Did this Garrison today its fairly easy just get a couple of tanks designated have everyone /assist them have 1 healer in every party and have an extra just for curing npcs. Make sure barfira is cast just before waves start. Have a Bard/nin rdm/nin or thf/nin with sleep bolts get a mob run over far enough away npc don't follow and keep it alsleep. This way waves come at your speed. After all gobs are dead have all whm cure the npcs to full then rest. Once whm get back most mp and npcs are at full pull the gob back to the outpost and kill it to start next wave.
The only one diffrent is the 4th wave. On this wave don't have a gob pulled away. Once the NM one spawns have tanks finish their mobs and all take on the NM so it doesn't kill the npcs.
Should be quick and easy. We only had one death due to not paying attention to what he was doing.
Also like to add this was half pickup party and half garrison LS.