Valentione's Day

To everything there is a season, and the time to tell that special someone how you feel is drawing near. Valentione's Day will soon be upon Vana'diel once again! Valentione's Day commemorates the story of a courageous squire named Valentione, who fell in love with a noblewoman regardless of their gap in social status. He confessed his love in the form of a gift, and succeeded in stealing her heart. On Valentione's Day, the inhabitants of Vana'diel show their feelings by giving the person they care about a present, such as chocolate. Still, it can be hard to confess to someone... Someone you are so used to seeing... Someone you always enjoy conversing with... Someone you always adventure with... That's why that person is special, right? But it takes a lot of courage to take it to the next level! And that's where the moogles come in to help! They have devised a plan to bring eligible bachelors and bachelorettes of the three major nations together. Not only that, but they even claim that their fantabulous, splenderrific event (the moogle head planner's exact words) will help adventurers come together, too! If you've ever wanted to try your hand at playing Cupid, you will get your chance soon! One last word from the Mog House Management Union (M.H.M.U.): "We're waiting for you all with wonderful prizes that will let you show your love forever and ever, kupo!" [Event Details] This event is scheduled to commence on February 2, 2006 at 16:00, and will last until February 15, 2006 at 0:00 (PST). [Moogle Locations] Southern San d'Oria Northern San d'Oria Bastok Mines Bastok Markets Windurst Waters Windurst Woods


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pointless in my view
# Feb 09 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
this quest is pointless in my view unless u get very bored, in the time i could do this quest i could make 300k farming.

Edited, Thu Feb 9 10:36:37 2006
# Feb 06 2006 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
umm.. i havent even figured out how to combine chocolates yet ;-; someone please explain as i am retarded xD
# Feb 06 2006 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I finally got my wand. :) Some advice: When you're combining the chocolates, do one at a time and return it to the NPC before you combine another. The first two times I combined all 4, then returned them. The last time I did 1 at a time and got my wand. Not sure if it makes a difference, but it's the only thing I did different and it worked. If you can't figure out why you're not getting the best rank, may as well give it a shot.
RE: Tips
# Feb 06 2006 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Having done this many times now for Aurora crystals I have noticed that it makes no difference how you change them. For efficiency we would trade all eight pieces, (two at a time but using the Single's desired matches). Then run out and deliver the four chocolates.

Thing to note is who gets what:
Hume => Amoure
Elvaan => Romance
Taru => Desire
Galka/Mithra => Attraction

We was able to get "excellent" on nearly all of our runs except tests. One thing to not as well: do not interrupt their spiel after you give them the chocolate. Seems to come up as an incomplete even though they take the chocolate.

Edited, Mon Feb 6 17:53:18 2006
Looking For Love?
# Feb 05 2006 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Rich Hume Male seeks sexy/slutty Mithra, Hume/Elvaan Female.

Cooks, cleans, makes you scream.

.....^.^ lmao
Event Info
# Feb 05 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
Hello, ('-'*)
I don't post much here but thought I would share.
You can go to CosmicEnigma and find all the info about this event, (NPC possitions, how to do it perfect,...). I just don't feel like recreating all the info here (c|

Edited, Sun Feb 5 12:50:16 2006
Where are NPCs
# Feb 05 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
I guess this is a question so dumb it doesn't even need to be mentioned here. But sorry, I don't know the answer. Where are these NPCs (Hume, Galka, etc) I can find the Moogle no problem, but not the NPCs in question. I ask all around town and the NPCs just say their normal bit.

Taking turns
# Feb 04 2006 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
To avoid speaking to two NPCs before returning a chocolate (see my earlier post) my partner and I took turns filling each others needs.

Pattern went like this:

Partner speaks to Galka male. Galkan wants elvaan girlfriend.

I speak to Elvaan female. She wants Taru boyfriend. I give Elvaan female chocolate to partner, he take them to moogle, gets them combined, returns combined chocolate to Galka.

Partner speaks to Taru male (as requested by my elvaan female). Taru male wants Mithra girlfriend. Partner gives Taru male chocolate to me, I go to moogle to get them combined, return chocolate to Elvaan Female.

I speak to Mithra (female) as requested by Taru male. She wants hume boyfriend. I give Mithra chocolate to partner, he returns to moogle, etc. etc.

You see the pattern.

We used this method - even if a bit time-consuming - because it appears that if you speak to two NPCs before returning a chocolate to the first one, you do not get the better prizes (only signing crystals)

Charm Wand +1
# Feb 04 2006 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
I did the quest the first time in SanD and chose a charm wand.

Did it a second and third time in SanD and Bastok, but moogle only described my performance as "decent" and was offered no high-level prizes. Apparently you HAVE to do NPCs one at a time - I tried to "cheat" by doing all 4 then returning chocolates to all 4. Bad move.

Appears that pattern has to be speak to npc, return chocky to that npc. THEN speak to second NPC, etc.

So after i figured that out, the second time the moogle found my performance to be "excellent" he offered me a charm wand +1. Maybe because I had the charm wand equipped?

Hope this helps.
RE: Charm Wand +1
# Feb 06 2006 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
463 posts
u dont have to do them 1 at a time, i just finished getting my wand and me and my partner did all 4 at once. get all 8 pieces, trade 4 with partner, trade to moogle to get completed chocolates, pass out to npc's, back to moogle. charm wand <found it!>. apparently u either made a bad combination or gave the wrong piece to the wrong npc. but you dont have to do 1 at a time.
# Feb 04 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
I hate theese depressing events >.< Why cant square have a anti-love day in whitch every one is turned into food by the moogles and have special attacks depending on what food / race they are.... Itll be like super ballista... Id be a Riceball being elvaan... >.> random...yea
Chocobo Pass/Ticket
# Feb 03 2006 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
I believe the difference between the Chocobo Pass and the Ticket is the Pass is EX and it also can be used at any level to ride a chocobo. I think these are given to new players with the Gold World Pass as well.
On a side note, Good luck to everyone in this event! =^-^=
# Feb 03 2006 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I also had a list, albiet very small. I did everything word for word, but my only choices were chocopass and chocobo ticket. I had my heart set on that wand too :( Can anyone give me any pointers?
And again, what's the difference between a pass and ticket?

Edited, Fri Feb 3 18:57:02 2006
# Feb 03 2006 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
127 posts
That's funny. All my people wanted partners of the same race, save for the Mithra and Galka who were paired together. Lol.

I think this year's is better than last year's. Also, I never got chocopasses or the like...I had a list to choose from. o_O;
RE: Haha.
# Feb 03 2006 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
423 posts
Me too, Shirubi. :D

P.S. I knew somewhere you'd be way ahead of me in levels. :D

easy event
# Feb 03 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
Tock only a few hours to figure it out and about 5 attempts in toal from trying to figure it out to getting botth the charm wand and the charm wnad +1

This is very simley to the sunbrezze festavile were you had to team up in the event to get your swim ware.
# Feb 03 2006 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I did the mission and got the Charm Wand, the Romance Potion, a signing crystal, and I'm working on getting the Charm Wand +1.

However, does anyone know what the Romance Potion is for yet??
RE: Potion
# Feb 03 2006 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
Romance potion restores a few hp, I don't know how many, I used mine when my hp was full.
The Moogles have it out for me
# Feb 03 2006 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
This is a pretty crappy V-day for me >:( I blew it twice already, with a "decent" rank and 2 options, chocobo tickets. So let's review. Say I get this:
Elf wants Mithra (Romance)
Hume wants Taru (Armour)
Galka wants Elvaan (Attraction)
Taru wants Hume (Desire)
Soz, I mix my Romance with a females Mithra chocolate, Armour with a Tara half etc. etc. Then I give them back to whoever I got them from, so Romance goes to Elf, Armour to Hume and so on. Right? That's what I've been told, and what I've gathered from here and both times I only got chocobo tickets. I want a wand +1 damnit :( Like I said, I goofed twice so I should onlu have 1 more shot in this town (according to someone else), and I don't want to go Windy really.
While I'm on the subject, what's the difference between the ticket/pass?

Edited, Fri Feb 3 16:52:42 2006
# Feb 03 2006 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
423 posts
Sounds a little contrived... but that should be expected by now. :)

I prefer when you can do the tasks by yourself, tho I suppose that's not really in with the Valentine spirit.

So Galkas do have feelings for others? Sadly they're anotomically lacking, if the story is to believed... that's why they have to get Moogles to do their bidding.
V day stuff
# Feb 03 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,230 posts
Ok, this is what i have done so Far and it worked rather well.

Get a partner in the game of the opposite Sex and do this togeather.

A male will go to all the Male NPC and a female will go to all the female NPC (Valentine Singles)

there are 4 male and 4 female, talk to the 4 of your sex(after getting the Quest from the moogles)
Write down what each wants and what chocolate they gave you.

Galka gave Attraction wanted Hume F
Elvaan gave Romance wanted Taru F
Taru gave desire and wanted Mithra
Hume gace Amour and wanted Elvaan

My parnter talked to the females and got this:

Mithra gave attraction wanted taru
Taru gave desire wanted galka
Elvaan gave Romance wanted Hume
Hume gave Amour wanted Elvaan

So we got the chocolates from each NPC and trade accordingly.

then give the chocolates to the moogle in the pairs, like the galka and Hume F choc to get a while chocolate, then give it back to the NPC you got it from.

Based on how well you do, you have more of an option of prizes.
I had the option of the Wand, A potion( no clue what it does) Signing Crystals, chocopass and chocotickets.

It is repeatable, so you can get several things.
The more accurate you do it the better your Prize choices will be.

Also do it with a friend if you can/want to, cause ther is a more Subtle Prize as well.

Well gl all, happy Valentines day!!
RE: V day stuff
# Feb 03 2006 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
Did this twice now before I had to go to sleep, but was able to get 100% luckily, because someone corrected me on my second trade.

Initially I though I had to trade with someone of the race that they specified. But no.

You need to trade the correct chocolate you have for a peice of chocolate from the type of NPC that the person asked for.

E.g. as a mithra I got the following requests
Mithra looking for a galka
Elvaan looking for a hume
Hume looking for a tarutaru
Tarutaru looking for an elvaan

Now, for me to complete it I needed to find someone who got chocolate from say a galka, and the galkan wanted a mithra. Or from someone who got a chocolate from an Elvaan and was looking for a tarutaru.

If you get all 4 trades correct, you get your choice of all the items except for 1... The +1.

As far as I can tell (since I didn't actually do it the third time), you need to either get the option for the 2 Ex items (the wand is rare/ex the potion is just ex), or have gotten the items themselves. After that (a.k.a your third successful completion of the event) you will get the option for the Charm Wand +1.
Charm Wand +1
# Feb 03 2006 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
To get the Charm Wand +1 just do the V-DAY quest 3 times in any nation. It can be done 3 times in the same nation, and it's much easier if you party with a character of the opposite gender so you can just trade the chocolate pieces

Edited, Fri Feb 3 02:40:54 2006
V-day hates me
# Feb 03 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
V-day always skrews me over ._. ....

I got:
Elvaan male Romance need romance hume girl
Galka Attraction: needs TT female (OUCH)
Tarutaru Desire: needs Elvaan woman
Hume male Amour: needs Female elvaan

and i shouted for 5 hours struaght without a good response to a one of my requests, i did all three nations and Nothing
in conclusion V-DAY sucks

the items you get give Reraise, the normal club gives 10/10 (24 hours downtime) and +1 gives 1/1 (unlimited, 120 hours) i think the club is decent for minor exp pts but i dislike how you gotta huntfor impossable matches honestly

Edited, Thu Feb 2 23:40:06 2006
RE: V-day hates me
# Feb 03 2006 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry to hear that = ( I partied with an Elvaan male we started the quest at the same time usually started with a male npc and based on what he said I went to the correlating fm. It worked everytime. So if you stick with the same person makes this quest a breeze

Ankh/Rista Seraph Server
Charm Wand
# Feb 03 2006 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
Is there a +1 version of the Charm Rod, if so...how do you get it? I did the event 2x in windy and it didnt work. Do i need to go to Sandy and Bastok too?
How it works
# Feb 02 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
You walk around, and talk to the NPCs called Valentine Singles, which happen to be of your chars gender. E.g., Hume male, talks to hume male, elvaan male, taru male, and Galka. Girl chars will talk to hume female, elvaan female, taru female and Mithra.

They each will give two peices of chocolate. One is rare/ex, the other is tradeable. Taru gives you "Desire," Hume is "Amour," Elvaan is "romance," and Galka/Mithran is "Attraction." These pieces are "gender" specific. That is males will only get male pieces, and females will only get female pieces.

Trade your tradeable peice to a player character of the opposite gender. For example, I, a hume male, traded my "desire" male piece for a "desire" female peice from a female character. When I had both pieces, I traded them to the moogle, and he made them whole.

When u have a completed piece return it to the NPC you originally got it from. So, the Taru male gave me the "desire" chocolate halves, and I returned it to him completed. When you return all four pieces to all four genders, the quest is done, and you can collect a prize. So far, i've only gotten a choco ticket, but i could have chosen the chocobo pass.

# Feb 02 2006 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default
Can someone please tell me how this event works?
Hexa Strike...
# Feb 02 2006 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
I can imagine it now... WHM 75/NIN37 dual wielding heart rods, walks up to a goblin smithy and says 'I love you!'... then executes a Hexa Strike....
Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 01 2006 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Pretty sure the Moogle Nation is just plotting their next major motion picture event, and using now to filter in one of the props. "Sailor Galka"... you just wait. Next event... St. Patricks day or whatever it may be will feature a pleated "Kilt" and a Harness with a crystal on it! Event after that: "Stabbing boots!" (which will look like stiletto's)... and in the end we'll have a bunch of Sailor Galka and Sailor Elvaan running about, feeling boss and smashing the forces of... gender orientation!
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
438 posts
I am can see it now... My new Macro for Hexa Strike will include:

RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent


And when that day comes ...

You'll dream of the days when you only had to worry about ManFaye.
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
...St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and kilts are traditional Scottish clothing. Got your wires crossed a little there dude. St Patrick is depicted as a leprechaun, not a tree throwing powerhouse.
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
799 posts
actually, uncross your wires, since kilts are also traditionally Irish, just not in Scotts plaid.
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Kilts originate in the Highlands of Scotland. I'm not doubting that Irish Kilts exist, but the origins of Kilts are purely Scottish.
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
While the origins of the kilt are still in dispute, they are based off the Tartan. An Irish invention. Orginally created in Donegal, Ireland and exported to Scotland back in the 16 hundreds???

Now the Pleated or Short Kilt there is dispute on whether it was created by a scotsman or an Englishman, that does not change the origins of the Tartan itself:)

And in fact yes, there are kilts in Ireland... Typically scotsman wearing them, however, you are correct in the fact that Irish typically do not wear kilts, they do however have and wear tartans.

You can find some information about it here

As to a typical Saint Patties day, that is a Priest's garb that you typically see him sporting.

Oh, and Saint Patrick was a Briton, not Irish by birth. He was actually kidnapped and brought to Ireland, where he later led a crusade to convert the country to Catholasism... Which started a 300 year long bloody British rule...

And you can find information on that here
Just alittle history for you:)
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I already knew about the story behind St Patrick, but thank you very much for that Tartan article, it was a very informative read. :) I don't know if you knew that or had to look it up or whatever, but thanks anyways. :) As a Scotsman myself it's something I've actually never heard, so I withdraw my previous arguement in light that it's potentially a false statement, and I don't like potentials. ^^ Thanks again.
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 02 2006 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
np^^ I am part irish, and love the debate (ok debate isn't quite the word:P)
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 03 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
I have a washcloth kilt.....
RE: Re:Pink Sugar
# Feb 04 2006 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Lol, yeah, rub it in. You know I've checked my family tree back as far as I can, it's all Scottish people with 2 Scottish parents. So, as far as I can tell, I'm 100% Scottish, yet...I don't own a kilt. Lol.
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
# Jan 31 2006 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
Judging by the Tribune picture the event item will be some sort of heart-shaped rod. I guess even my male hume gets to play magical girl this time... :D

RE: Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
# Feb 01 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
HAHAHA, and the scary part, you know you'll see a lot of dudes (if there is a heart shaped rod) running around saying stuff like that.

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