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Grounds for leaving a ptFollow

#1 Sep 20 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Ok, I just wanted to get everyone's reasons for leaving party's
like mine is, if i am really tired or if i die three times, reguardless, or if the exp is really sucking. I would like to hear everyone else's reasons for leaving pts.
#2 Sep 20 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
If one of the party members is a major jerk, and it doesn't look like anything is going to happen about it, I'll leave. Thankfully, I haven't had this experience that often.

I can tolerate a death or two if I'm still making progress. I can even tolerate sucky exp (especially true if I've suffered through an invite dry spell). But if I'm going to be spending time with a group of people, they had better be decent company.
#3 Sep 20 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I just wanted to get everyone's reasons for leaving party's like mine is, if i am really tired or if i die three times, reguardless, or if the exp is really sucking. I would like to hear everyone else's reasons for leaving pts.

yesterday i died 2 times because a whm said that he couldn't heal me because he needed to save his MP for banish (we were 3 people in a level 6 pt). this was grounds for me to leave and work on it myself.
i have also left if i am tired, have things to do, etc. i almost always (except in cases like above) let the pt know well in advance that i need to go so a replacement can be found.
it makes it rough for me whenever i am a pt leader and someone just drops with no advance notice.
an advance notice is especially helpful if you're the main tank or main healer.
#4 Sep 20 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
495 posts
i leave if the people are jerks.

Yesterday, everyone in the party had a sub but the whm, of course, bc we were desperate.

Turns out he was a total a$$hole. He kept saying he wasn't a newb, but it was totally obvious that he was. He kept telling us that he was gonna banish/slow/etc. but we had a tank heavy party and told him to let me (I was lvling blm sub at him) nuke and he just concentrate on healing. He proceeded to act like such a jerk that we all told him to STFU or leave, and he left in a huff.

His loss too, because we ended up xp chaining up to five, and all made at least two lvls. That's what he gets for being a dumba$$.
#5 Sep 20 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Usually my main reason for leaving is for sleep. I usually play at night time. However, If I'm playing in daytime I might have to go due to someone coming over to visit me or having to go to work later on in the day.

So far I haven't been in a pt that I couldn't deal with that I just had to leave. Usually, if theres someone being a jerk or whatever the pt leader would kick that person out, preventing the rest of us from leaving the pt.
#6 Sep 20 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
835 posts
I normally stick with a party till the end or until I die 3 times and its because of a fault in the party (i.e. Tank doesnt know when to voke or puller keep linking mobs that kill the party).

I have been in several parties where the exp is slow and then one or more of the peeps leaves and the party turns around (get good exp).

I try to be patient and not get too serious (hard not to get caught up in the game, huh).

If I get killed a couple times and its by chance I will stick it out. This was a surprise to a couple parties when I was levelling my Whm. Appearantly they were used to whm that leave anytime they get killed.

If there is an a** in the party I will just ignore for a while or tell them to cool it. Usually if they are the normal a** they will get all vulgar and then just leave...problem solved. Funny how it works out that way, the ones that are the biggest problem think they are the best and you will suffer if they leave..so they solve your problem for you, lol
#7 Sep 20 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
i will leave if it is a sucky party, or if i hve to get off the computer, or if i just get bored and feel like doin something else.
#8 Sep 20 2004 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Thanx for replying! Great responces, keep em coming! Rate up to you guys!!
#9 Sep 21 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
247 posts
I am very forgiving in parties. I'll only usually leave if I'm tired, have family issues to deal with or if the party is not communicating well. I can live with numerous deaths as long as the deaths don't come from repeating stupid mistakes. I also try to give at least a half hour notice before leaving, and I try to find a replacement when I do.
#10 Sep 21 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
I try not to leave PTs unless I'm about to pass out from exhaustion (Tidy-style, lol j/k Tidy) or if 1 or more members is being a total jerk. I haven't had to leave 2 many PTs b/c of that tho, which is good ^^.
Lol, of course I left a LOT of PTs in Dunes, usually b/c no1 knew what they were doing, and when I tried to give some advice, they blew up ; ; (BTW, I try VERY hard to give the PT at least 20 min advance warning, esp. if no1 is searching).

Doomkitty :3 WAR24/MNK11/THF9
=^^= Happily engaged to Angeles =^^=
#11 Sep 23 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Keep the responces coming! I think this is a good topic to be explained. I hate it when people leave pt's just after the pt gets started in a really hard place to lvl at... I.E Quicksand Caves or something like that, those ones really frustrate me ><.
#12 Sep 23 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
no one has mentioned this, but what about when you do something incredibly stupid? Forget to set HP, sell before-level gear right before leveling down(happened as noob-ish war), a bad pull, or the entire pt dying because of you? those are some good grounds. I've only done two, and one was as a paladin(HP) :(. but yeah, besides that, pretty much everything said here.
#13 Sep 23 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
I think most of what you have said is good for leaving a party, politely, as in I really have to go, maybe btw what you did/are doing is really stupid and sometime in the future I hope you realize that and now I really have to go. The only time I have ever left a party without warning is worth mentioning because the #1 reason for leaving a party on Lakshmi server is if someone named Kinghu is in it!! I have heard some terrible stories. Mine goes like this (I was reading FFXI stories and they cracked me up)
Finally meet up with party in Qufim. Standing at camp, see elemental while Kinghu is out looking for something to pull. I'm whm.
Me: Elemental!!
Silence from party. /point
Kinghu pulls whatever it is. I think oh man okay we're all gonna die unless that elemental goes away, hopefully the tanks can hold it, guess he didn't hear me whatever. He comes back to party and I say ELEMENTAL!! again. BLM starts casting whatever, I watch in shocked horror as the elemental decides it likes me better even though I am just standing there. I die. I disband. That is what it takes for me to leave a party. ^^
#14 Sep 23 2004 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
I think you can leave a party for whatever reason--it is after all your time. Just try to be polite about if you can ^^.

Usually when I leave it is due to fatigue, and I always give at least a "I need to leave soon, but will stay until you find a replacement" warning. When I can I give a 30 min warning. There have been times I have a set amount of time I can play, and before I accept an invite I make it clear by saying "I only have 2 hours, then I have to go, is that OK?" to the leader.

If the PT is really bad, I will leave but do my best to let them find the replacement. If I can't do that, I try to be honest and say up front the PT just isnt working well and I am leaving to find a new one, wish them luck and head off.

One thing I didnt see people say is when the PT lvl mix is just too wide to make sense. Sometimes I just barely make a lvl, someone leaves, and they find a replacement 3 levels above me, who promptly levels 2 fights later (this has happened to me more than once). I will let them know the lvl spread is too wide and leave the PT then.
#15 Sep 23 2004 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Yesterday i died 2 times because a whm said that he couldn't heal me because he needed to save his MP for banish

lol thats funny as hell, but i must say /slap, that guy whomever it is, he a fruit. well in response to the thread and not my opinions, my reasons for leaving a pt is as follows: xp sucks, theres a jerk in the pt, im tired, and prior promises i must keep. (oh yea and RL stuff aswell lol) but other than that im game for a long pt.

Edited, Thu Sep 23 22:48:09 2004 by evilcloudzero
#16 Sep 23 2004 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
1,071 posts
Actually, one of my linkmates absolutely despises me for this, as I don't enjoy the aspect of levelling, and I only do so in order to change my clothes and get to go other, more dangrous areas --

Rather, I enjoy role playing. Yaay! ^^ Well, I will never ever leave a PT within the first hour - unless I get killed more that twice in that hour - so I'm not that unbearable.

However, I will leave a PT to role play. Yes, to enjoy the game how I like to enjoy it. I will, of course, always tell them in advance -- say 10-15 minutes. I always offer to find a replacement. A lot of people tell me not to bother, but if they wish, I will hunt one down.

When leaving a party, I make sure that my leaving won't hurt the PT in any way. ^^;
Cause I'm just that valuable. *sarcasm*
#17 Sep 24 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
The only reasons I'll leave a party are:

1. After 20 minutes of having a full party, nothing has been fought.
2. Someone irritates or offends me beyond my point of tolerance.
3. I die twice before the Healers bother to notice and start casting Cures.
4. I lose more exp than I gain in 30 minutes.
5. I run out of yum-yums and must dash to the store for more.

Best reason for being kicked out of a party:

My BST friend was levelling at about Lv 7, and he became so fond of his creatures that he began naming them. Well, I was partying with him as PLD, and whenever he grew too attached to something, I would dispatch it because... I'm not a very nice person. He charmed a Lizard and called her "Muffins". Instant target for me, I don't know why. Anyway, while he was busy talking to a LS member, "Muffins" became uncharmed. SPLATCH!! Muffins never saw it coming. When he calmed down and demanded an explanation for why I attacked it, I said:

"It looked at me all wrong..." and I got the boot. Is that fair? I ask you!
#18 Sep 24 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Thanks for the cookie Andy (I still have the cookie you gave me in game lol)
#19 Sep 26 2004 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
76 posts
What I hate is if I only have an hour or so to play, I find the greatest party. When I have all day I end up in the crap ones.
#20 Sep 26 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
General idiocy.
A Gilfarmer in the party. (yes, those 44/5 THF/WAR Zooes in Lakshmi actually show up in exp parties in the nest.)
Elvaan RDM or WHM.
#21 Sep 26 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
There has only been one time that I left a party without warning. I was in a party in Garlaige and during the day I somehow was made party leader. Our RDM left and I invited a friend (a RDM at the time) that I trusted, and I trust him because he has never let me die. They wanted one of their friends to join the party (a DRK) so they opposed. They started playing like crap after that. They refused to voke any mobs off of my friend. He even had to zone a bat that linked because the party did not care that a linked bat was attacking him. He finally gave up and left, and I left without warning as well (though I was still courteous enough to change party leadership before I left).

Someone in my LS told me, "If the party is pissing you off, then just leave. You are a WHM, you will find another party." Fortunately, I've only had to follow this advice just once.
#22 Sep 27 2004 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
I left a party out of frustration for the first time last night. I was heading through the dunes for the fifth time. In the previous four times I have had some awful parties, mostly the kind where people are still trying to figure out their skills and learn the game, so no sweat. One time this guy had an awful attitude and terrible mouth, but he was the white mage, so I suffered through it. I tend to be pretty easy going.

This party I was in was all rank 5s (whm,blm,war,nin,drk=me)except for the rdm who was rank 2. The party is having an aggro argument when I come in... whm or blm is saying something about how gobs will track down your whole party if it aggros someone. I say no, you only get aggro if you cure or affect someone with hate. Blm responds with "Well, I've been playing for a year. You don't know what you are talking about". /sigh I let it go and we get on with the xp-ing. 1st straw

I'm pulling which is going ok, except the whm starts to get testy. I pull a few when the whm's mp is not full, but thats all part of the chain game. (had only one death over the course of ~2 hours, and it wasn't pulling related) Additionally, the rdm had full mp. The white mage complains. I think, "Fine, whatever... he will see things my way when the xp comes in." 2nd straw

Whm starts saying "Pull" when I'm already out looking. If he meant "Ready", well, I can see that by the bars in the lower right. My take is that he meant "Hurry up". Another argument occurs where I say pulling is difficult here when there is 10 parties looking for the same 4-5 lizards/gobs, blm disagrees and says pulling is the same everywhere. straw 3

Time goes by with constant "pull pull pull" from the whm. eventually we move to crabs at my insistance. Now we have no competition, crabs are all around, I am much happier and I don't have to run in circles looking for pops. IT crabs hit pretty hard, but the ninja and warrior had a good provoke rythym worked out, and I had their back for the times they needed a few extra cures. Pulling is now walking out to a crab and staring it down until the mages have enough mp. whm yells at me again "PULL!" at half mp. We all wait until he has 75% then I pull. He is empty at the end of the battle.

At this point I am quite grumpy. We have a battle where protect wears off and things get a bit hairy. I toss out several "<protect> <please>" requests which are not heard. After battle: "Pull". "<No Thanks.>" I reply. "Go pull!" he says, to which I respond "Why don't you concentrate on doing your own job before telling other people how to do theirs." Whm is flustered and spits out a "WTF?". Warrior explains we need protect. We get protect, I keep pulling. 4th straw

A few later, I pull an IT+. nin and war are taking some damage so I voke. They get back up to full health, but it is a long time I have to hold aggro. I get down to 26 hp before they can provoke it off. I wait a bit... no cures. Warrior get hit for ~30 putting him just into the yellow. Cure>warrior. ninja blinks, three hits later, warrior vokes and repeat. I barely survive the random hits and aoe's with a few cures from the rdm and a drain cast. We finish the battle with me well into the red, the war and nin almost at full health and the whm with mp to spare. (thats all the rest of the straws)

I tell them I'm not going to party with a whm who is trying to kill me. The blm responds "WTF! He isn't THAT low. Stop crying you whiner!" I tell her to look at the log. "OMG you are such a ****ing *****. you can't stand to be in the red for a minute"
me /slap blm
blm /emotes something nasty at me
me /bow ninja (party leader)
me /disband
warrior /bow ninja, /disband

My first post. Yes, it is too long, but this incident caused me to lose some faith in the game. Faith which hopefully will be restored when I get back to leveling in the 40s.

I've been guilty in my time as a mage of trying to tell the troops they need to skillchain (MB makes blm more than just hitting the same few macros over and over), but in general I disagree with telling people what to do.

My sincere apologies for the time I have wasted in your reading to the bottom of this post.
#23 Sep 27 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Well, like I added in a previous post, took us 45 mins to get a PT together and get camped in Quicksand Caves only to have our DRK leave 15 mins later because her friend needed an item from her. I'm really getting sick of "revolving door" XP parties, where every 20 minutes it seems like the same 4-5 people stay in the PT, but the PT gets hardly anything done because the other 1-2 spots keep getting filled, and then they have to leave 10 mins later for whatever reason.

I'm leaving parties abruptly for the following reasons:

1) Three deaths in the PT...ANY 3 deaths, not just my own deaths.
2) I lose more XP in an hour than we've gained.
3) No XP in 25 mins, unless waiting for replacements to arrive
4) Two people leaving the PT for whatever reason ("Food", "I need to go to the AH", "My LS needs me", "d/c") in a 60 minute period
5) Takes more than 30 mins to build the PT from the start

My time is valuable to me, and I'm not going to waste it by dealing with people who have little to no respect for the time of others. Taking 45 mins to an hour get a party setup somewhere only to have one person ruin the entire thing for everyone shows a lack of respect for people and their time.
#24 Sep 27 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
Kinghu pulls whatever it is. I think oh man okay we're all gonna die unless that elemental goes away, hopefully the tanks can hold it, guess he didn't hear me whatever. He comes back to party and I say ELEMENTAL!! again. BLM starts casting whatever, I watch in shocked horror as the elemental decides it likes me better even though I am just standing there. I die. I disband. That is what it takes for me to leave a party. ^^

another kinghu victim eh? and this time he was pulling? i was PTing with him in yhoator jungle. he was tanking, and was TERRIBLE. he RARELY provoked. good thing we had a backup tank. after about 20 minutes of PTing with him, we booted him.
#25 Sep 28 2004 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
SirTanta wrote:
Ok, I just wanted to get everyone's reasons for leaving party's
like mine is, if i am really tired or if i die three times, reguardless, or if the exp is really sucking. I would like to hear everyone else's reasons for leaving pts.

dieing 3 times... thats what made me leave a pt last night... no wait it was stupidity (lvl.33-35) in CN fighting workers, pt was 4.jp 2.na, everyone low on mp & hp... puller pulls a lizard... good plan only 4-5 of them standing around us...
needless to say, two out of the four of us died... i was pissed i had died twice in the span of 30 secs 10-15mins earlier...


i felt bad for not saying anything, but no one said anything about the 3 times i died... so all if fair...
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