture for the +1
RE: sure
# Aug 11 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
I'll back him up on this. No sure needed, he has the +1, made by martinus.

Take your suring somewhere else.
(shr. znr. kabuto +1) ^^
# Apr 25 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
My friend martinius just made this for me last night, and his ww is only 93+2 lol, i think we are crazy for even trying to make the cursed part for considering he is under the cap by a smidge
and the main ingredient is divine log.

i am not shure, but i dont think there can be to many of these on alexander if any others at all

but this thing is definatly one the best head gears u could wear for monk. just a little bit less accuracy that optical hat and 6 str to boot
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