All By Myself  

Submitted by:Russellius
Start Area: Bastok Markets
Start NPC:Marin (E - 10)
Related Areas:Dangruf Wadi
Related Mobs:Ken (E - 10)
Min Level:1
Max Level:10
Grants Gil:1500
(Average from 32 ratings)
Last Updated: Fri Jan 13 03:20:34 2006

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Note: This is an escort quest. You can only have one escort quest active at a time. Other escort quests include Escort For Hire:San d'Oria, Escort For Hire:Bastok, Escort For Hire:Windurst, All By Myself and The Big One.

You can only undertake a specific escort quest once per conquest tally.

Marin (E-10)wants you to tag along and watch over her brother Ken (E-10), but he has a spoiled brat complex and tells you to shove off. So, you have to undergo covert ops and essentially spy on him and make sure he lives. You must keep him alive......but you can not be seen.

You. Can. Not. Be. Seen.

Enter Dangruf Wadi and you are capped at level 10 when you talk to Ken and begin, so prepare accordingly. Your role here is opposite of that of the higher level escort mission. In those you are to kill everything that naturally aggros to your escortee; here, you are the weak one and must be ontent to watch Ken slowly kill ANYTHING in his path. If it is a monster, Ken will engage and begin killing it, even if it doesn't aggro.

You. Can. Not. Be. Seen.

Prism Powders are disabled here, so you can't rely on those. Ken has HNM sight radius, in that if you can see him, he can see you and it's game over. He has the natural 90 degrees area of sight in front of him, but he turns and moves around a lot. The path is one set path, unlike the higher level ones that are different occassionally. There is nothing he will engage he can't kill. His HP will drop, and he CAN die, so keep his HP high. The only time that is really safe to cure him is while he's in battle.

You. Can. Not. Be. Seen.

He does a loop on the left-hand side of the entrance of Dangruf and goes through a few regions. Curative jobs are required, unless you have an escort of your own to kill EVERYTHING in the way ahead of time. When he engages a monster the game remember his position that he was on along along his path. When that monster dies, he will turn around, head to that spot in his path, THEN continute along his way.

You. Can. Not. Be. Seen.

You have 30 minutes to complete this quest. The reward is only 1,500 gil. Once again, I say for emphasis because this will be the sole reason 99.9% of people fail....

Any party members in zone when you talk to him and get capped at level 10 as well. However alliance members do not.

Also only one escort can be running in the zone at a time.

Quest Series

This is one of several escort quests. The full series includes:

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-03-09 23:25:47.
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# Oct 20 2004 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
If someone is already running around spying KEN, the quest won't activate when you enter Dangruf Wadi. And just so you remember, at lvl 10, Gob will aggro you for sure, and you can die.

And stupid KEN will attack monster that are in a train. So the train tactic is not the best.

Edited, Wed Oct 20 11:09:12 2004
fun fun
# Oct 20 2004 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
929 posts
this quest sounds like major fun. very different, i think i will love doing it when, thank you SE
RE: fun fun
# Oct 20 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Yes, it's very fun. A lot of people will complain about it, but I found it very fun. I was disappointed I could only do it three times a day or something (three fails), then his shoe would get a hole in it and he goes back to bastok. ; ;
RE: fun fun
# Oct 12 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
RE: fun fun
# Oct 12 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
How can you atually find this quest, "[FUN]!!!"
# Oct 20 2004 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
2,094 posts
Hmm... interesting quest ... Id like to try it just to be a smn spy lol. Hmm I wonder if you have carby follow him if he will "see" him?
it was easy
# Oct 19 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
that quest was was easy for my whm to do lol
# Oct 19 2004 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Some of the Linkshell said they couldn't get the quest activated; it might be because people are in the process of the quest; or someone with the quest -and didn't activate Ken- is present within... :/ Those on the Odin server that would like some assistance (I pull and drag the mobs and train them away) There might be some mobs that pop for this quest so some fighting will be needed.
RE: \(o.o)/
# Oct 27 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
409 posts
Also only one person at a time can be doing this quest on the whole server. So if Ken is already in there being followed by someone else you must wait your turn. I did it with my fiancee and one of us would run ahead and kill everything in his path that we possibly could.. A: to keep him from dying, B: to go faster. He will go all the way to a dead end and then backtrack and that's where we'd get seen everytime. >< But it is fun being sneaky^^
RE: \(o.o)/
# Oct 20 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
Since this is an escort quest, you can't have any of the other escort quests activated when you start this quest. You will need to cancel or finish the other escort quest before you can start this one.
# Oct 19 2004 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts

Edited, Tue Oct 19 22:12:32 2004
Now I know
# Oct 19 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
I tried this just last night and I had no clue what to do... I didn't know there was a level cap nor that I didn't have to be seen

gonna try it once again... when I get level 10 (noob stuff) as a 10PLD/5WHM
re: All By my lonesome.
# Oct 19 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Heh; well it is rather obvious upon not being seen. I went as a whm 10/5 blm*32 normally* and tried this solo. At first you take a left path *atleast so far for me*, and then hugs the wall until the T intersection; he mentions about he 'forgot' to bring a map along with him... he takes the T *a left* then goes into an area with natural hiding spaces, however as I was peeking around the corner, curing him like a good taru... I hide back around, then 4 seconds later he mentions 'don't follow me!' *poof* so I am guessing you need to get some space away from him.

After the 'formation' "room" he goes to the deadend and must circle back... which is where I commonly lost. He chases after most anything in his path, crabs, goblins within like casting radius.

Some spiffy things I did: You can cast spells and not have the spells knocked off *cept invis* by the level cap, so you can have a regen, stoneskin/etc whatever you got... normal duration... then you can't recast till finished.

I do recomend -for the healer- cheap juices because you will get caught more than likely when on a healing spree... after each mob -as far as I have seen- he sheaths his blade and looks around; so the best time of healing is when fighting (goblins prefferably, larger hp)

I have not personally had an assistant to drag most/all of the mobs away... but I do believe it'd be a nice thing for Linkshell peeps to work with..

and also on the HNM sight; you could see a bit further from him, at the beginning I was at the other end of the long stretch where he looks around for sneaky peoples... he ignored me, so his vision would be -probably- from the T to where the right side wall -upon entering- curves off.

Edited, Tue Oct 19 16:47:49 2004
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