icon Coffinmaker  

(Marksmanship) All RacesLv.72 THF/RNG/NIN/COR

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Copy Cat KSnm
# Sep 08 2006 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
i manaburned this KS 10 times today and never got my coffee maker ; ; anyone know the drop rate on coffinmaker?

Coffinmaker update
# Jun 10 2006 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
I have this beauty and just wanted to say a Corsair can also use this gun.
Got it
# Mar 24 2006 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
244 posts
W00t I got my Gun last night. 1/1 on it. Now I need to unlock it. -_- Its gonna take me forever XD
# Mar 13 2006 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
what bullet does it use?
cannon shell or normal bullet?
RE: bullet?
# Apr 26 2006 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
It uses normal bullets (Bronze, Bullet, Iron, Silver, etc)

Seems to be the best weapons besides maybe Corsairs +1 for a Corsair.

Just wonder what the drop rate is on this weapon. I'd rather not burn all my KS or BS to get this.
# Dec 02 2005 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
this is the best for ninja and btw i think it uses the same texture ( just different colors ) of lvl 5 relic
RE: Coffinmaker
# Dec 09 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
the model for this gun is actually a different colored culverin. relic 5 looks more like a gun from america's old west. relic 5 is annihilator.
>< got one
# Sep 18 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Went to do the Prehistoric Pigeons KS30 to try to get the Gravedigger scythe for my BLM... brought along 4 other blms and a brd. We completely owned them, finished in 3 minutes and change both times we did it. The catch was I was just using my orbs since we were unsure of the drop rate of other items and I really want that scythe! Anyway, first time the GKatana drops, so the brd gets it since his nin is in the 50s and currently leveling. Then one more try and this beauty drops. Brd has 75 rng so we're gonna give it to him. However one of the blms hasn't lotted, and another one does the brd the "favor" of D2... BRD ends up in P. Jeuno ><

So since I had already passed, I quickly zoned out and in, and lotted on it... now I have a Coffinmaker and I'm currently planning on leveling my 45 THF like crazy til I can equip it >:P

Sexiest name ever, besides Gravedigger =D

edit: spelling, and added "Sexiest name..."

Edited, Sun Sep 18 03:08:11 2005
# Aug 24 2005 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, I'm Lambtor and I posted the fashion shot for this gun. I've unlocked it, and the dmg is essentially identical to the hellfire. I had to do some tests because the message about "Latent Effect:" does not disappear after you've unlocked it. It is exactly the same as the trial weapons. 5 points to close light/darkness, 3 points to open light/darkness, 3 points to close Lv 2 skillchains and 1 point for weaponskills that don't chain. Compared to other guns, the damage on this isn't mind-blowing, but there are 2 subtle bonuses to this.

1.) Delay 600, which is much less than Hellfire and even faster than Hellfire+1. You all can make up your own minds if 1-2 dmg is worth an extra 40-60 delay or not.
2.) Racc+9. Hellfire has +5 and Hellfire+1 has +7. Hellfire also has ranged attack+ though.

My opinion is that ranged attack can be made up for by eating attack food or subbing /war. I intend to get some other gear to load on Racc, then use meat foods to help out my damage. I can't get enough of how cool this gun looks though. When you see everyone else using HF and you break out this golden shotgun it just makes shooting things more fun.

...despite the nerf.
# Aug 14 2005 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
coffinmaker is a nice name for a gun @_@
# Jul 13 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
if im not mistaken i know this guy he is on my server and yes that is a awesome gun i would like to have it
# Feb 27 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
113 posts
it is the prehistoric pigeon thing BCNM -.- it says on top of page , read ppl^^
RE: guns!
# Apr 18 2005 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
those posts were done before that information was given, don't assume people to be stupid before u check their post dates.
# Feb 07 2005 at 5:16 AM Rating: Default
1,349 posts
latent is activated on weaponskills
RE: latent
# Feb 08 2005 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
Could you explain more about it?
RE: latent
# Apr 06 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
Based on all other latent effect weaponskill items, 500 uses of a weaponskill. Quick note for thfs and nins trying to use this weapon... Sub rng and you can use the weaponskills...
drops from....
# Jan 22 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
yup got one. It was long ago, either the pigeon fight or the eye fight....think it was the pigeon. The BCNM in waughroon shrine. no limit, 30 KS. Have fun...it sucked.
Where it comes from?
# Jan 19 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
I think it comes from the new BCNM Prehistoric Pigeons. Not sure though.
# Dec 22 2004 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
210 posts
id say a BCNM just because dilbert the guy who summited it summits a lot of bcnm stuff ^^
Nice gun
# Dec 22 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Anybody know how to get this awsome looking gun?
# Dec 21 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
This is a nice Gun, but I'm curious as to what higher than high lvl NM will be it's dropper and in what area.
RE: nice
# Dec 22 2004 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
298 posts
If I had to wager a guess, it'd be from one of the BCNM fights. I'm wondering what the latent effect trigger is, cause that's a pretty big difference from the base damage...
# Dec 21 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
376 posts
w00t, for all those nin/rngs, finally a high lvl gun for them to use, go them!!!

and one day i shall be one.....

wonder what HNM this comes from.....
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