I've seen at least two items that "enhanced" this. As a main NIN, wtf does that mean???? It would be awesome to use it like NPCs do, AoE massive damage, but you stay alive....
Yeah its good for the occasional warp when you know you wont need your 2hr anytime soon. but really.... kill yourself and barely hurt the mob. the more HP you have the more damage you do? for a desperation move its sorta defeats the purpose. When everyone is pushed to the edge they 2hr to save their lives or others, like the whm is out of mp and ppl are dying you use a 2hr... a ninja cant cure themselves but they can stretch their hp with shadows... why waste an entire life bar when you don't need to? (cause if you in perfect health there is no reason) combat ineffective I think. Full hp what do you do, fight? hell no! ::BOOM:: this should be adjusted to do more damage at the brink of death to make it more dramatic and effective....Even in Anime People don't blow themselves up unless they are going to die as well as everyone else around them...only certain ppl blow themselves up in perfect health but that's another story not Final fantasy.
I think they should boost the damage on this move... In Dynamis, Ninja Mobs blow themselves up and can wipe the alliance... doing 1600+ to everyone... when your fighting a ninja mob the move is something to fear... oh well, thats just my 2 cents.
Just thought I would post a note in here for a new personal all time high for Mijin Gakure. 1358. Ok, I cheated and used a giant drink... Beseiged really helps in making that ability actually seem worth while (especially since you get a reraise item, and a revitalizer, so after you use your giant drink and your Hi elixer and mijin gakure the first mob you see, you then reraise, reset your 2 hour, and use the uber elixir and continue on with your day..)
OK, there really is no point in this 2 hour.The only real use for this 2 hour is Death Warp, but u have to wait every 2 hours to use it.thats the end for that post new post time.
OK i think its really gay that ninjas dont get job abilties cept one, they have enough job traits but 1 JOB ABILITY.
_________ Race:Mithra Name:Irean Job:28Monk/14Warrior Linkshells:Summoned Heros,Ezhald,Knights of Fantasy, and Saints
NIN are tanks so they should have a useful 2 hour rather than the NIN thinking "oh this is gunna end badly" *BOOOM* no xp loss, they should be able to help the party.
yeah so you know why SE hates NIN's? it's because no one plays them right haha NIN were actually meant to be a ranged attack person with magic like a RNG, but people didn't like that and there ya go. a tank SE doesn't like... hence the update that made NIN's able to lose more than 1 shadow per attack
Ninjas aren't always tanks, for one thing... especially at high levels. They're very effective DDs and kiters (which is semi-different from the ground-tanking that you're used to seeing). So, if you're not tanking or kiting, and you happen to be fighting a big NM or something, you could always get the Whm to fill up your HP, then pull off about a 800-1000 damage Mijin Gakure, if you're lucky, or a 500-700 damage one, usually.
Likewise, if you do happen to be tanking in an exp party, and things aren't looking good, you can tell the rest of the party to zone, while you hold the mob until they're out of range, and then use it. Boom. No exp loss for anyone.
Then again, there's also the scenario where a mob or a link just starts knocking off members of your party. Basically, from the looks of it, everyone's going to die. Just use your 2hr and save yourself the trouble of losing exp.
Another prime characteristic of Ninja is its soloing capabilities. If you're out on your own and you get a EM+ link or get aggroed, there's not much you can do. Sure, if it's Night and the mob's not a Manticore, Wyvern, Roc, Tiger, Raptor, or some other fast monster, you could outrun it. But if things just aren't looking good for you, once again, 2hr and save yourself the exp loss.
As you see, it really is a useful 2hr. If you want to talk about "not helping the party," take a look at Perfect Dodge, Blood Weapon, or Spirit Surge (yes, I think it's useless). At least this one can contribute something (example one), not to mention it's just plain cool. :P
Worst 2hr in the game. If you get into a sticky situation in a PT, don't count on a 2hr to help. Most I've ever done is 15 damage with it to an EP-- mob. {Too Weak} Only useful as a free bloodport.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
ive seen u say mijin gakure is based on HP lvl etc etc. however, i've seen it deal few dmg to EM or lower mobs with full hp and seen it do a lot of dmg to ITs at low hp. i also seen a nin in ballista use this ability at almost no hp and wipe a taru blm. so if anyone knows for sure how this abilities dmg is calculated plz let me know.
Ok. I'm clearing this up. The damage dealt by Mijin Gakure is proportional to how much HP you have left, your level, and the monsters level. Can do a higher Mijin Gakure with full HP to a bunny than an XP mob at 75 but both will be high damage. This ability is best used when you know you have no chance to survive, or when somebody set up you the bomb.
I was pting in Qufim when we got aggroed by a Wight. It killed our WHM so it was only me (WAR22/MNK11) the NIN22/THF11 BLM23/WHM11 DRK23/WAR11 and a RDM23/WHM11 and the killed whm. So all had red hp cuz it used bloodsaber. Then the nin used Mijin gakure and killed it XD. (The WHM died by hell slash.) it was rly close
Normally I just use the dang skill to bloodport, or I use it if there's no hope that I'll win, seeing as the ability doesn't have an attached xp penalty
Also Sneak Attack is a thf based ability, you would have to have nin30 or greater to do that, and last i check ninjas sub war and tank only. Just a thought.
i was leveling my ninja inronfaur the other night, i as resting (level 6 nin at moment) a blm orc(mesmerizer) aggroed me, casted poison and i started running to zone. i hate like 2 p left and i was like "Nooo i want my exp!" so i used majin gakure on a bunny, it did 2 damage, and i saved my exp :)
i was leveling my ninja inronfaur the other night, i as resting (level 6 nin at moment) a blm orc(mesmerizer) aggroed me, casted poison and i started running to zone. i hate like 2 p left and i was like "Nooo i want my exp!" so i used majin gakure on a bunny, it did 2 damage, and i saved my exp :)
I just got nin the other day, up to lvl 14 now, and i may be wrong but i think it does dmg proportionate to how much hp you have left. So the more you have the more dmg... or is that just dumb?
All I can say is that I'm picturing an alliance of 18 ninjas all activating this ability at the same time....whoa... That would get "screenshot of the day" =)
Mijin Gakure is the offical name of it now. Also, it's damage is based on your current HP. If you have little HP, you're going to do little damage, and vise versa. That's what a high level ninja told me.
That's true. I ghetto warped once using NIN1 and the 2 hr for fun and it did about 70 dmg. I did it last night to not give the satisfaction to a goblin of killing me and it only did 4 pts of damage, the hp I had left.