The Issue and Consequence of Homophobia in MMOs

Frequent homophobic slurs among the Xbox Live community prompted Microsoft to reevaluate its policies last year. Now advocacy groups like GLAAD are turning their attention toward other virtual communities.

The Internet has positively influenced our lives in an innumerable amount of ways; from the revolution of the standard business model to the friends we decide to go out with on a Friday night, we've come a long way in such a short amount of time. The Internet has forever changed the video games industry as well. As multiplayer gaming gained momentum in the late-90s, players began to coalesce on the Web in virtual communities, ultimately paving the way to the massive-scale gaming networks,  like Xbox Live and MMO environments, we use today.

The ubiquity of online gaming communities comes with a price, though. It's easier to spread bigotry and inflict prejudice in virtual spaces than ever before. That's not to say that problems like these are anything new, or exclusive to online mediums like gaming networks. By middle-school, practically every student in the country is exposed to defamation in some form. Homophobia is particularly one of the most-debated issues in online gaming today; harassment of gay and lesbian gamers in virtual communities is drawing more media attention than ever before, and some analysts believe it's only getting worse.

Online gamers are particularly conscious of the "anonymity factor" of the Internet, which suggests that many people lose natural inhibitions when they're able to communicate anonymously and without consequence. Whether it was addressed to you personally or something you read in chat channels, how many times have you thought, "Who would actually say things like that to someone's face, in the real world?"

Sociologists began studying Internet communication almost two decades ago, when IRC and online message boards were just emerging. As time went on, the technology advanced and spawned the smorgasbord of Web 2.0 and "virtual communities" we use today. Instant messaging, social networking, forums, blogs and online gaming (including MMOs) are so ingrained in our culture that most teenagers can't remember a time without them.

Even so, it's not the technology that's to blame; defamation of one's sexual orientation existed long before video games and online message boards. To a certain extent, it's rather the new and innovative ways in which people have learned to express bigotry and hatred.

A few years ago, Microsoft came under fire from advocacy groups and thousands of angry customers after the "Halo 3: Homophobia Evolved" video fiasco (note: not safe for work). After constantly hearing an endless barrage of homophobic slurs from players in the Xbox Live community, a subscriber decided to produce the video as an experiment. He created the gamer tag "xxx GayBoy xxx" and simply joined Halo 3 matches as usual, without provoking other players or even talking about sexual orientation. Sadly, we probably don't need to explain what he experienced throughout the video, because most gamers have seen or heard it for themselves.

Xbox Live made headlines again when the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community branded it as a hostile environment last spring. An Xbox player (referred to as "Teresa" in news reports) was frequently harassed and degraded by other players for identifying her sexual orientation openly. She contacted Microsoft about the issue, but her account ended up being suspended. At the time, the story stirred up quite an uproar, eventually prompting Microsoft to reevaluate their Xbox Live rules and policies and issue an apology to the LGBT community.

Offensive slang and discrimination was prevalent in MMOs long before the era of online communities like Xbox Live, but it hasn't received as much attention as the mainstream console gaming industry. But during the summer of 2009, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) began taking a closer look at how people were being treated in MMOs.

Last July, GLAAD’s Director of Digital Media, Justin Cole, wrote a popular op-ed for Kotaku; "The Impact of Homophobia in Virtual Communities." In addition to the recent Xbox Live issues, Cole emphasized the fact that these problems aren't limited to a single gaming medium. He doesn't mention the name of specific MMOs that GLAAD has crossed paths with in the past, like World of Warcraft—but he does reveal a few distressing statistics from a 2006 study:

52.7% of those surveyed said the gaming community is "Somewhat Hostile" to gay and lesbian gamers, 14% said "Very Hostile." When asked what forms of homophobia people have seen in the gaming community, here is some of what the surveyed said:

87.7% - Players use the phrase, "That's so gay."
83.4% - Players use the words "gay" or "queer" as derogatory names.
52.3% - Stereotypical representations of gay characters in games.
42.5% - Refusal of game designers to include well-developed gay characters.
49.4% - Invisibility of gaymers and/or the gaymer community.

When asked how frequently players experience homophobia, those surveyed who responded "Always" or "Frequently" equaled 42%. Add in "Sometimes" and it brings up that total to 74.5%. When asked how often those players respond to the homophobia they witness – 50.9% total responded "Never" or "Rarely."

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# Feb 19 2010 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
If gays don't want to be bothered then why don't they SHUT THE @#%^ UP about their lives. You don't see me saying anything about my live.

You want to be gay then fine, I have gay friends and they never make a fuss about it. And guess what! They've never been harassed to my knowledge; hell they don't even act the stereotype.

"You're" like the fat kid in school that whines about gym vs the fat kid that goes out and tries his best; guess which one gets picked on more.

So damn sick and tired of this politically correct crap; people are such freakin whimps it's pathetic.

PS: slow day at the ZAM News Room....again

Edited, Feb 19th 2010 1:18am by Dyner
# Feb 19 2010 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
Are you so lost in the way society is that you cannot sit back and critically think this one threw. When you marry your wife or husband is that or is that not a public announcement of your sexuality? When a parent says to their gay child, "Your mother and I do not flaunt our sexuality", the statement it self is flaunting sexuality.

Back to the point. This article is not about whining or crying about how we as gays are picked on during recess, this is about common human decency. If your gay friends said they never have issues with people because they are gay...they are lying and your attitude towards gays is most likely one of the reasons they do so. I think the key words there are "...to my knowledge."

Here is the fact. I am gay and I have no problem standing up for myself. I work in a game store and hear "***, that's gay"...all the damn time and I kick them out of my store. If you want to follow this up with more ignorant spew. I will gladly meet it head on. :)
# Feb 19 2010 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
77 posts
the only problem with that logic is its things like people using gay as a term for something that is bad or ****** as an insult that is equally homophobic and upsetting for homosexual people
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2010 at 11:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is just ffing sad...so ffing sad...why oh why is this article even being posted???
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2010 at 11:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The Homophobic 'word' was a convenient phrase thought up by the gay's to try to 'label' those that found their chosen lifestyle disgusting. Phobic would denote a 'fear of', lol straight folks aren't "afraid" of you, don't flatter yourself... we need a word or phrase for disgusted by, revolted by, sickend by... or maybe one for "keep your sex choices to yourself and stop parading around expecting some special rights" phrases. Nobody cares what your personal sex choices are! I'm a guy... I like Women... I have a normal sex life... I don't attend national straight pride parades or demand some special rights... You made a choice, live with it, just don't expect everyone to automatically accept your perversion. Better yet, keep it to yourself and live your life. Why is this even a 'story'?
get real
# Feb 19 2010 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
Aside from the seething hatred and bile you spew (which you may consider talking to someone about), you got a fairly important distinction wrong here. Being gay is not a choice (or a perversion, but that's your own thing to deal with). We are who we are and have been our whole lives. I'm sorry you are so threatened by something that doesn't effect you in the slightest, but putting US in the wrong here isn't really fair.
get real
# Feb 19 2010 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
...Wow, really? Every day is national straight day! I can't believe you could even write this and think it a sound argument. Being a gay man I guess I should create another word to label someone like you...hhmmm, lets see. How about bigot? No, that one is already created but we can be delusional and say a gay person made it up.
Whinin' homos
# Feb 18 2010 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Score -1 for the homosexuals.

Makes you look even more whinier. Could your wrists possibly get anymore limp already?

I'm deaf. The games are going more and more dependant on using vocal communication. Do you see me flopping on the floor screaming that it isn't fair? Kid... shuddup. They're just making it even more amusing to poke fun of homosexuals now that they've painted an even larger target on their face.

Bend over and take it up the @$$ like everyone else online.
Whinin' homos
# Feb 19 2010 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
Your not man enough to take it up the @$$
Such a tired subject....
# Feb 18 2010 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
Alright. First of all let me state I have nothing against gay people. I live in Canada. Both USA and Canada are free countries. If you believe in freedom then just let homosexual people live their lives. Now the internet is a terrible place. I have played WoW for many years. People need keep their REAL world politics out of it. PITA and LGBT keep your filthy hands out of it. The last thing people want is a reminder of a world so bad we need to go to Azeroth to forget. I understand your feelings are hurt and you disagree with people but keep it to the proper audience.
Yes I will admit to calling things "gay". Does it mean im homophobic? No. It's become a popular generic insult much like punk or beatnick. Yes both of those were targeted very specifically at a group of people who were disliked. But to use those terms now they feel outdated and redundant. Now if homosexual people lay off all of this the term "gay" will be ousted just like punk and beatnick.
I understand homosexuals get picked on in video games as much as real life. I know somewhat how it feels as I am part jewish. I however wont go announcing it. Going into a game populated by alot of the general population who hate gay people is like me going to Palastine and announcing im a Jew. What do you think the outcome will be? Not pleasant. So I keep it to myself and play WoW as a fictional character to have fun.
I am a strong believer in gay rights and human rights for that matter. Too many people lose sight in these matters and start accusing others who have no part in it of wrong doing. Is it Microsoft's fault people are homophobic? NO! Then why blame them? Spreading education may help the problem but it wont fix it. Time in this case may be the only option. The world isn't perfect but some people feel they have to push that it is and they can be the ones to change it. Best of luck to you. I hope one day we wont have to worry about these things but for now, LEAVE IT OUT OF OUR MMOS AND VIDEO GAMES AS A WHOLE.
Today's Youth
# Feb 18 2010 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
Look I semi-agree with Dark. The world needs thicker skin in general. It's not having it that got a lot of our problems started in the first place. Someone gets offended at what someone else says and they sue or get even or start some group to bash the others in retaliation. Something as simple as "You're such a dork." may at one point offend those that play games or the people who go to the con's every year.
See if someone pisses me off, I know I don't have to stoop to their level or return fire, because I can just turn it off, change the channel, or ignore it. Now if someone punches me in the face you bet your *** I'll finish them off. I know you can't make fun of me or put me down. I've tried it myself and I've run the gamut of derogitory putdowns. Even ones that I would never say in public.
Look I'm personally against the idea of homosexuals... but I don't have to put them down. I just inform them that I disaprove of their ways and wish that they would keep their private matters to themselves. I don't tell everyone about my exploits and they don't want to hear them. I also disaprove of gay marriage, not because of the "I think it's wrong" issue, I have no problem with that, it is the legal loopholes they can exploit and all of the havoc they can cause to the already screwed up legal system. For instance, when a person get's healthcare through their company that they work for their spouse can get the same coverage as well. This could lead to people getting married to others just for the healthcare benifits. Also when a spouse dies they can then receive death benifits from them. So many loopholes that need to be closed before this can happen. If a Man and a Man or a Woman and a Woman want to have all the glories and misfourtunes of being married I'm all for it.
But back on the subject, just because some one uses the word "gay" or "jew" or anything else that may be used negitively doesn't mean they are sexist or racist or any of that. I just means that they are using a new deffined version of the word. Look through out history at how words have evolved. Much of what we say today mean ENTIRELY different things back in the 50's. Let alone the 1800's and 1000's. Socitey has changed by leaps and bounds, and much of what was taboo is now acceptable. We just need to learn to understand that some are just ignorant and others just have a lesser vocabulary. It may be unacceptable in your culture but it could be a different thing in someone else's. Shouldn't we all learn to accept others culture for what it is and not slam them for what they believe in, even if it is wrong to us?
Today's Youth
# Feb 19 2010 at 1:07 AM Rating: Excellent
38 posts
PsycoScout wrote:
it is the legal loopholes they can exploit and all of the havoc they can cause to the already screwed up legal system. For instance, when a person get's healthcare through their company that they work for their spouse can get the same coverage as well. This could lead to people getting married to others just for the healthcare benifits. Also when a spouse dies they can then receive death benifits from them.

And straight people would never dream of exploiting those same loopholes
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2010 at 11:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey Psyco...thx for that wall of text...
lifestyles and how "phobic" are you
# Feb 18 2010 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
Ok take for example, Pedophilia. Any man over the age of 18 who has sexual images or has sexual relations with a girl under 18 can be persecuted as a pedophile in the United States. As a culture, not religion, we have deemed that wrong and improper. Yet no more then 2 years ago a 9 year old MARRIED a 30 something year old man in another country and a judge ruled it fair.

Lets look at Polygamy. Many people think its ok for you to love someone of the same sex but it is wrong to love multiple people of the opposite sex. So your saying their pursuit of happiness is not as important as someone of homosexual nature?! Where is the line drawn between right and wrong. You can punish a man for having 2 wife's yet claim separation of CHURCH and STATE when it benefits your own desires. You deserve whatever ridicule from "Trolls" you get. If your not strong enough to stand up for what you believe in then get the hell out of the way!

If I believed in Polygamy I'd be like hey that is my life and I enjoy it. If I were a homosexual, I'd say that is my life and I enjoy it.

I'm just saying the world lately needs thicker skin. We can't be all sensitive to EVERYONE'S needs. Only the strong survive in this world and if you can not survive through physical strength alone you must have superior mental capability to overcome the same obstacles.

And things in other countries and cultures that we see as BARBARIC and SICKENING are their everyday lives.
Who's really to blame here?
# Feb 18 2010 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
Yes, the hate talk LGBTs suffer in MMOs is brutal. But the hate talk EVERYONE suffers in MMOs is brutal. Women are abused. Younger kids are abused. Older folks are abused. People who live at mom's house are abused. The disabled are abused. Jews are abused. Atheists are abused. Blacks are abused. You wouldn't believe the stuff the Chinese and Japanese spew at each other. Roleplayers. Casuals. Canadians! And on, and on, and on.

This is a genre that spawns outrageously sexist, degrading games like Age of Conan. It's no wonder it attracts and foments a culture of offense toward the out-group du jour. It's one gigantic frat house of vile, obnoxious "bros", supported by the companies themselves (such as the infamous decision, later reversed, by Blizzard a few years ago, to outlaw LGBT guilds). So we can hardly ask why these host companies do nothing -- they've created the foundation for the vitriol, they've enabled the offenders both with their rules and their scenery.

About twelve years ago I had the displeasure of watching my UO character be "raped" by another character, complete with elaborate emotes. The GMs had the guy banned within 5 minutes of my guildies paging them. This definitely isn't a new phenomenon, but I'd bet my bottom dollar Blizzard wouldn't respond at all to such a petition, let alone ban so quickly. And that is what is new.
# Feb 18 2010 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
I know this is more of a side issue, but since a phobia is a fear of something, I'd say a lot of people who oppose or otherwise speak negatively about homosexuality aren't phobic. They just don't like it or don't agree with it. The same logic would make a man guilty of religiophobia for speaking against religion, when in fact he may simply dislike it or disagree with it. And we could go on and on, with alcoholophobia, gender-phobias, politicophobia, etc.

Ironically, society has taken to using a term that's deliberately degrading (homophobia) to describe people who don't necessarily treat homosexuals in a way that's deliberately degrading. That's a double-standard. Not everyone who disagrees with or expresses opposition to homosexuality is mean, rude, degrading, or disrespectful, and not all (probably not most) fear them. Some people actually speak their minds in a non-hostile way, even if we don't like what they're saying, and it's not done from fear.

That said, there is no cause to speak hostile and rude as many people do against (insert group here).

Now, as a previous poster noted, there's another issue, and that's joking about different groups. I don't get my feathers ruffled when someone makes jokes about me and the fact that I'm (insert thing that's different); I've learned to get over myself. But society has taken to defending a few groups (a VERY few) and allowing everything else to go on. We're so sensitive today that a movie like Blazing Saddles would never be allowed to enter the movie theatres. But part of having the liberty we have is that people have liberty to oppose or make fun of you.
# Feb 20 2010 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
799 posts
it is called a "phobia" because there is no rational reason for fearing it.
And you can't "agree" or "disagree" with a trait that is not a question of opinion.

Do you "agree" with red hair?
There is nothing to agree or disagree with. it is not a choice, it is not a political statement, it is not an opinion. It is not something that CAN be agreed or disagreed with.

being gay is an identity issue. it is who you are.

do you agree or disagree with black people? what exactly would "disagreeing" with black people involve? "hey, I don't think black people should be... black". That makes absolutely no sense.

The only way you can use the term "agreement" in regards to homosexuality, is if you believe it is a CHOICE. And I'm sure that you, as a rational person, are not dumb enough to think that anyone would consciously CHOOSE to be gay, right?

I "disagree" with smokers". But smoking is a choice.
I generally disagree with Republicans. But then, political affiliation is a choice.
I almost always disagree with my sister.. but then, she's my sister.

Every time someone states "live and let live" and follows that up with "even if I disagree with your lifestyle", they demonstrate a profound misunderstanding of what homophobia is. To state that it is something upon which there can be "agreement" is to make it something it is not: a choice.
far too common
# Feb 18 2010 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
Not so sure about that, Dark. I regularly see trolls (Net trolls, not Horde trolls) throwing out trash talk in Trade Channel directed at racial, ethnic or religious groups and there is nearly always a large number of /2 posters who shout them down. But similar comments of an anti-gay nature often are ignored or even propagated. If I were gay, it would bother me. In fact, I'm not gay but it STILL bothers me.

Thank goodness for expanded Ignore lists.
homophobia in MMOs
# Feb 18 2010 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
322 posts
I have found that a simple and polite "I find what you just said offensive {degrading, etc.} and unnecessary. Please try to be more sensitive and respectful to ALL people." I have this on a macro and use it when I see women, gays, muslems, etc. made the brunt of jokes or insensitive remarks. Sometimes I get rude reactions but more often I get an apology. I never get into a fight or discussion.
# Feb 18 2010 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
This is the same thinking that is going on with Palin. No one cares that the guy dropped the F bomb in a meeting, they just cared that he said "retarded." Really, which one is more offensive?
# Feb 18 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Default
So let me get this straight,

We can joke about race, politics, celebrities, terrorism, religion, and sexism but as soon as we joke about homosexuals something is wrong... wow.. seriously.. stop being such wusses. If your proud of what you are take the heat and stand strong no matter what! So what if your gay be gay and proud but not angry at others who are going to give you crap till the end of time.
# Feb 18 2010 at 11:25 PM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
Fairly sure no one said your racist jokes were good either, it's amazing, but you can actually converse in games without being offensive to anyone at all. Strange concept I know.
# Feb 19 2010 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
I just love how straight people justify their hatred. Pretty sad.
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