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wife/girlfriend aggroFollow

#52 Nov 18 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
Chiyoyo wrote:
Well no b/f here. Atleast I haven't started calling him that yet. :P But I usually get aggro from him since he has lost he internet and hasn't been able to play FFXi for a while. It's always something like.. "You are always on that d@mn game!", "Don't you have a conscious?", "You're addicted to that game!", "I've tried calling you 18 time!", "Get DSL already!".

Ok so maybe the last one there is a good one.. but jeeze! Let me play my game, feed my addiction, and escape the real world in peace please! ; ; Or maybe I should stay single.. >.>;

Maybe you need a BF like me... Cable modem, mobile phone, you play FFXI? Outstanding!! ^^ (let me give you a world pass to Asura...)
#53 Nov 18 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
643 posts
No husband aggro - since he plays here as well - but I regularly have child aggro. For the most part, I don't play when she's awake because I'd rather spend time with her, but I occasionally have to start earlier for one reason or another. She has some psychic ability that lets her figure out when I'm most stressed - be it a fight that's going badly or my invisible's about to wear out near something that will aggro - and start tugging at my arm and throw a fit. It's completely annoying. :(
#54 Nov 18 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
869 posts
At least she's showing interest sooboo.

My wife just hates the game.

Oh, make no mistake. She hates the game and loathes the amount of time I play (actually... it is pretty loathesome, so she's right on that count). But she tolerates it because she knows if I wasnt playing that, I'd likely be playing Madden... which is even MORE all-consuming (though pausable and for shorter intervals)... or making a general neusance of myself.

The over-the-shoulder reading thing usually comes during commercial breaks (I get the little TV) or when she gets bored with flipping through the latest issue of Cosmo.

GF>>Then this girl at work did this and she bought out all the winter sweaters and then .... Honey are you there? .....

I think Levish has my phone tapped! lol

Edited, Thu Nov 18 15:27:22 2004 by soobooboo
#55 Nov 18 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
How about when I am tanking a fight and out of nowhere, POP, my wife spawns in front of the TV screen and you cant see what is hapening in the game. I start using my macros like crazy, and try to see the TV through the gap between her body and her arm. Is really hard to make her move, but I learned, a couple of quick kisses, hug (with the controller in hand, of course) and while hugging you can see what is happening in the game. That is a long hug, depending of how much the fight last.
#56 Nov 18 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
Is really hard to make her move, but I learned, a couple of quick kisses, hug (with the controller in hand, of course) and while hugging you can see what is happening in the game. That is a long hug, depending of how much the fight last.

Smiley: laugh Good one! I never thought of that, gunna try it ASAP ^^
#57 Nov 18 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
237 posts
Maybe you need a BF like me... Cable modem, mobile phone, you play FFXI? Outstanding!! ^^ (let me give you a world pass to Asura...)

I think I've found a BF! Hehe. xD
#58 Nov 18 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,506 posts
Actually I tried to get my gf to play the game..with that Taru trick of corse ;) But the problem is she has natural born video game deficiency syndrome...I meant she even have hard time playing Katamari Damacy <.<

Anyways...she managed to solo her Taru mnk to lvl 9 and then lost interested in the game. I even bough her FFX2...she liked it...for the frist 2 hr into the game when things became too much for her..../shurg....I guess that is an uncurable desease....at less for her x.X

Edited, Thu Nov 18 16:02:22 2004 by UpOurs

Edited, Thu Nov 18 16:07:19 2004 by UpOurs
#59 Nov 18 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
Chiyoyo wrote:
Maybe you need a BF like me... Cable modem, mobile phone, you play FFXI? Outstanding!! ^^ (let me give you a world pass to Asura...)

I think I've found a BF! Hehe. xD

Yay!! PM me, and I'll give you the info you will need... ^^
#60 Nov 18 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
Ahh good ol wife aggro..

If I'm playing when she gets home from work she usually comes and starts taking to me.

And of course if I don't stop what I'm doing right away I get the "You play too much FF and I think you should cut back"

Every once in a while she says that maybe she should get into the game but personallly I think she does it just to tease me.

Lately though she keeps bugging me to stop playing and play Halo 2 more so that she can play with me. I told her I wouldn't play co-op multi-player until I've finished the single missions myself. Maybe I should since it's so hard to get her interested in the games that I enjoy
#61 Nov 18 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
Avoiding GF/W agro:

I've been working on a recipie for a few weeks now and I tried one that works incredibly well just yesterday:

Laundry Load: Armful of dirty laundry (1), laundry detergent (2), and optional dash of bleach (for whites you know...)

Do this several times (takes all of 4 minutes every hour). Absolutely unbelievable results! It's as if you have sneak, prism powder and deodorize all at the same time, you become invisible to said mob.

I wouldn't know about BF/H agro, but I'm assuming something like this might work:

Guy's Night In: Large thick crust pepperoni pizza(1); Beer(6); and girl-on-girl DVD(3)
#62 Nov 18 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
267 posts
MisstressKat wrote:
My husband and I both play so the only aggro we get is that damned real life aggro. ^^

Agreed. ^^

My wife and I are a BST Duo, so we rarely play without the other, and play often. It's the rest of the world that won't leave us alone.

Funny thread, rate ups ^^
#63 Nov 18 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
455 posts
he he I am so lucky my SO plays the game as well ^^ We tend to have a ton of fun playing together, but he will aggro if I'm on and haven't worked on one of my paintings that day 0_0.
#64 Nov 18 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
No husband aggro - since he plays here as well - but I regularly have child aggro. For the most part, I don't play when she's awake because I'd rather spend time with her, but I occasionally have to start earlier for one reason or another. She has some psychic ability that lets her figure out when I'm most stressed - be it a fight that's going badly or my invisible's about to wear out near something that will aggro - and start tugging at my arm and throw a fit. It's completely annoying. :(

That completely cracked me up. My son will be off doing his homework, playing, at a friends house, whatever for hours. Then at the exact moment that my LS has gotten the pull on Roc for example he is suddenly dying for my attention. Its like the rule with the telephone. The very moment your girlfriend from HS that you haven't spoken with in 6 mos calls, they absolutely must have you all to themselves.

#65 Nov 18 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
I have some pretty bad W/aggro problems.
She has mastered the ability "Interfear". She has also been teaching the kid the "Interfear" ability, and he is getting pretty good at it as well.

She officially "HATES" FFXI to quote her "I hate that stupid game".

Although the /ja "Dishes" <me> and /ja "Laundry" <me> do seem to work, often times the only way to avoid the aggro is to /ws "Wilpower" <me> and turn it off.

A few tips for unsuspecting bearers of aggro.

#1 Act like your gonna play. he/she will be upset, but that is part of the plan so let them be upset. You can always use the "please stop telling me what to do" or "Im playing right now sorry if you dont like it" lines. This will cause some extra agro. Log in, and check your delivery box or just say high and bye to the LS. Then turn it off and go spend time with SO. They see it as a win for them, since it now looks like you stopped playing because they didnt want you to play. I suggest planning this ahead of time.

#2 As mentioned before, do some house work. It will help you avoid aggro.

#3 Plan a night with them in advance so you have all day that day to cope with not being able to play that night.

Good luck with your SO/aggro.
#66 Nov 18 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
481 posts
Major boyfriend aggro.

My bf always wants me to get/make/do something while I'm in the middle of a PT...and then doesnt understand why I can't just get up and walk 30 ft to the kitchen. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh Smiley: frown
#67 Nov 18 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
*/sigh* About 4 months ago my ex g/f would keep calling me over the summer vacation. Now to her, that ment that she could spend more time with me and make me spend more money on movies or gifts for her.

Well I quit my job cuz I saved up enough money to pay for 1 more year of ffxi (only reason I got job anyways) so hey /ma "Money Drain" has no effect on b/f. So she thinks, ok at least we can hang out. And that's when it started.

*RING RING* I pick up phone and she wants go shopping. I tell her I'm busy and she asks with what and so I made the mistake and told the truth. "I'm playing my game and can't come away from it for a good while.". And that's when she got in this huge fight with me over how I've been un-caring about her from the start and how I'm a rotten ******* for quiting my job and not spending time with her anymore.

And that's when I made a choice:
A.Keep on letting her suck me dry of money next time I start working again so she can whine at me for playing a game. or B.End this madness with this crazy woman and let her have a relationship with someone slightly richer and that isn't a FFXI freak like me.

I chose B. So now all I deal with is family aggro. If I could go back and change what I did, would I? Nope I love this game too much to ever stop. (please don't charbroil me ladies lol)
#68 Nov 18 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent

Edited, Mon Nov 22 13:10:43 2004 by suncomic
#69 Nov 18 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
My wife used to aggro me a lot, like "All you do is play the game all day and night, you don't come to bed anymore, you don't take me out anymore... blah, blah, blah" You know what i did to stop her? I made her a character. Now i get into competition with her on who's turn is it to play. :( But hey, the aggro and nagging stop.
#70 Nov 18 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
I was the HNM that used to agro my husband on sight and sound as soon as FFXI came on the PS2. He used his item "Visa" bought the PC version and was able to /ja "Charm" <me> with the game.

Unfortunately, my husband has now stopped playing the game and I have continued on with it. Now HE agro's ME. Don't you think that he would have A LITTLE bit of understanding? Not quite. =P

However, I have found that using potion MGD or Tequila on him works and I try to zone him to the bedroom so I can play in peace afterwards.

Unfortunately, the Impossible to Gauge Kids are harder to defeat. If I can't cast Sleepga on them before they link, like a WHM who uses Benediction, I'm dead in the water.
#71 Nov 18 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, I get that. I bet everyone does unless their significant (sp?) other plays games too.

My problem is a horrible schedule in general; I work at night, take care of our youngest during the day, and my weekends are planned by meeting with friends for a few hours whom I otherwise don't see, getting together with another couple to watch a couple TV Shows from the past week... I think you get the idea.

Anyway, I've gotten to the point where I schedule my time for FF XI too; and my wife still comes downstairs with our youngest because she needs something, or thought of something she has to tell me RIGHT THIS SECOND... and it's almost always when I'm making plans with friends/linkshell or just got into a party.

Maybe I should switch to melee so I don't have to pay as much attention in a fight?...

/sigh - Thanks for reading the rambling... I realize now it's not really a story so much as just venting. :p
#72 Nov 19 2004 at 12:36 AM Rating: Good
84 posts
Although I don't have a significant other. I still find most of these posts heartwarming and very true to human emotion. I hope that you all have the most fun out of life and game as I am having.

EDIT: I do have mom aggro though...

<me> yeah this pt is great!@! ^^
<mom> I need the phone!! Get off the line.
<me> dammit i gotta go. stupid dial-up. >_<
<mom> are you off yet???!!!
<me> dammit

Edited, Fri Nov 19 01:11:19 2004 by rbozarth
#73 Nov 19 2004 at 3:40 AM Rating: Excellent
2,965 posts
This is hilarious!!
I work the graveyard shift, and only can play if I wake up 3 hours before the Wife comes home from work. /panic.
Then on the weekends I take her out to dinner and a movie, and sometimes (if I'm lucky) alittle drinking. So after a night of wining and dining, she is either tired or (if I'm lucky)horny. Both are great for me, but afterwards she is out like a light, and I'm wide awake (again graveyard shift sleep schedule). I get to play for like 8 hours,while she is fast asleep.

/item "Margarita Drink" <Wife>
/wait 10 minutes
/item "Margarita Drink" <Wife>
/wait 10 minutes
/unequip main "Clothes"
/ws "Double Thrust" <Wife>
Added Effect: Wife is now asleep
Dimmauk gains 8 hours of FFXI time
#74 Nov 19 2004 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
21 posts
SO AGGRO SUCKS!!!.... let me say it again..... G/F B/F AGGRO SUCKS!!!

I am a paramedic by trade.... I make my living saving lives.... I see things in my everyday life that would make most people pass out. I dont complain.... if there is something that i can do constructively with my free time... by all means let me do it.

My G/F has this thing that she does when im playing the game that really P ! S S E S me off.... for example while i am leveling and she feels i am not paying ENOUGH attention to her she will come over and lay on me... and on my PS2 controller >.<

not only does this mess up me and my party by making me either cast a spell at the wrong time to miss MB's that i have been hitting all day...or.... not cast a much needed divine seal + cure III that my Tank ohh so desperatly needs... >.< x2

then when i just so happen to free up my controller and get into the game again... without missing a beat.... she sticks her head in my way and for the love of god... not let me see the screen....if I move my head... she moves her head... if I move my head the other way... she moves her head the other way... >.<... this may be ok for you melee types.... but i need to cast and know just what the hell is going on with my PT so i can make the best choice of how to use my MP

For example i had gotten myself into an all JP party ^^
anyone who has ever been in one... knows exactly where i am coming from... i was in this party for maybe 15-20 mins... we were in crawlers nest chaining exorays at LVL 42-45.... without a doubt she comes out and gets in my face cause she cant sleep...conversation goes like this...

Profighter: what's the matter honey?
Girlfriend: I cant sleep.
Profighter: why not?
Girlfriend: I don't know.
Girlfriend: /em lays on Profighter's controller
Profighter: /em thinks WTF im in the middle of chaining Exo's
Profighter: hon can you PLZ get off my controller this is
a tough fight here

Profighter: casts Divine Seal on Profighter
Profighter: casts Curaga on Profighter

Girlfriend: /em gets up

Girlfriend: why do you take things so seriously!!!????
Girlfriend: Its just a game.
Profighter: yeah but I got invited to a JP party
Profighter: that doesnt happen too often, i can level
super fast with these guys helping me

Exoray hits Profighter for XXX DMG
Exoray hits Profighter for XXX DMG
JP1 uses provoke
JP2 uses Raging Fists
JP3 starts casting Cure III on Profighter
Exoray hits Profighter for XXX DMG
Profighter dies

JP1 uses Invincible

a few mins later Profighter and 2 JP lie dead
JP1 blood ports
JP3 blood ports

JP1: <Disbanding Party>?
JP3: <Yes, Please>
Profighter: >.< <I Want Experience Points>
JP1: <I'm Sorry>.

Party Disbands

10 mins later...

RandomPerson casts Raise on Profighter
Profighter: /kneel RandomPerson
RandomPerson: /wave Profighter

Profighter: /em looks at Girlfriend sleeping soundly on his leg
Profighter: /em sighs dejectedly
Profighter: /em thinks he should turn gay

so if any of you out here have a problem like mine please let me know... i would hate to think im the only one....



/end rant

/edit BTW i am out of work now...broke my hand on my best friends face ( For a VERY Good Reason )...so i play FFXI all day while G/F is at work.... now the only aggro I get is about me sleeping all night while she is is here and waking up after she leaves for work ^^

so if all else fails break a body part
( you can always use the excuse the medications are messing up your sleep schedule and you cant stop taking them or you will be in pain )

P.S. dont let your significant other read this post :X

Edited, Fri Nov 19 04:04:58 2004 by ProFighter
#75 Nov 19 2004 at 3:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I get Puppy Aggro, my MinPin lets me play for an hour or so, and then he decides he wants to play. He will jump on to the top of my couch and Bonsai Dive me. Sometimes he uses sneak attack, almost knocks me off the couch.
#76 Nov 19 2004 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
2,313 posts
No aggro from boyfriend.

Fortunately, he works these wierd rotating shifts so our paths sometimes don't cross.

As long as I schedule "quality time" with him all is well. He just rolls over and falls asleep afterwards.

He rather pick up a guitar than play a video game, or fool around with used computer parts to spiff up his own computers. I'm actually gonna dust off my own guitar so I can join him. (Duets can be very romantic.)

Funny, how I'm a Bard in the game lol.

I neglect other things, like dusting and vacuuming. And the dishes remain in the sink until its full (when I cook for him, cause I just drink a protein smoothy otherwise.

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