Passive Ability details for Subtle Blow  

Jobs/Level:Dancer, lvl 25
Ninja, lvl 15
Monk, lvl 5
MP cost:0
Cast time:Instant
Target Type:Single
Description:Reduces the amount of TP gained by enemies when striking them.

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There's a chart somewhere....
# Jul 05 2005 at 2:42 AM Rating: Good
I read a chart somewhere with a bst and I think a monk figured out how much Subtle Blow works.

That'd get a new pet, Bst would check it's TP then release it. Monk would punch it, Bst quickly charmed it and checked it's TP, then released it. They would wait a while, and use different weapons and whatnot. I can't remember exactly how it worked, but something to this affect.

Enemy will recieve equal to your TP gain a round, +2. So if your a monk gaining 5tp a punch, hit twice, you get 10tp. So the enemy gets 10tp+2, 12tp. Subtle Blow takes off a certain portion of that, I'm not sure exactly how much, but some. For instance, it's each point of TP- 10%. So instead, you'd only give it 11tp. Not alot, but it's helpful in the long run. As you get more of these traits, it'll help more. I think monks get up to 4 Subtle blow traits, and let's assume each one is 10%. So instead of you giving it 12tp a round, it's now 8tp. A drk with a scythe gets about 12tp a round, so they'd give it 12+2, 14. Without the subtle blow trait, they're giving it alot more than a monk. But monks attack alot faster as well, so really the amount of TP given per job is about the same.
i get it
# Jul 03 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
i thought it reduced ure tp
# May 25 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
69 posts
when you punch a mob it gains tp, this reduces how much the mob gains when you hit it, doesnt affect the tp you gain at all
Idont under stand?!?!?!?!?!
# May 16 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I dont under stand this isnt this bad stuff?
I mean i see lvl 70+ thiefs wearing the Subtle Blow +1 stuff on there armor.. what does that do tp wise?

Edited, Mon May 16 01:37:46 2005
RE: Idont under stand?!?!?!?!?!
# May 28 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
At higher Lv, there is such a short delay between your melee attacks, that you can easily give the mob 100+ TP in a very short time. All that +Subtle Blows helps reduce the TP given to the mobs.
Subtle Blow Not At MNK 5
# Aug 03 2004 at 12:26 AM Rating: Excellent
414 posts
Subtle Blow is gotten before level 10 MNK. My mistake. It was not showing up in my Job Traits menu. I don't know why.


Edited, Tue Aug 3 20:54:28 2004
RE: Subtle Blow Not At MNK 5
# Oct 26 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
I have this as a Lv.15/7 ninja/warrior
I'm not sure what level i got it at tho.
Double Subtle Blow
# Jul 03 2004 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
If using Nin/Mnk would the subtle blow traits add together??? Saying you are a level 15NIN/10MNK, that is.
RE: Double Subtle Blow
# Oct 12 2004 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
heh, if youre a 15nin/10mnk im gonna call a gm, cuz youre cheating lol... should only be a 7mnk...
RE: Double Subtle Blow
# Jul 03 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
Thats okay guys, I will just call my son an ask him. Thanks for your time.
RE: Double Subtle Blow
# Aug 01 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
I would like to know the answer for that, too.
RE: Double Subtle Blow
# Mar 23 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
634 posts
No, based on other jobs and their job traits, you cannot get 2 copies of Subtle Blow I - nor can you stack I and II.

A good example of how these work is that when THF gets Treasure Hunter II, that overrides Treasure Hunter I - so you get the effect of II but not II + I.

Same thing with Red Mage and Fast Cast
# Jun 15 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
i liked this move but when i started i got it in a pach when a was a lvl 40 mnk but it was still a sweet move
Immediately obvious
# May 19 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
When I got this with my MNK, I *immediately* noticed that mobs didn't typically get to use their special abilities as much as they had before. It is a very, very good thing.
# May 18 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
they've fixed the lvls, now it says monk lvl 5, and ninja lvl 15
# May 05 2004 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
218 posts
NIN = 15
MNK = 5
# May 04 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,506 posts
Why would you want to DECREASE the amount of TP you gain?
                                     ↓His opinion is ****.↓
RE: ?
# May 04 2004 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Eh heh...you may want to re-read the description.

It doesn't decrease the amount of TP YOU gain, it decreases the amount of TP the ENEMY gains when you hit it.

Why would you want this? Well, think about the one thing MNK/NIN have directly in common -> they attack with two hands. Subtle Blow makes it so that this benefit doesn't turn into a harsh penalty for your party by generating excess TP buildup in the mob you happen to be fighting at the time.

Remember, TP is a two way street...players with swords get Fast Blade, goblin's get Goblin Rush ;)
RE: ?
# May 18 2004 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
1,453 posts
MNKs also gain Haste effects from their AF and a lot of their gear. Eventually they add Kicks to their regular attacks and many of their weapon skills are multi-hit.

In other words, before the patch MNKs were a sure way to get hit with repeated Bomb Tosses and whatnot.

This also doesn't include Double Attack from a WAR sub or any buffs cast on the MNK like Haste. Subtle Blow keeps allows them to hit more for the same mob TP gain. It's a very good thing.
#REDACTED, Posted: May 04 2004 at 11:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok. First of all Allakhazam.com needs to get their facts straight. I hardly can believe what they say now. I used to have AOHell *AOL, but he needs a different address so I can help to get the stats just right.
RE: Problems
# May 04 2004 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
This skill is new as of the last update, so it's understandable that maybe some of the submitted information is incorrect. Once someone knows the true level that NIN gets this skill they can submit it and the people who maintain this excellent site will be more than happy to correct it.

Sure there is information that isn't entirely accurate on this site, but it's still the best site available for this game. It has the most extensive database overall that covers all aspects of the game, and everything is nicely linked to make information easy to get to.

I don't have any complaints.
Subtle Blow
# May 04 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
my 35thf/17nin has it... so I assume it's 15 nin
subtle blow
# May 04 2004 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
I got it as Rng30/Nin15 so I guess is a lv.15 ninja job trait
Level wrong...
# May 04 2004 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I'm not sure the exact level, but I do know this one is wrong. My Main BRD is only at 37 now, and was in the lower 30's when the update came out, yet I've had the ability from my subbed NIN the entire time.
Ninja Subtle Blow
# May 03 2004 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
The 25 for ninja is wrong; I have a lvl 24 ninja / 12 warrior, and it gives me it. My guess would be either 20, or 10, cause that's when ninja start using dual wield.
RE: Ninja Subtle Blow
# May 03 2004 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
ive had it on my ninja since the update and i was 21 at the time
lvl 5
# Apr 26 2004 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Subtle Blow: Mnk5
just to confirm with kryptin
RE: lvl 5
# Apr 26 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
399 posts
Yeah, my level 5 Monk has it. It's a level 5 ability, not 8.
its lvl 5 not 8
# Apr 24 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
I have this ability on my 11 war/ 5 mnk so monks get it at lvl 5 not 8.
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