Site Update #1

Site Update #

Click on Read More to see all the site updates for the month of December.



Updated Items: Satyr PiperHasty BardFrostfire Sandals of RebellionFrostfire Wristguard of RebellionFrostfire Robe of RebellionFrostfire Gloves of RebellionFrostfire Pants of RebellionFrostfire Cap of RebellionFrostfire Sleeves of Rebellion


New Recipes: Frostfire Sleeves of RebellionFrostfire Cap of RebellionFrostfire Pants of RebellionFrostfire Gloves of RebellionFrostfire Robe of RebellionFrostfire Wristguard of RebellionFrostfire Sandals of RebellionFrostfire Cap of Rebellion


Bestiary Updates: a large polypa polypa scalewrought airguarda scalewrought artificera scalewrought beholdera scalewrought cloudguarda scalewrought ethermancera scalewrought gazera scalewrought maniupulatora scalewrought mendera scalewrought observera scalewrought perceivera scalewrought repairera scalewrought skysentrya scalewrought skystrikera scalewrought skyterrora scalewrought stewarda scalewrought strikera scalewrought workerAkini, Xanathan's Wardera scalewrought artificera scalewrought beholdera scalewrought bruisera scalewrought cloudguardiana scalewrought earthstrikera scalewrought gaiastrikera scalewrought handlerdelete mea scalewrought makera scalewrought manastrikera scalewrought mintstrikera scalewrought mountstrikera scalewrought observera scalewrought poundera scalewrought skyguarda scalewrought spaceguarda scalewrought strikercommand microphonea scalewrought guardiana scalewrought harvestera scalewrought herdera scalewrought lookouta scalewrought observera scalewrought sentinela scalewrought sentrya scalewrought supervisorpile of carapacea beara scalewrought soldiera sheepa snakea tame griffinan arcane studentan octopusBunnyCouncilmember LizzrelCouncilmember Myjinndespairdread - ToBFirst RaiderKeikolin the Enlightenedmisery - ToBNorlan PrellmossSilverwingtribulation a desperate monitora many mawed fienda mature barnaclea reinforced scoutera respected servanta roaming seekerFolt Primcaller [Teleport Spells]Veteran Darznel


Zone Updates: Plane of Hate BThe Grounds



New Items: Starfire Mint-Berry BreezeStarlight Nectar Sparkling MetheglinAstral Star Fruit WineStarborne Lychee MelomelAstral Star Fruit JuiceStarborne Lychee JuiceGlass of Effervescent SpringflowWild Broodtide Combo PlateWild Harvest Meatball SubBroodtide Fish SaladThe Invader's Enhancements: Relics of DominionSummoned: Void ArrowSummoned: Quiver of DreneshSummoned: Folded Quiver of DreneshSummoned: Ring of Perfected LevitationScroll: Ring of HodstockScroll: Circle of HodstockScroll: Zephyr: HodstockScroll: Hodstock GateScroll: Hodstock PortalScroll: Translocate: HodstockTome: Reciprocal ShieldTome: Reciprocal FormTome: Reciprocal WeaponsTome: Reciprocal RageScroll: Reciprocal BlessingScroll: Reciprocal ForceScroll: Reciprocal FusilladeScroll: Reciprocal FangScroll: Reciprocal WindsSong: Reciprocal PsalmScroll: Reciprocal RoarScroll: Reciprocal ParoxysmScroll: Reciprocal FireScroll: Reciprocal CompanionScroll: Reciprocal ReinforcementScroll: Reciprocal FuryTome: Shield SplitTome: Reflexive ResolutionTome: Reflexive RetributionTome: Reflexive RebukeTome: Reflexive SlashingTome: Xanathan's VindicationTome: Paradoxical ExpanseTome: Paradoxical PrecisionTome: Avowed PenitenceTome: Reflexive NeedlespikesTome: Focused Maelstrom of BladesTome: Incensive InfluenceTome: Phantom AfterimageTome: Curse of Seventeen FacetsTome: Fatewalker's CovarianceTome: Fatewalker's Precision StrikeSong: Yaran's DisdainTome: Queseris' DaggerTome: Poisonous CovarianceTome: Invidious PunctureTome: ArcscaleTome: Draining StrikesTome: Eviscerator's CovarianceScroll: Valiant DefianceScroll: Paradoxical BlessingScroll: Aureate CovarianceScroll: ArrowflightScroll: Fernstalker's EnrichmentScroll: Fernstalker's CovarianceScroll: Concealed ShotScroll: Paradoxical DisruptionScroll: Bloodletting CovarianceSong: Dirge of ImthakSong: Swarm of the PiperSong: Yaran's DemandSong: Covariance of Sticks and StonesScroll: Venomous CovarianceScroll: Scourge of EternityScroll: Self-IgnitionScroll: Voidstone BoltScroll: Summon Boiling OrbScroll: Summon Molten Dacite OrbScroll: Stupefier's AuspiceScroll: Stupefier's DemandScroll: Remote Sphere of DissolutionScroll: Goremand's Grip of DecayScroll: Malevolent CovarianceScroll: Chromospheric VortexScroll: Glacial Ice BlockScroll: Contemplative GambitScroll: Frostbound CovarianceScroll: Blazing BlastScroll: Auspice of UsiraScroll: Firebound CovarianceScroll: Grant Visor of UsiraScroll: Grant Ring of Perfected LevitationScroll: Grant Quiver of DreneshScroll: Night's Eternal TerrorScroll: Chromatic CovarianceScroll: Otherworldly WaysScroll: Nature's AnswerScroll: Hazuri's RetortScroll: Anticipated InterstitionScroll: Divine RejoinderScroll: Avowed CovarianceScroll: Mycelid AssaultScroll: Ferntender's CovarianceScroll: Hotarion PandemicScroll: Mindful SpiritScroll: Chaotic BloodcurseScroll: Ancient CovarianceSummoned: Boiling OrbSummoned: Visor of UsiraSummoned: Molten Dacite OrbBucktooth XXVBroken Auretite ChainTorchAcolyte's Focus of the HarbingerDevotee's Focus of the HarbingerNascent Balanced GemScalewrought Drone HarnessBroodslayer's ChestScalewrought Flyer EggDefiant ClawBanner of the Outer BroodBanner of the Outer Brood: Tribute CloneScale Seeker's BackpackBroodslayer's SatchelBroodslayer's RucksackBroodslayer's BackpackDistillate of Health XXIIDistillate of Clarity XXIIDistillate of Divine Healing XXIIDistillate of Celestial Healing XXIIDistillate of Spirituality XXIIDistillate of Replenishment XXIIMetamorph: Verdant Scaled HatchlingNascent Flanged MaceNascent WandObscured Wrist Armor of the EnthralledObscured Arms Armor of the EnthralledObscured Head Armor of the ShackledScalewrought EmblemBrood Officer's Emblem


Updated Items: Voidstone Infused SilkVoidstone Infused TimberVoidstone OreWild Harvest CutVoidstone CrystalFortitude Focus of UprisingVoidstone Infused Sealed Poison VialVoidstone Infused Poison VialVoidstone Infused Potion VialVoidstone Invigoration MediumVoidstone Fortification MediumResonant Auretite of the EnthralledAzure Scalewrought Tower Shield OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Shield OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Buckler OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Longsword OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Axe OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Hammer OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Mace OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Dagger OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Short Spear OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Sword Breaker OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Broadsword OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Knuckles OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Baton OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Injection Dagger OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Spiked Mace OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Flanged Mace OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Athame OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Wand OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Scimitar OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Ritual Spear OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Bardiche OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Maul OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Long Spear OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Greatsword OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Bo Staff OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Greataxe OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Lucern Hammer OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Arcane Staff OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Longbow OrnamentAzure Scalewrought Short Bow OrnamentThe Invader's Vial: Potent PoisonsThe Invader's Vial: Potent PotionsThe Invader's Catch: Utilizing Fish ScalesThe Invader's Enhancements: Gems of MightThe Invader's Armory: Weapons of WarThe Invader's Armory: Battle ArmorThe Invader's Beltcraft: Tinkered BucklesThe Invader's Clayworks: Pottery CodexThe Invader's Adornments: Jewelry FabricationThe Invader's Libations: Beverages from BeyondThe Invader's Table: Feasts from BeyondThe Invader's Primer: Basics of BroodcraftEnchanted Refined VoidstoneSummoned: Exigent Servant XXIVSummoned: Exigent Minion XXIVSummoned: Exigent Servant XXVSummoned: Exigent Minion XXVRod of Heroic ModulationSummoned: Voidfrost ParadoxSummoned: Dawnlight SatchelCauldron of Endless AbundanceSummoned: Exigent Minion XXIV IIISummoned: Frostbound FragmentHammer of Obliteration IIISummoned: Exigent Servant XXIII IIISummoned: Exigent Minion XXIII IIKnife of Memoryforged DesolationMace of Memoryforged DesolationLarge Dragonbone Shard


Updated Quests: Investigating the Mysterious SarnakDragon Bones (Western Wastes) (10 Points)


New Recipes: Broodtide Fish Salad (Coarse Salt)Broodtide Fish Salad (Rock Salt)Wild Harvest Meatball SubWild Broodtide Combo Plate (Coarse Salt)Wild Broodtide Combo Plate (Rock Salt)Glass of Effervescent SpringflowStarborne Lychee Juice (Celestial Springflow)Starborne Lychee Juice (Pod of Water)Starborne Lychee Juice (Water Flask)Astral Star Fruit Juice (Water Flask)Astral Star Fruit Juice (Celestial Springflow)Astral Star Fruit Juice (Pod of Water)Starborne Lychee Melomel (Water Flask)Starborne Lychee Melomel (Pod of Water)Starborne Lychee Melomel (Celestial Springflow)Astral Star Fruit WineStarlight Nectar Sparkling MetheglinStarfire Mint-Berry Breeze


Bestiary Updates: a scalewrought artificera scalewrought craftsmana scalewrought curatora scalewrought inspectora scalewrought makera scalewrought observera scalewrought sentinela scalewrought skyguarda scalewrought skyguardiana scalewrought strikera scalewrought terrastrikerscalewrought quartermastera scalewrought skydefendera scalewrought airguarda scalewrought artificera scalewrought beholdera scalewrought cloudguarda scalewrought ethermancera scalewrought gazera scalewrought maniupulatora scalewrought mendera scalewrought observera scalewrought perceivera scalewrought repairera scalewrought skysentrya scalewrought skystrikera scalewrought skyterrora scalewrought stewarda scalewrought strikera scalewrought workera scalewrought airguarda scalewrought artificera scalewrought beholdera scalewrought bruisera scalewrought cloudguarda scalewrought cloudguardiana scalewrought earthstrikera scalewrought gaiastrikera scalewrought handlera scalewrought inspectora scalewrought makera scalewrought manastrikera scalewrought mintstrikera scalewrought mountstrikera scalewrought observera scalewrought poundera scalewrought skyguarda scalewrought skyguardiana scalewrought spaceguarda scalewrought strikera scalewrought terrastrikerscalewrought toola crownshell carapacea hardshell carapacea scalewrought caregivera scalewrought couriera scalewrought deliverera scalewrought farmhanda scalewrought guardiana scalewrought harvestera scalewrought herdera scalewrought lookouta scalewrought observera scalewrought sentinela scalewrought sentrya scalewrought supervisora softshell carapaceTha`k Rustae, the Butchera bandit cutpursea bandit cutthroata bandit scouta beara craba Crystalwing merchant [Merchant]a dark chantera decaying miniona fearmongera foxa frightener - ToBa hawka rabbita rotting miniona scalewrought assailanta scalewrought attackera scalewrought bruisera scalewrought flyera scalewrought raidera scalewrought skystrikea scalewrought soldiera scalewrought stormera scalewrought transporta snakedespairdread - ToBFirst Scoutmisery - ToBa loyal monitora reinforced scoutera respected servanta second wave invadera sky glandulaa star spya strong monitora toughened horrora vicious troopera void congeran abyssal eelan aetherial hydraan astral barnacleThe Grinnuch



Updated Items: Van's Gem of TranquilityAged Skyguard SatchelGlittering Token of SurpriseGlittering Token of SorrowGlittering Token of RageGlittering Token of JoyGlittering Token of HorrorGlittering Token of SerenityBucktooth XXVOtherworldly DeviceBroken Auretite ChainTradable: Activated Item Key Ring Slot (5)Tradable: Levaithan Calf WhistleTradable: Scalewrought Striker SaddleTradable: Level 100 Heroic Character BoostTradable: The Outer Brood Expansion TicketAureate Chalet Three RoomMetamorph: Scalewrought MonitorLeviathan Calf WhistleAureate Dragon RingAureate FigurineActivated Item Key Ring Slot (5)Metamorph: Scalewrought LaborerScalewrought Striker SaddleInvader's SatchelPainting: The Outer BroodContract of the SkyguardSummoned: Molten Dacite OrbSummoned: Visor of UsiraSummoned: Boiling OrbBroodslayer's BackpackBroodslayer's RucksackBroodslayer's SatchelBanner of the Outer Brood: Tribute CloneBanner of the Outer BroodScale Seeker's BackpackDefiant ClawScalewrought Flyer EggBroodslayer's ChestScalewrought Drone HarnessVoidstone Infused SilkObscured Feet Armor of the ShackledBelt Buckle of UprisingObscured Wrist Armor of the ShackledObscured Arms Armor of the ShackledObscured Head Armor of the ShackledFortitude Focus of UprisingMonitor's ClapperclawString Serving of UprisingHooked Buckler of the ShrewdMooncleaveBioluminescent Cave Stone


Updated Quests: Crashing the PartyGroup Mission: Brood Architect HazuriGuardian of Norrath (60 Points)Broodslayer (60 Points)Paragon of The Outer Brood (40 Points)Vanquisher of The Outer Brood (80 Points)Scale Seeker (40 Points)Novice The Outer Brood Hunter (30 Points)Adept The Outer Brood Hunter (40 Points)Veteran The Outer Brood Hunter (50 Points)Bucktooth XXVI


Bestiary Updates: Zeflmin Werlikanin [Portal Crystals]scalewrought foremanscalewrought toolZarek [Travel Sickened]scalewrought overseerMarius Carver [Group Merchant]a desperate monitorFolt Primcaller [Teleport Spells]a moldy chest - Brood Architect HazuriZebastian Quell [Teleport Scrolls]



Updated Items: Spell: Zephyr: Plane of TimeSpell: Ring of Plane of TimeSpell: Plane of Time PortalSpell: Circle of Plane of TimeFinal Judgment of the Prime HealerMooncleaveObscured Chest Armor of the ShackledNascent Balanced GemContract of the SkyguardAureate FigurinePainting: Dulak's Harbor


Updated Recipes: Absinthe (Hyssop)Absinthe (Wormwood)Absinthe (Nutmeg)Absinthe (Angelica)Absinth (Angelica)Absinth (Hyssop)Absinth (Wormwood)Absinth (Nutmeg)


Bestiary Updates: The Dragon SageHerald of Druzzil Roscalewrought operatordelete mescalewrought rancher



Updated Items: Acrobat's Necklace of RebellionAcrobat's Mask of RebellionAcrobat's Earring of RebellionAcrobat's Cloak of RebellionDefender's Mask of RebellionMystic's Mask of RebellionMystic's Cloak of RebellionSigil of RebellionOrb of RebellionTalisman of RebellionGuardian's Ring of RebellionSage's Ring of RebellionDuelist's Ring of RebellionDefender's Waistguard of RebellionMystic's Sash of RebellionAcrobat's Belt of RebellionDefender's Charm of RebellionMystic's Charm of RebellionDuelist's Charm of RebellionWrist Armor Lining of RebellionHand Armor Lining of RebellionFeet Armor Lining of RebellionHead Armor Lining of RebellionArm Armor Lining of RebellionLeg Armor Lining of RebellionChest Armor Lining of RebellionEarring Clasp of RebellionMask Fastener of RebellionNecklace Clasp of RebellionShoulder Fastener of RebellionCloak Fastener of RebellionIdol Polishing Cloth of RebellionRing Polishing Cloth of RebellionBelt Buckle of RebellionCharm Polishing Cloth of RebellionShield Enarmes of RebellionFinesse Core of RebellionPower Core of RebellionString Serving of RebellionLegionnaire Bracer of RebellionLegionnaire Gauntlets of RebellionLegionnaire Boots of RebellionLegionnaire Helm of RebellionLegionnaire Vambraces of RebellionLegionnaire Greaves of RebellionLegionnaire Breastplate of RebellionIlluminator Bracer of RebellionIlluminator Gauntlets of RebellionIlluminator Boots of RebellionIlluminator Helm of RebellionIlluminator Vambraces of RebellionIlluminator Greaves of RebellionIlluminator Breastplate of RebellionExarch Bracer of RebellionExarch Gauntlets of RebellionExarch Boots of RebellionExarch Helm of RebellionExarch Vambraces of RebellionExarch Greaves of RebellionExarch Breastplate of RebellionNatureward Wristguard of RebellionNatureward Gauntlets of RebellionNatureward Boots of RebellionNatureward Coif of RebellionNatureward Sleeves of RebellionNatureward Leggings of RebellionNatureward Coat of RebellionSoulrender Bracer of RebellionSoulrender Gauntlets of RebellionSoulrender Boots of RebellionSoulrender Helm of RebellionSoulrender Vambraces of RebellionSoulrender Greaves of RebellionSoulrender Breastplate of RebellionLifewalker Wristguard of RebellionLifewalker Gloves of RebellionLifewalker Boots of RebellionLifewalker Cowl of RebellionLifewalker Armwraps of RebellionLifewalker Leggings of RebellionLifewalker Tunic of RebellionSoulforge Wristguard of RebellionSoulforge Gloves of RebellionSoulforge Boots of RebellionSoulforge Cowl of RebellionSoulforge Armwraps of RebellionSoulforge Leggings of RebellionSoulforge Tunic of RebellionLoremaster Bracer of RebellionLoremaster Gauntlets of RebellionLoremaster Boots of RebellionLoremaster Helm of RebellionLoremaster Vambraces of RebellionLoremaster Greaves of RebellionLoremaster Breastplate of RebellionShadowscale Wristguard of RebellionShadowscale Gauntlets of RebellionShadowscale Boots of RebellionShadowscale Coif of RebellionShadowscale Sleeves of RebellionShadowscale Leggings of RebellionShadowscale Coat of RebellionSpiritwalker Wristguard of RebellionSpiritwalker Gauntlets of RebellionSpiritwalker Boots of RebellionSpiritwalker Coif of RebellionSpiritwalker Sleeves of RebellionSpiritwalker Leggings of RebellionSpiritwalker Coat of RebellionSoulslayer Wristguard of RebellionSoulslayer Gloves of RebellionSoulslayer Sandals of RebellionSoulslayer Cap of RebellionSoulslayer Sleeves of RebellionSoulslayer Pants of RebellionSoulslayer Robe of RebellionFrostfire Wristguard of RebellionFrostfire Gloves of RebellionFrostfire Sandals of RebellionFrostfire Cap of RebellionFrostfire Sleeves of RebellionFrostfire Pants of RebellionFrostfire Robe of RebellionFlameweaver Wristguard of RebellionFlameweaver Gloves of RebellionFlameweaver Sandals of RebellionFlameweaver Cap of RebellionFlameweaver Sleeves of RebellionFlameweaver Pants of RebellionFlameweaver Robe of RebellionMindlock Wristguard of RebellionMindlock Gloves of RebellionMindlock Sandals of RebellionMindlock Cap of RebellionMindlock Sleeves of RebellionMindlock Pants of RebellionMindlock Robe of RebellionDragonbrood Wristguard of RebellionDragonbrood Gloves of RebellionDragonbrood Boots of RebellionDragonbrood Cowl of RebellionDragonbrood Armwraps of RebellionDragonbrood Leggings of RebellionDragonbrood Tunic of RebellionWarmonger Wristguard of RebellionWarmonger Gauntlets of RebellionWarmonger Boots of RebellionWarmonger Coif of RebellionWarmonger Sleeves of RebellionWarmonger Leggings of RebellionWarmonger Coat of RebellionSummoner's Earring of RebellionDefender's Earring of RebellionMystic's Earring of RebellionDefender's Necklace of RebellionSage's Necklace of RebellionGuardian's Pauldrons of RebellionSage's Amice of RebellionDuelist's Spaulders of RebellionGuardian's Cloak of RebellionTower Shield of RebellionShield of RebellionBuckler of RebellionLongsword of RebellionAxe of RebellionHammer of RebellionMace of RebellionDagger of RebellionShort Spear of RebellionSword Breaker of RebellionBroadsword of RebellionKnuckles of RebellionBaton of RebellionInjection Dagger of RebellionSpiked Mace of RebellionFlanged Mace of RebellionAthame of RebellionWand of RebellionScimitar of RebellionRitual Spear of RebellionLongbow of RebellionShort Bow of RebellionLegionnaire Bracer of the BoundLegionnaire Gauntlets of the BoundLegionnaire Boots of the BoundLegionnaire Helm of the BoundLegionnaire Vambraces of the BoundLegionnaire Greaves of the BoundLegionnaire Breastplate of the BoundIlluminator Bracer of the BoundIlluminator Gauntlets of the BoundIlluminator Boots of the BoundIlluminator Helm of the BoundIlluminator Vambraces of the BoundIlluminator Greaves of the BoundIlluminator Breastplate of the BoundExarch Bracer of the BoundExarch Gauntlets of the BoundExarch Boots of the BoundExarch Helm of the BoundExarch Vambraces of the BoundExarch Greaves of the BoundExarch Breastplate of the BoundNatureward Wristguard of the BoundNatureward Gauntlets of the BoundNatureward Boots of the BoundNatureward Coif of the BoundNatureward Sleeves of the BoundNatureward Leggings of the BoundNatureward Coat of the BoundSoulrender Bracer of the BoundSoulrender Gauntlets of the BoundSoulrender Boots of the BoundSoulrender Helm of the BoundSoulrender Vambraces of the BoundSoulrender Greaves of the BoundSoulrender Breastplate of the BoundLifewalker Wristguard of the BoundLifewalker Gloves of the BoundLifewalker Boots of the BoundLifewalker Cowl of the BoundLifewalker Armwraps of the BoundLifewalker Leggings of the BoundLifewalker Tunic of the BoundSoulforge Wristguard of the BoundSoulforge Gloves of the BoundSoulforge Boots of the BoundSoulforge Cowl of the BoundSoulforge Armwraps of the BoundSoulforge Leggings of the BoundSoulforge Tunic of the BoundLoremaster Bracer of the BoundLoremaster Gauntlets of the BoundLoremaster Boots of the BoundLoremaster Helm of the BoundLoremaster Vambraces of the BoundLoremaster Greaves of the BoundLoremaster Breastplate of the BoundShadowscale Wristguard of the BoundShadowscale Gauntlets of the BoundShadowscale Boots of the BoundShadowscale Coif of the BoundShadowscale Sleeves of the BoundShadowscale Leggings of the BoundShadowscale Coat of the BoundSpiritwalker Wristguard of the BoundSpiritwalker Gauntlets of the BoundSpiritwalker Boots of the BoundSpiritwalker Coif of the BoundSpiritwalker Sleeves of the BoundSpiritwalker Leggings of the BoundSpiritwalker Coat of the BoundSoulslayer Wristguard of the BoundSoulslayer Gloves of the BoundSoulslayer Sandals of the BoundSoulslayer Cap of the BoundSoulslayer Sleeves of the BoundSoulslayer Pants of the BoundSoulslayer Robe of the BoundFrostfire Wristguard of the BoundFrostfire Gloves of the BoundFrostfire Sandals of the BoundFrostfire Cap of the BoundFrostfire Sleeves of the BoundFrostfire Pants of the BoundFrostfire Robe of the BoundFlameweaver Wristguard of the BoundFlameweaver Gloves of the BoundFlameweaver Sandals of the BoundFlameweaver Cap of the BoundFlameweaver Sleeves of the BoundFlameweaver Pants of the BoundFlameweaver Robe of the BoundMindlock Wristguard of the BoundMindlock Gloves of the BoundMindlock Sandals of the BoundMindlock Cap of the BoundMindlock Sleeves of the BoundMindlock Pants of the BoundMindlock Robe of the BoundDragonbrood Wristguard of the BoundDragonbrood Gloves of the BoundDragonbrood Boots of the BoundDragonbrood Cowl of the BoundDragonbrood Armwraps of the BoundDragonbrood Leggings of the BoundDragonbrood Tunic of the BoundWarmonger Wristguard of the BoundWarmonger Gauntlets of the BoundWarmonger Boots of the BoundWarmonger Coif of the BoundWarmonger Sleeves of the BoundWarmonger Leggings of the BoundWarmonger Coat of the BoundSummoner's Earring of the BoundDefender's Earring of the BoundMystic's Earring of the BoundAcrobat's Earring of the BoundDefender's Mask of the BoundMystic's Mask of the BoundAcrobat's Mask of the BoundDefender's Necklace of the BoundSage's Necklace of the BoundAcrobat's Necklace of the BoundGuardian's Pauldrons of the BoundSage's Amice of the BoundDuelist's Spaulders of the BoundGuardian's Cloak of the BoundMystic's Cloak of the BoundAcrobat's Cloak of the BoundSigil of the BoundOrb of the BoundTalisman of the BoundGuardian's Ring of the BoundSage's Ring of the BoundDuelist's Ring of the BoundDefender's Waistguard of the BoundMystic's Sash of the BoundAcrobat's Belt of the BoundDefender's Charm of the BoundMystic's Charm of the BoundDuelist's Charm of the BoundResonant Auretite of the BoundScalewrought's Voidstone DelphiniumScalewrought's Voidstone PrivetScalewrought's Voidstone LaburnumScalewrought's Voidstone CaladiumScalewrought's Voidstone LarkspurScalewrought's Voidstone OleanderDread Silk CapObscured Chest Armor of the ShackledEmberquartz Slayer SourceObscured Head Armor of the ShackledDefiled Sword BreakerAdmirable Brilliant Stud of Distant EchoesGilded Tower GreatswordMayonnaiseRobe of Plasmatic PriesthoodAuburn Hero's Forge Chain Chest OrnamentAuburn Hero's Forge Leather Helm OrnamentElemental CoreFlawed Defiant AmberstoneKyv ArrowheadObscured Hands Armor of the ShackledBlackened WandOpaline Shard of RelicAcolyte's Focus of the HarbingerMonitor's ClapperclawObscured Wrist Armor of the ShackledEmberquartz Conjuror SourceObscured Legs Armor of the ShackledEmberquartz Wayfarer SourceBlue Badge of DeathPartially Empowered DodecahedronCinnamon SticksTranslated Prism Text Part 1Obsidian FlambergeGiant Scalebound TomeOrnate Reagent BoxGiant Loyalist TokenJourneyman Tailor TrophyAtathus-Touched Wyvern MountAdoptable Atathus-Touched Wyvern MountLeviathan Calf WhistleTradable: Levaithan Calf WhistleSuperb Dynamic Stud of Distant EchoesArgent Clockwork Wyvern SaddleArgent Clockwork Puma SaddleArgent Clockwork Bear SaddleArgent Clockwork Wrulon SaddleArgent Clockwork Worg SaddleArgent Clockwork Sokokar SaddleArgent Clockwork Sessiloid SaddleArgent Clockwork Selyrah SaddleArgent Clockwork Rhino SaddleArgent Whirligig Flyer Control DeviceBloodspear OrnamentBuckler of Fire and Fury OrnamentCaen's Bo Staff of Fury OrnamentDiseased Mandible Sword Ornament


New Quests: Broken Key of DragonsBroken Key of Dragons (Solusek's Eye) (10 Points)


Updated Quests: Porlos' FuryLxanvom LaborsWe Have to Go Back!Smell what the Scalewrought are CookingTranslations


New Recipes: Acrobat's Cloak of RebellionAcrobat's Earring of RebellionAcrobat's Mask of RebellionAcrobat's Necklace of Rebellion


Updated Recipes: Sealed Reagent BoxFreshman Tailor TrophyJourneyman Tailor TrophyMayonnaise (Reptillian Egg)Mayonnaise (Snow Griffin Egg)Mayonnaise (Rockhopper Egg)Mayonnaise (Alligator Egg)Mayonnaise (Cockatrice Egg)Mayonnaise (Snake Egg)Mayonnaise (Basilisk Egg)Mayonnaise (Owlbear Egg)Mayonnaise (Silt Slider Egg)Mayonnaise (Drake Egg)Mayonnaise (Wurm Egg)Mayonnaise (Dragon Egg)Mayonnaise (Phoenix Egg)Mayonnaise (Stone Snake Egg)Mayonnaise (Green Snake Egg)Mayonnaise (Sand Snake Egg)Mayonnaise (Nest Drake Egg)Mayonnaise (Nifilik Egg)Mayonnaise (Free-Range Egg)Axe of Uprising


Bestiary Updates: The Dragon Sagea mind burrowerOmat VastseaTomekeeper Bjordnessina Diaku Death Knighta dragorn laboreran ukun deathhounda storming scrykina Mucktail gnolla Mucktail shamanOpal Darkbriar - The Poisoned Floundera goblin mysticMiacallie Herlsas [Merchant]Researcher Rosinda Wrannstad [Quests]scalewrought driverMirala [Travel Sickened]scalewrought crusherscalewrought smasherZarek [Travel Sickened]scalewrought watcher



New Items: A Broken Dragon Bone ShardA Shiny Dragon Bone ShardA Scuffed Dragon Bone ShardA Pristine Dragon Bone ShardA Gnawed Dragon Bone ShardA Glowing Dragon Bone ShardA Flawless Dragon Bone ShardA Chipped Dragon Bone ShardInvasion Force's WarhammerInvasion Force's SabreInvasion Force's PernachInvasion Force's DaggerFracturing SparkMetal ShardsAnimal SinewPoison-Tipped SpearNoctix's Journal: Page 7Noctix's Journal: Page 4Noctix's Journal: Page 1Frost Encrusted TreeIce-Clad Staff Maiden StatueIce-Clad Maiden StatueIce-Clad Sword Maiden StatueSuit of Felena's Drakkin LeatherObscured Feet Armor of the EnthralledShackled Scalewrought Chain Wrist OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Leather Helm OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Cloth Hands OrnamentHarbinger's Ring of GrudgeHarbinger's Fine Ring of Grudge


Updated Items: Tradable: Levaithan Calf WhistleRepaired Key of the VoidDistillate of Replenishment XXIIDistillate of Spirituality XXIIDistillate of Celestial Healing XXIIDistillate of Divine Healing XXIIDistillate of Clarity XXIIDistillate of Health XXIIEmpty DodecahedronVisage of the Spellbound ArmorBlue Cavalier Hat OrnamentationBlue Cavalier HatResearch NoteExotic Aureate FungiAureate Plant PouchAureate Spell ScribeReptilian EggStarfire Mint-Berry BreezeStarlight Nectar Sparkling MetheglinStarborne Lychee MelomelAstral Star Fruit JuiceStarborne Lychee JuiceGlass of Effervescent SpringflowWild Broodtide Combo PlateWild Harvest Meatball SubBroodtide Fish SaladAbyssal FilletLeviathan Tissue SampleInert Lesser EngramInvasion Success NeedsInvasion Force's LanceInvasion Force's GlaiveInvasion Force's ClubInvasion Force's Battle AxeInvasion Food NeedsInterstellar Communique GammaInterstellar Communique EtaInterstellar Communique EpsilonInterstellar Communique DeltaInterstellar Communique BetaHard Jagged DroppingsInert Greater EngramInert Glowing EngramInert Minor EngramSigil of Driving PowerFortitude Focus of UprisingFeet Armor Lining of UprisingEmberquartz Conjuror SourceEmberquartz Wayfarer SourceScalewrought Warden's CharmSacred Charm of the ScalewroughtMystic's Charm of UprisingMystic's Charm of RebellionEmblem of Aurelian ValorDuelist's Charm of UprisingDuelist's Charm of RebellionDefender's Charm of UprisingDefender's Charm of RebellionDelectable Aureate CupcakeDark Discrete DroppingsCrushed Aurelian Armor PlateCracktooth Orc JawCracked Aurelian PolearmChief Digger's ReportCelestial SpringflowBroken Symbol of MarrBroken StaffBroken ShieldBroken ChainBroken Cannon BatteryBroken Bow StringBraver Krim's Lost TreasureBobble-by-Water CookbookAureate SpannerAureate HardtackAstral Star FruitAncient Rift RuneBone Collector's BagTimeless OilStarborne LycheeRotting Dragon ScaleRed Santug Cap OrnamentElaborate Defiant KamaVoidstone Ore PowderWhite Gilded LodestoneSeal of EnicMist of the BreathlessGleaming Emblem of the OverseerGolden Belly ChainsScalewrought's Voidstone OleanderScalewrought's Voidstone LarkspurScalewrought's Voidstone LaburnumScalewrought's Voidstone MuscimolScalewrought's Voidstone DelphiniumScalewrought's Voidstone CaladiumScalewrought's Voidstone PrivetRazorfang ViperfishVoid Maw AnglerBrittle ParchmentCinnamon SticksWand of the Lava ShaperBow of the RingAstral Star Fruit WinePreserving Protector's BreastplateEnormous SeascalePhosphorescent Kelp-Lined Cloak


New Quests: TOB Rank II Level 121 Spells: Inert Minor EngramTOB Rank II Level 122 Spells: Inert Lesser EngramTOB Rank II Level 123 Spells: Inert Median EngramTOB Rank II Level 124 Spells: Inert Greater EngramTOB Rank II Level 125 Spells: Inert Glowing Engram


Updated Quests: Lewena's Favorite DrinkThe Mysterious TowersThe Best Defense...The Body of the BeastBroken Key of the VoidAurelian Invasion Weapons (10 Points)Our Kingdom for Our Queen (10 Points)Persisting Magic (10 Points)Dragon Bones (Western Wastes) (10 Points)


Updated Recipes: Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction HolepokerReptilian Deviled Eggs (Coarse Salt)Reptilian Deviled Eggs (Rock Salt)


Bestiary Updates: Enic RuklinLewenaa triloun championa regrua guardianDenns RootenpawHistorian AzernMiacallie Herlsas [Merchant]Brood Architect Hazuria scalewrought artificera scalewrought craftsmana scalewrought curatora scalewrought inspectora scalewrought makera scalewrought observera scalewrought skyguarda scalewrought terrastrikerscalewrought quartermastera scalewrought skydefenderscalewrought drivera large polypa polypa scalewrought artificera scalewrought beholdera scalewrought cloudguarda scalewrought observera scalewrought stewarda scalewrought workerscalewrought skykeepera scalewrought artificera scalewrought beholdera scalewrought bruisera scalewrought cloudguarda scalewrought handlera scalewrought inspectora scalewrought makera scalewrought mountstrikera scalewrought observera scalewrought poundera scalewrought skyguarda scalewrought terrastrikerscalewrought toolZarek [Travel Sickened]a scalewrought guardiana scalewrought harvestera scalewrought herdera scalewrought observera scalewrought supervisorscalewrought overseerTha`k Rustae, the Butchera bandit cutthroata bandit scouta beara craba fearmongera foxa rotting miniona scalewrought assailanta scalewrought attackera scalewrought bruisera scalewrought flyera scalewrought skystrikea scalewrought stormera scalewrought transporta desperate monitora respected servanta second wave enforcera sky glandulaa strong monitora toughened horrora vicious troopera void congeran aetherial hydrascalewrought watcher



Updated Items: Harbinger's Ring of GrudgeSarcoscypha FungusEmpowered Aureate FigurineScalewrought TympanumMolted Voidcrab CarapaceObscured Feet Armor of the EnthralledSpell: Summer's Dew Rk. IIElaborate Defiant DragonrodScale of Vergalid's SpawnSpring MineralsBloodthirsty ShankBand of Roiling SandsSunderspring BeltTadaie's Mask of Blood


Updated Recipes: Spell: Summer's Dew Rk. IISpiritual Luclinite Transmogrifant Patch


Bestiary Updates: A Witness of Hate Seera Green Legion acolytea Green Legion soldiera voidspawn bonefiendZorinna T`Vexa [Dark Elf Ranger]Noble Reebbiz



Updated Items: Resonant Auretite of the ShackledExarch Vambraces of the ShackledExarch Helm of the ShackledExarch Greaves of the ShackledExarch Gauntlets of the ShackledExarch Breastplate of the ShackledExarch Bracer of the ShackledExarch Boots of the ShackledMindlock Sleeves of the ShackledMindlock Cap of the ShackledMindlock Pants of the ShackledMindlock Gloves of the ShackledMindlock Wristguard of the ShackledMindlock Sandals of the ShackledMindlock Robe of the Shackled


New Recipes: Mindlock Robe of the ShackledMindlock Sandals of the ShackledMindlock Wristguard of the ShackledMindlock Gloves of the ShackledMindlock Pants of the ShackledMindlock Cap of the ShackledMindlock Sleeves of the ShackledExarch Boots of the ShackledExarch Bracer of the ShackledExarch Breastplate of the ShackledExarch Gauntlets of the ShackledExarch Greaves of the ShackledExarch Helm of the ShackledExarch Vambraces of the Shackled


Updated Recipes: Concordant Flamechill Silk CapVested Flamechill Silk CapOrdained Flamechill Silk CapBalanced Flamechill Silk CapBalanced Flamechill Silk CapTainted Flamechill Silk CapTainted Flamechill Silk CapTarnished Flamechill Silk CapTarnished Flamechill Silk Cap


Bestiary Updates: a rogue dire wolfa wayward wyvern



New Items: Deactivated Bucktooth XXVIIce Crystal ClusterMetamorph: Glacial Wolf PupMetamorph: Crystalline SpiderVisage of a Warmly Clad ColdainBroken Key of DragonsBroken Key Blade of DragonsRepaired Key of DragonsBroken Key of DragonsPolymorph Wand: MarionetteUnexploded Ordnance ShellPiece of Aurelian TapestrySecure Charm of Memoryforged DesolationExotic Flora SeedBlasted Piece of Behemoth ScaleInvasion Preparation NeedsScalewrought HeadScalewrought EyeAttuned Crystal VialCaustic Beast BloodAureate Skeleton KeyStabilized Caustic Beast BloodImproperly Formed LensHumming Power CrystalSnapped Aureate BladeModified Otherworldly ToolJury-Rigged Portal StabilizerEmpty Aureate Supply PouchHodstock Hawk FeatherHodstock Crab MeatHodstock Invader ScaleSecured Aureate Supply PouchAureate Weapon Repair SuppliesHearty Aureate RationsAureate Camp ReagentsInterstellar Communique AlphaInterstellar Communique ZetaMonitor WingBobble-by-Water Town BannerBroken Fence PostCoiled RopeShackled Scalewrought Plate Helm OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Plate Arms OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Plate Feet OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Leather Wrist OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Leather Legs OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Leather Feet Ornament


Updated Items: Legionnaire Vambraces of the EnthralledLegionnaire Gauntlets of the EnthralledLegionnaire Bracer of the EnthralledLegionnaire Boots of the EnthralledLegionnaire Vambraces of the ShackledLegionnaire Helm of the ShackledLegionnaire Greaves of the ShackledLegionnaire Gauntlets of the ShackledLegionnaire Breastplate of the ShackledLegionnaire Bracer of the ShackledLegionnaire Boots of the ShackledIlluminator Vambraces of the ShackledIlluminator Helm of the ShackledIlluminator Greaves of the ShackledIlluminator Gauntlets of the ShackledIlluminator Breastplate of the ShackledIlluminator Bracer of the ShackledIlluminator Boots of the ShackledWarmonger Sleeves of the ShackledWarmonger Coif of the ShackledWarmonger Leggings of the ShackledWarmonger Gauntlets of the ShackledWarmonger Coat of the ShackledWarmonger Wristguard of the ShackledWarmonger Boots of the ShackledObscured Wrist Armor of the ShackledInert Lesser EngramInert Minor EngramObscured Head Armor of the ShackledObscured Feet Armor of the ShackledQuickened Scalewrought MaceAcolyte's Focus of the HarbingerEmberquartz Protector SourceCloak Fastener of UprisingInert Glowing EngramObscured Hands Armor of the ShackledObscured Arms Armor of the ShackledBuffed Dragonkin TalismanInert Greater EngramCoach's Champion RingGreater ShockstoneVeil of the AbyssLoop of the RavagedTear of Wandering SoulsLuminous Wisp TrinketAstral Coalition StaffDeitium BroadswordDragonbrood Armwraps of the ShackledDragonbrood Cowl of the ShackledDragonbrood Leggings of the ShackledDragonbrood Gloves of the ShackledDragonbrood Tunic of the ShackledDragonbrood Wristguard of the ShackledDragonbrood Boots of the ShackledEmpty DodecahedronLoremaster Vambraces of the ShackledLoremaster Helm of the ShackledLoremaster Greaves of the ShackledLoremaster Gauntlets of the ShackledLoremaster Breastplate of the ShackledLoremaster Bracer of the ShackledLoremaster Boots of the Shackled


Updated Quests: LS Rank II Level 125 Spells: Glowing Etched Rune of NokkAnother Kind of MagicHunter of The Chambers of Puissance (25 Points)TOB Rank II Level 125 Spells: Inert Glowing Engram


New Recipes: Loremaster Boots of the ShackledLoremaster Bracer of the ShackledLoremaster Breastplate of the ShackledLoremaster Gauntlets of the ShackledLoremaster Greaves of the ShackledLoremaster Helm of the ShackledLoremaster Vambraces of the ShackledDragonbrood Boots of the ShackledDragonbrood Wristguard of the ShackledDragonbrood Tunic of the ShackledDragonbrood Gloves of the ShackledDragonbrood Leggings of the ShackledDragonbrood Cowl of the ShackledDragonbrood Armwraps of the ShackledWarmonger Boots of the ShackledWarmonger Wristguard of the ShackledWarmonger Coat of the ShackledWarmonger Gauntlets of the ShackledWarmonger Leggings of the ShackledWarmonger Coif of the ShackledWarmonger Sleeves of the ShackledIlluminator Boots of the ShackledIlluminator Bracer of the ShackledIlluminator Breastplate of the ShackledIlluminator Gauntlets of the ShackledIlluminator Greaves of the ShackledIlluminator Helm of the ShackledIlluminator Vambraces of the ShackledLegionnaire Boots of the ShackledLegionnaire Bracer of the ShackledLegionnaire Breastplate of the ShackledLegionnaire Gauntlets of the ShackledLegionnaire Greaves of the ShackledLegionnaire Helm of the ShackledLegionnaire Vambraces of the ShackledLegionnaire Boots of the EnthralledLegionnaire Bracer of the EnthralledLegionnaire Gauntlets of the EnthralledLegionnaire Vambraces of the Enthralled


Updated Recipes: Unexpanded Tailored Legendary PackTailored Legendary PackTailored Legendary Yellow PackHeavy Tailored Legendary PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Yellow PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Pink PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Green PackTailored Legendary Pink PackTailored Legendary Orange PackTailored Legendary Red PackTailored Legendary Green PackTailored Legendary White PackTailored Legendary Purple PackTailored Legendary Blue PackTailored Legendary Black PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Red PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Purple PackHeavy Tailored Legendary White PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Orange PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Blue PackHeavy Tailored Legendary Black PackNascent Wand


Bestiary Updates: a giant bog rata moss vipera blightfire witchlampscalewrought trainerscalewrought skykeeperMirala [Travel Sickened]scalewrought overwatchscalewrought smasherZarek [Travel Sickened]scalewrought skysearer



Updated Items: Inert Greater EngramInert Median EngramInert Glowing EngramInert Lesser EngramInert Minor EngramGlowing Nose OrnamentDeep Emerald StoneSpring MineralsFlameweaver Sleeves of the ShackledFlameweaver Cap of the ShackledFlameweaver Pants of the ShackledFlameweaver Gloves of the ShackledFlameweaver Robe of the ShackledFlameweaver Wristguard of the ShackledFlameweaver Sandals of the ShackledMask Fastener of UprisingFer'Esh DefenderFlawed Defiant Silk PantaloonsElegant Defiant BreastplateElaborate Defiant Plate Bracer


Updated Quests: Hunter of Laurion Inn (30 Points)Hunter of Timorous Falls (25 Points)Hunter of Ankexfen Keep (25 Points)Hunter of Moors of Nokk (20 Points)Hunter of Unkempt Woods (20 Points)Hunter of The Hero's Forge (25 Points)Hunter of Pal'Lomen (25 Points)Vestiges of Legend (25 Points)Laurion Inn Scavenger (15 Points)Lost Equipment (10 Points)Lost Luggage (10 Points)Heroic Tales (10 Points)Timorous Falls Scavenger (20 Points)Pay Your Tab (10 Points)Have a Drink on Me (10 Points)Ankexfen Keep Scavenger (20 Points)Ankexfen Documents (10 Points)Ankexfen Cat Toys (10 Points)Vestiges of Lore (30 Points)Moors of Nokk Scavenger (20 Points)Nokk Armory (10 Points)The Ogres' Knowledge (10 Points)Unkempt Woods Scavenger (20 Points)War Debris (10 Points)Vestiges of Myth (35 Points)The Hero's Forge Scavenger (20 Points)Pal'Lomen Scavenger (20 Points)Fern-Gullied (10 Points)Lost in the Past (10 Points)Found in the Present (10 Points)Another Kind of MagicMaster of The Outer Brood (100 Points)Broodslayer (60 Points)Explorer of The Outer Brood (20 Points)Champion of The Outer Brood (40 Points)Paragon of The Outer Brood (40 Points)Challenger of The Outer Brood (60 Points)Conqueror of The Outer Brood (60 Points)Vanquisher of The Outer Brood (80 Points)Scale Seeker (40 Points)Hodstock Hills Traveler (10 Points)The Theater of Eternity Traveler (10 Points)Aureate Covert Traveler (10 Points)The Harbinger's Cradle Traveler (10 Points)The Chambers of Puissance Traveler (10 Points)The Gilded Spire Traveler (10 Points)Mercenary of Hodstock Hills (15 Points)Partisan of Hodstock Hills (15 Points)Mercenary of The Theater of Eternity (15 Points)Partisan of The Theater of Eternity (15 Points)Mercenary of Aureate Covert (20 Points)Partisan of Aureate Covert (15 Points)Mercenary of The Harbinger's Cradle (20 Points)Partisan of The Harbinger's Cradle (15 Points)Mercenary of The Chambers of Puissance (15 Points)Partisan of The Chambers of Puissance (15 Points)Mercenary of The Gilded Spire (15 Points)Partisan of The Gilded Spire (15 Points)Hero of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (10 Points)Savior of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (15 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Best for Last (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Nobody Explodes (Group Mission) (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Everyone in the Pool (10 Points)Hero of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (10 Points)Savior of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (15 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: No Remains (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Unshuddered (Group Mission) (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Non-Explosive (Group Mission) (10 Points)Hero of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (10 Points)Savior of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (15 Points)The Control Room: Overboard (Group Mission) (10 Points)The Control Room: Neural Neutral (Group Mission) (10 Points)The Control Room: Unmanipulated (Group Mission) (10 Points)Hero of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (10 Points)Savior of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (15 Points)The High Priest: Unstomped (Group Mission) (10 Points)The High Priest: Kill the Body (Group Mission) (10 Points)The High Priest: Unrepentant and Impure (Group Mission) (10 Points)Conqueror of Hodstock Hills: Herald of the Outer Brood (20 Points)Vanquisher of Hodstock Hills: Herald of the Outer Brood (30 Points)Herald of the Outer Brood: Purge (10 Points)Herald of the Outer Brood: Bonded (10 Points)Herald of the Outer Brood: Unpurged (10 Points)Conqueror of The Theater of Eternity: Landing (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Theater of Eternity: Landing (30 Points)Landing: Clear the Board (10 Points)Landing: Dance Masters (10 Points)Landing: Silent Cannons (10 Points)Conqueror of Aureate Covert: Silence the Cannons (20 Points)Vanquisher of Aureate Covert: Silence the Cannons (30 Points)Silence the Cannons: All Things Being Equal (10 Points)Silence the Cannons: Constant Connection (10 Points)Silence the Cannons: No Deliveries (10 Points)Conqueror of The Harbinger's Cradle: Dock of the Bay (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Harbinger's Cradle: Dock of the Bay (30 Points)Dock of the Bay: Blocked (10 Points)Dock of the Bay: Always Watching (10 Points)Dock of the Bay: Infestation (10 Points)Conqueror of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (30 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Made the Same, End the Same (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Nobody Explodes (Raid) (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Own the Horde (10 Points)Conqueror of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (30 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Contain the Cloud (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Unshuddered (Raid) (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Non-Explosive (Raid) (10 Points)Conqueror of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (30 Points)The Control Room: Overboard (Raid) (10 Points)The Control Room: Neural Neutral (Raid) (10 Points)The Control Room: Unmanipulated (Raid) (10 Points)Conqueror of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (30 Points)The High Priest: Undelivered (Raid) (10 Points)The High Priest: Kill the Body (Raid) (10 Points)The High Priest: Unrepentant and Impure (Raid) (10 Points)Novice The Outer Brood Hunter (30 Points)Hunter of Hodstock Hills (25 Points)Hunter of The Theater of Eternity (25 Points)Adept The Outer Brood Hunter (40 Points)Hunter of Aureate Covert (20 Points)Hunter of The Harbinger's Cradle (20 Points)Veteran The Outer Brood Hunter (50 Points)Hunter of The Gilded Spire (25 Points)Tokens of Invasion (25 Points)Hodstock Hills Scavenger (20 Points)Adventures of the Past (10 Points)Hodstock Life (10 Points)Aurelian Invasion Weapons (10 Points)Flora of Hodstock Hills (10 Points)The Theater of Eternity Scavenger (20 Points)To Eternity, and Beyond! (10 Points)Gospel of the Mother (10 Points)Oh Barnacles! (10 Points)Our Kingdom for Our Queen (10 Points)Tokens of Subservience (30 Points)Aureate Covert Scavenger (20 Points)Droppings (10 Points)Persisting Magic (10 Points)Minor Body Parts (10 Points)Battle Remnants (10 Points)The Harbinger's Cradle Scavenger (20 Points)Walking on Eggshells (10 Points)Invasion Manifestation (10 Points)In a Bucket, or With Butter (10 Points)Hangin' Out (10 Points)Tokens of Dominance (35 Points)The Chambers of Puissance Scavenger (20 Points)Flow Flow Flow... (10 Points)Formulae Praecoriorum (10 Points)Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (10 Points)Tools of the Trade (10 Points)The Gilded Spire Scavenger (20 Points)Lay Your Weary Head (10 Points)The Fault in Their Stars (10 Points)In Her We Trust (10 Points)On the Go (10 Points)Article of Destiny (10 Points)Beloved Bro-dent (10 Points)


New Recipes: Flameweaver Sandals of the ShackledFlameweaver Wristguard of the ShackledFlameweaver Robe of the ShackledFlameweaver Gloves of the ShackledFlameweaver Pants of the ShackledFlameweaver Cap of the ShackledFlameweaver Sleeves of the Shackled


Updated Recipes: Nascent Wand


Bestiary Updates: CargaliaVonMraakaa tsetsian flya young chimeraa bone graftera Vergalid assassina grimpa wyvern deathstalkerscalewrought trainerscalewrought skykeeperMirala [Travel Sickened]



Updated Items: Tunarian CoinChief Digger's ReportBroken Symbol of MarrBraver Krim's Lost TreasureBobble-by-Water Town BannerBobble-by-Water CookbookAncient Rift RuneSantug Helper's Cap OrnamentInert Median EngramInert Greater EngramInert Glowing EngramInert Lesser EngramInert Minor EngramGlowing Nose OrnamentDeep Emerald StoneSpring MineralsFlameweaver Sleeves of the ShackledFlameweaver Cap of the ShackledFlameweaver Pants of the ShackledFlameweaver Gloves of the ShackledFlameweaver Robe of the ShackledFlameweaver Wristguard of the ShackledFlameweaver Sandals of the Shackled


Updated Quests: Hunter of Laurion Inn (30 Points)Hunter of Timorous Falls (25 Points)Hunter of Ankexfen Keep (25 Points)Hunter of Moors of Nokk (20 Points)Hunter of Unkempt Woods (20 Points)Hunter of The Hero's Forge (25 Points)Hunter of Pal'Lomen (25 Points)Vestiges of Legend (25 Points)Laurion Inn Scavenger (15 Points)Lost Equipment (10 Points)Lost Luggage (10 Points)Heroic Tales (10 Points)Timorous Falls Scavenger (20 Points)Pay Your Tab (10 Points)Have a Drink on Me (10 Points)Ankexfen Keep Scavenger (20 Points)Ankexfen Documents (10 Points)Ankexfen Cat Toys (10 Points)Vestiges of Lore (30 Points)Moors of Nokk Scavenger (20 Points)Nokk Armory (10 Points)The Ogres' Knowledge (10 Points)Unkempt Woods Scavenger (20 Points)War Debris (10 Points)Vestiges of Myth (35 Points)The Hero's Forge Scavenger (20 Points)Pal'Lomen Scavenger (20 Points)Fern-Gullied (10 Points)Lost in the Past (10 Points)Found in the Present (10 Points)Another Kind of MagicMaster of The Outer Brood (100 Points)Broodslayer (60 Points)Explorer of The Outer Brood (20 Points)Champion of The Outer Brood (40 Points)Paragon of The Outer Brood (40 Points)Challenger of The Outer Brood (60 Points)Conqueror of The Outer Brood (60 Points)Vanquisher of The Outer Brood (80 Points)Scale Seeker (40 Points)Hodstock Hills Traveler (10 Points)The Theater of Eternity Traveler (10 Points)Aureate Covert Traveler (10 Points)The Harbinger's Cradle Traveler (10 Points)The Chambers of Puissance Traveler (10 Points)The Gilded Spire Traveler (10 Points)Mercenary of Hodstock Hills (15 Points)Partisan of Hodstock Hills (15 Points)Mercenary of The Theater of Eternity (15 Points)Partisan of The Theater of Eternity (15 Points)Mercenary of Aureate Covert (20 Points)Partisan of Aureate Covert (15 Points)Mercenary of The Harbinger's Cradle (20 Points)Partisan of The Harbinger's Cradle (15 Points)Mercenary of The Chambers of Puissance (15 Points)Partisan of The Chambers of Puissance (15 Points)Mercenary of The Gilded Spire (15 Points)Partisan of The Gilded Spire (15 Points)Hero of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (10 Points)Savior of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (15 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Best for Last (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Nobody Explodes (Group Mission) (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Everyone in the Pool (10 Points)Hero of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (10 Points)Savior of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (15 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: No Remains (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Unshuddered (Group Mission) (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Non-Explosive (Group Mission) (10 Points)Hero of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (10 Points)Savior of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (15 Points)The Control Room: Overboard (Group Mission) (10 Points)The Control Room: Neural Neutral (Group Mission) (10 Points)The Control Room: Unmanipulated (Group Mission) (10 Points)Hero of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (10 Points)Savior of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (15 Points)The High Priest: Unstomped (Group Mission) (10 Points)The High Priest: Kill the Body (Group Mission) (10 Points)The High Priest: Unrepentant and Impure (Group Mission) (10 Points)Conqueror of Hodstock Hills: Herald of the Outer Brood (20 Points)Vanquisher of Hodstock Hills: Herald of the Outer Brood (30 Points)Herald of the Outer Brood: Purge (10 Points)Herald of the Outer Brood: Bonded (10 Points)Herald of the Outer Brood: Unpurged (10 Points)Conqueror of The Theater of Eternity: Landing (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Theater of Eternity: Landing (30 Points)Landing: Clear the Board (10 Points)Landing: Dance Masters (10 Points)Landing: Silent Cannons (10 Points)Conqueror of Aureate Covert: Silence the Cannons (20 Points)Vanquisher of Aureate Covert: Silence the Cannons (30 Points)Silence the Cannons: All Things Being Equal (10 Points)Silence the Cannons: Constant Connection (10 Points)Silence the Cannons: No Deliveries (10 Points)Conqueror of The Harbinger's Cradle: Dock of the Bay (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Harbinger's Cradle: Dock of the Bay (30 Points)Dock of the Bay: Blocked (10 Points)Dock of the Bay: Always Watching (10 Points)Dock of the Bay: Infestation (10 Points)Conqueror of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri (30 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Made the Same, End the Same (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Nobody Explodes (Raid) (10 Points)Brood Architect Hazuri: Own the Horde (10 Points)Conqueror of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart (30 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Contain the Cloud (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Unshuddered (Raid) (10 Points)The Leviathan's Heart: Non-Explosive (Raid) (10 Points)Conqueror of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room (30 Points)The Control Room: Overboard (Raid) (10 Points)The Control Room: Neural Neutral (Raid) (10 Points)The Control Room: Unmanipulated (Raid) (10 Points)Conqueror of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (20 Points)Vanquisher of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest (30 Points)The High Priest: Undelivered (Raid) (10 Points)The High Priest: Kill the Body (Raid) (10 Points)The High Priest: Unrepentant and Impure (Raid) (10 Points)Novice The Outer Brood Hunter (30 Points)Hunter of Hodstock Hills (25 Points)Hunter of The Theater of Eternity (25 Points)Adept The Outer Brood Hunter (40 Points)Hunter of Aureate Covert (20 Points)Hunter of The Harbinger's Cradle (20 Points)Veteran The Outer Brood Hunter (50 Points)Hunter of The Gilded Spire (25 Points)Tokens of Invasion (25 Points)Hodstock Hills Scavenger (20 Points)Adventures of the Past (10 Points)Hodstock Life (10 Points)Aurelian Invasion Weapons (10 Points)Flora of Hodstock Hills (10 Points)The Theater of Eternity Scavenger (20 Points)To Eternity, and Beyond! (10 Points)Gospel of the Mother (10 Points)Oh Barnacles! (10 Points)Our Kingdom for Our Queen (10 Points)Tokens of Subservience (30 Points)Aureate Covert Scavenger (20 Points)Droppings (10 Points)Persisting Magic (10 Points)Minor Body Parts (10 Points)Battle Remnants (10 Points)The Harbinger's Cradle Scavenger (20 Points)Walking on Eggshells (10 Points)Invasion Manifestation (10 Points)In a Bucket, or With Butter (10 Points)Hangin' Out (10 Points)Tokens of Dominance (35 Points)The Chambers of Puissance Scavenger (20 Points)Flow Flow Flow... (10 Points)Formulae Praecoriorum (10 Points)Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (10 Points)Tools of the Trade (10 Points)The Gilded Spire Scavenger (20 Points)Lay Your Weary Head (10 Points)The Fault in Their Stars (10 Points)In Her We Trust (10 Points)On the Go (10 Points)Article of Destiny (10 Points)Beloved Bro-dent (10 Points)


New Recipes: Flameweaver Sandals of the ShackledFlameweaver Wristguard of the ShackledFlameweaver Robe of the ShackledFlameweaver Gloves of the ShackledFlameweaver Pants of the ShackledFlameweaver Cap of the ShackledFlameweaver Sleeves of the Shackled


Updated Recipes: Nascent Wand


Bestiary Updates: CargaliaVonMraakaa young chimeraa bone graftera Vergalid assassinan ukun fleshhounda wyvern deathstalkerscalewrought trainerscalewrought skykeeperMirala [Travel Sickened]a bandit cutthroata beara dark chantera fallen paladina foxa sharkmisery - ToBa grimp



Updated Items: Shard of Incandescent PowerVital Ice Encrusted BeltVital Descending Moon RingVital Descending Moon EarringSummoner's Ice Encrusted EarringSkyripperSkypiercerSkyiron KiteSkyiron HeaterSkygougerSkycutterSkybreakerSecure Descending Moon RingSand Snake MeatSavvy Descending Moon RingOcean Mist Knife Tipped Spear OrnamentParasol of Flaming Beauty


New Quests: Drakkin Heritage Crate


Updated Quests: The Spared (The Dead Hills)Kyle's Cadre (The Dead Hills)Loathsome Leftovers (Bixie Warfront)


Updated Recipes: Tanned Ukun Leather


Bestiary Updates: Shei Vinitrasa snapjaw moccasina softshell carapace



Updated Items: Suit of Minkah's Drakkin ScalemailSuit of Minkah's Drakkin RingmailSuit of Minkah's Drakkin LeatherSuit of Minkah's Drakkin ClothSuit of Minkah's Drakkin ChainSuit of Felena's Drakkin ScalemailSuit of Felena's Drakkin PlateSuit of Felena's Drakkin LeatherSuit of Felena's Drakkin ClothSuit of Felena's Drakkin ChainWrapped Skyshrine Claw SconceWrapped Runed Dragon TotemWrapped Music Box: Crescent ReachWrapped Effigy of the NecropolisWrapped Draconic Shrine of the BroodAdoptable Metamorph: Savage CaimanAdoptable Metamorph: High Desert BasiliskAdoptable Metamorph: Diamondback SnakeSkyshrine Claw SconceRuned Dragon TotemMusic Box: Crescent ReachMetamorph: Verdant Scaled HatchlingMetamorph: Savage CaimanMetamorph: High Desert BasiliskMetamorph: Diamondback SnakeEffigy of the NecropolisDraconic Shrine of the BroodBanner of VeeshanAdoptable Atathus-Touched Wyvern MountRepaired Key of the JungleRepaired Key of DragonsRepaired Key of the VoidRepaired Key of FearRepaired Key of FireRepaired Key of SwampsAtathus-Touched Wyvern Mount


New Quests: Pocket Full of Keys Part II


Updated Quests: Drakkin Heritage Crate


Bestiary Updates: a clockwork artificer [Tides of Time]



Updated Items: Diseased Mandible Sword OrnamentBroken Key of DragonsBroken Key of DragonsBroken Key Blade of DragonsSmall Velium Kite ShieldSurefall SatchelBrew Barrel ChestBag of Woven FlowersPicnic BasketBag of Living LavaBag of Autumn LeavesJack-O-Lantern BagCornucopiaSantug Claugg's SackJack in the BoxHeart Shaped BoxBlackened Mithril Netted GlovesBlackened Mithril NettingPolished Jade StudsShadowjade Fern LeavesShadowjade MossTattered Panther Hide GlovesBag of Caynar NutsHooked Knife of Memoryforged DesolationBanner of the Outer Brood


Updated Quests: Jaggedpine Druid GlovesOasis of the Void


Updated Recipes: Blackened Mithril Netted GlovesTarnished Sheer Blade


Bestiary Updates: Shaman LenrelHigh Shaman GrisokGrenth Drakebanean undead cyclopsSir NandruarGhanex Drah



Updated Items: Hive Worker's Leather GlovesBroken Key of DragonsBroken Key Blade of DragonsRepaired Key of DragonsBroken Key Blade of FearBroken Key Bitting of FearBroken Key of the VoidRepaired Key of the VoidWaspwing Slicer OrnamentVotal's Ornate Blade OrnamentUnparalleled Adroit Belt of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Brilliant Belt of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Brilliant Ring of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Brilliant Stud of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Charismatic Gem of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Charm of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Cloak of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Conjuror SourceUnparalleled Defender SourceUnparalleled Dynamic Band of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Dynamic Stud of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Finesse Gem of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Guardian Mask of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Intellect Gem of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Mask of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Necklace of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Nimble Gem of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Sagacious Gem of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Shawl of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Slayer SourceUnparalleled Staminic Gem of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Stone of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Summoner Stud of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Vigorous Belt of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesUnparalleled Wayfarer SourceSuperlative Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesSuperb Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesSuperb Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesSuperb Brilliant Stud of Distant EchoesSuperb Charm of Distant EchoesSuperb Dynamic Stud of Distant EchoesSuperb Finesse Gem of Distant EchoesSuperb Guardian Mask of Distant EchoesSuperb Mask of Distant EchoesSuperb Sagacious Gem of Distant EchoesSuperb Shawl of Distant EchoesSuperb Stone of Distant EchoesSuperb Summoner Stud of Distant EchoesSuperb Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesSuperb Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesSuperior Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesSuperior Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesSuperior Charm of Distant EchoesSuperior Mask of Distant EchoesSuperior Stone of Distant EchoesSuperior Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesSuperior Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesSuperlative Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesSuperlative Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesSuperlative Charm of Distant EchoesSuperlative Cloak of Distant EchoesSuperlative Dynamic Band of Distant EchoesSuperlative Finesse Gem of Distant EchoesSuperlative Guardian Mask of Distant EchoesSuperlative Mask of Distant EchoesSuperlative Nimble Gem of Distant EchoesSuperlative Sagacious Gem of Distant EchoesSuperlative Shawl of Distant EchoesSuperlative Stone of Distant EchoesSuperlative Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesSparking Short Sword of Magma OrnamentSoultrapper OrnamentRazor of the Underfoot OrnamentRemarkable Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesRemarkable Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesRemarkable Charm of Distant EchoesRemarkable Stone of Distant EchoesRemarkable Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesResplendent Long Spear OrnamentRiftseeker Spear OrnamentScimitar of the Djinn OrnamentSerpent of Vindication OrnamentOutstanding Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesOutstanding Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesOutstanding Charm of Distant EchoesOutstanding Cloak of Distant EchoesOutstanding Finesse Gem of Distant EchoesOutstanding Intellect Gem of Distant EchoesOutstanding Mask of Distant EchoesOutstanding Necklace of Distant EchoesOutstanding Nimble Gem of Distant EchoesOutstanding Sagacious Gem of Distant EchoesOutstanding Shawl of Distant EchoesOutstanding Stud of Distant EchoesOutstanding Summoner Stud of Distant EchoesOutstanding Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesOutstanding Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesExcellent Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesExcellent Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesExcellent Charm of Distant EchoesExcellent Stone of Distant EchoesExcellent Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesExemplary Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesExemplary Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesExemplary Charm of Distant EchoesExemplary Stone of Distant EchoesExemplary Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Charm of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Finesse Gem of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Guardian Mask of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Necklace of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Shawl of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Stone of Distant EchoesExtraordinary Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesFine Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesFine Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesFine Charm of Distant EchoesFine Mask of Distant EchoesFine Stone of Distant EchoesFine Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesFine Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesGardener's Thicket Club OrnamentIntricate Forsaken Bow OrnamentJagged Timeforged Blade OrnamentKeg of Unparalleled Festive Root BeerDwarven Heart of the World Shield OrnamentDagger of Rubak Oseka OrnamentEnchanted Glass Saber OrnamentArgent Clockwork Selyrah SaddleYeldema's TalismanWorked Dragonhorn BootsAdmirable Adroit Shard of Distant EchoesAdmirable Brilliant Shard of Distant EchoesAdmirable Brilliant Stud of Distant EchoesAdmirable Charm of Distant EchoesAdmirable Dynamic Stud of Distant EchoesAdmirable Finesse Gem of Distant EchoesAdmirable Guardian Mask of Distant EchoesAdmirable Intellect Gem of Distant EchoesAdmirable Mask of Distant EchoesAdmirable Necklace of Distant EchoesAdmirable Sagacious Gem of Distant EchoesAdmirable Shawl of Distant EchoesAdmirable Stone of Distant EchoesAdmirable Summoner Stud of Distant EchoesAdmirable Vigorous Gem of Distant EchoesAdmirable Vigorous Shard of Distant EchoesAegis of Immortality OrnamentAllyrian Axe OrnamentArgent Clockwork Boar SaddleArgent Clockwork Rhino SaddleArgent Clockwork Sessiloid SaddleArgent Clockwork Sokokar SaddleArgent Clockwork Worg SaddleArgent Clockwork Wrulon SaddleArgent Whirligig Flyer Control DeviceBismuth Blade of Xorbb OrnamentBlackblade of the Rain OrnamentRager's Beating StickBlazing Mace of Fennin Ro OrnamentMad Sizentist ShieldJewel of the Flame AlchemistBloodspear OrnamentHigh Priest War StaffDwarven MartelBox of Unparalleled Festive CookiesDiscarded WandClub of SporesBeguiler's Last AnswerBackdigging MartelBuckler of Fire and Fury OrnamentCaen's Bo Staff of Fury OrnamentAlgid Ice CubeCoral War Hammer OrnamentSinged Orb of the HiveVisage of the Spellbound ArmorVisage of the ShadeVisage of the Boar BeastTwisted Dwarven Katar OrnamentStaff of the Vile Oak OrnamentSkymaul OrnamentGlacial Edge OrnamentShield of Fire and Fury OrnamentPlatinum ArmbandPestilence OrnamentPantrilla's TalismanOrder of Marr's Fist Mace OrnamentObsidian Bead HoopNotched Blade of Bloodletting OrnamentNightshade Scented Staff OrnamentMidasa's Dragon Slayer OrnamentMetamorph: Verdant Scaled HatchlingMatchless Dragonleg BreechesLoyalist Shield of Honor OrnamentKlandicar's TalismanIonat's TalismanGlati's Talisman


Updated Quests: Frostfell - Fireworks (#7, high-level)Oasis of FearBroken Key of the VoidOasis of the VoidOasis of DragonsBroken Key of Dragons


Bestiary Updates: Miacallie Herlsas [Merchant]Shaman LenrelGhanex DrahHigh Shaman Grisokan undead cyclopsSir Nandruar


Zone Updates: Tides of Tide: A Time to Fight (Oasis of Dragons)



New Items: Harbinger's Combatant Ring of IreHarbinger's Convoker Ring of MaliceHarbinger's Fine Convoker Ring of WrathHarbinger's Convoker Ring of WrathHarbinger's Fine Supplicant Ring of FuryHarbinger's Supplicant Ring of FuryHarbinger's Fine Supplicant Ring of IreHarbinger's Supplicant Ring of IreTimewise Cloth Robe OrnamentSuit of Timewise PlateSuit of Timewise LeatherSuit of Timewise ClothSuit of Timewise Chain


Updated Quests: TOB Rank II Level 121 Spells: Inert Minor EngramTOB Rank II Level 125 Spells: Inert Glowing Engram


Bestiary Updates: Miacallie Herlsas [Merchant]


Zone Updates: Erillion: The Traitor RevealedErillion: The Order of ThreeErillion: Raid InstanceErillion, City of BronzeSarith: Raid InstanceSarith: Rebel AssaultSarith: The Defeat of PrexusSarith, City of TidesShar Vahl: Under Siege (Group Mission)Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (Group Mission)Shar Vahl, Divided: Raid instanceShar Vahl, Divided (NoS)Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (Group Mission)Shadeweaver's TangleRuins of Shadow HavenRuins of Shadow Haven: Raid instancePaludal DepthsPaludal Depths: Raid instanceFirefall Pass: Raid InstanceFirefall PassDeepshade: Raid instanceDeepshadeDarklight Caverns: Raid InstanceDarklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (Group Mission)Darklight CavernsTides of Time: A Time to Dance (Oasis of Fire)Tides of Time: A Time to Fear (Oasis of Fear)Tides of Time: A Time to Fly (Oasis of Sky)Tides of Time: A Time to Hunt (Oasis of the Void)Tides of Time: A Time to Jump (Oasis of the Jungle)Tides of Time: A Time to Plant (Oasis of Swamps)Tides of Time: A Time to Steam (Oasis of Steam)Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Forests)Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Frost)Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Lava)Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Sand)Tides of TimeTimorous Falls: Shadow of My ShadowTimorous FallsUnkempt WoodsThe Unkempt Woods: The Artisan and the DruidThe Moors of Nokk: What is it For?The Hero's Forge: Heroes Are Forged (Raid)The Hero's Forge: Heroes Are Forged (Group)The Hero's ForgePal'LomenPal'Lomen: Final Fugue (Group)Pal'Lomen: Final Fugue (Raid)Ankexfen KeepAnkexfen Keep: Prisoners of AnkexfenLaurion InnMoors of NokkHodstock HillsThe Chambers of PuissanceThe Gilded SpireThe Harbinger's CradleThe Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect HazuriThe Theater of EternityAureate CovertThe Underquarry: The Wrath of BrathThe Underquarry: Scent of a WomanThe UnderquarryThe Foundation: The Search for SaunkThe Foundation: Masked InvadersThe FoundationPellucid Grotto: The UnburrowingPellucid Grotto: Seeding FrenzyPellucid GrottoNorth Qeynos: Invasion of the FearlessLichen Creep: Bonfire of the AdherentsLichen Creep: A Cunning PlanLichen CreepKernagir: The Silent SchismKernagir, the Shining CityFungal Forest: The Fungal CorruptionFungal Forest: The Fungal BloomFungal ForestCooling Chamber: The Beast BelowCooling Chamber: Tasnise UnderbellyConvorteum: To Thine Own Creator Be TrueConvorteum: To Thine Own Creator Be FalseConvorteum: The First CorruptionConvorteum: Raid InstanceBrell's Temple: Fire in the HoleBrell's Temple: Brell's TrialsBrell's Temple: An Audience with Brell SerilisBrell's TempleBrell's Rest: Don't Fear the DestroyerBrell's Rest: Fippy's RevengeArthicrex: Raid InstanceArthicrex: To Serve SporaliArthicrexRathe Council Chambers: Eriak's DownfallRathe Council Chambers: Rallos ReturnsRathe Council ChambersTemple of Bertoxxulous: The Bubonians are Coming!Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the HeadTemple of Bertoxxulous: Queen MalarianTemple of Bertoxxulous: A Corrupted Arch PriestTemple of BertoxxulousThe Void (H): Raid InstanceThe Void (H): The Journey HomeToskirakk: The Fall of ToskirakkToskirakk: Spies, Lies, and Prison CellsToskirakk: Hiding in Plain SightToskirakk: Cruel OverseersToskirakkOceangreen Village: Stop the ContaminationOceangreen Village: A Dread ChallengerKurn's Stronghold: Audience with the WarmasterKurn's Stronghold: Defeat the Dragonbane PhalanxKurn's Stronghold: Raid InstanceBloody KithicorKurn's StrongholdOceangreen HillsOceangreen VillageOld Blackburrow: Stop the AscensionOld Blackburrow: Freedom!Old Blackburrow: Disrupting the RitualOld Blackburrow: Beat the Blackburrow BossOld BlackburrowOld BloodfieldsField of Scale: Raid Instance (Final Confrontation)City of DranikCitadel of the WorldslayerCrystallos: Raid InstanceSteam Factory: Raid InstanceS.H.I.P. Workshop: Tactical TeleportationS.H.I.P. Workshop: S.H.I.P Sabotage!S.H.I.P. Workshop: MechalossusS.H.I.P. Workshop: Kill UngraciousS.H.I.P. Workshop: Deception and InterceptionS.H.I.P. Workshop: Administrative AssassinationMeldrath's Mansion: Raid InstanceMechamatic GuardianLiving Legacy: Infinitely Regenerative Automaton (I.R.A.)Gyrospire Zeka: You Might Poke an Eye OutGyrospire Zeka: To Climb a SpireGyrospire Zeka: Intelligence GatheringGyrospire Zeka: Did We Forget the CheeseGyrospire Zeka: Cut Off the HeadGyrospire Beza: Scout Gyrospire BezaGyrospire Beza: Sand in the GearsGyrospire Beza: It's All in Your HeadGyrospire Beza: How Does Your Garden GrowGyrospire Beza: End the ReturnBloodmoon Keep: Walking Into Spider WebsBloodmoon Keep: The Fanged MoonBloodmoon Keep: The DepartedBloodmoon Keep: The Dark CrystalsBloodmoon Keep: The BroodmotherBloodmoon Keep: The BloodmoonBloodmoon Keep: Ralkor's CrystalsBloodmoon Keep: MoonfangBloodmoon Keep: Crazok MoonfangBloodmoon Keep: Bronzebeard's FateRedfeather Isle: The Windsong Compels YouRedfeather Isle: The Mystery of Aviak IslandRedfeather Isle: The Final LyricRedfeather Isle: Finding the Windsong FluteRedfeather Isle: Finding a Way to UnderstandJewel of Atiiki: The Great InvasionJewel of Atiiki: Stone Tongue of AtelekaJewel of Atiiki: Knowledge for PowerJewel of Atiiki: Gorillas in the GardenJewel of Atiiki: Fate of the CombineBlacksail Folly: Sharpeye's DemiseBlacksail Folly: Running RumBlacksail Folly: Reduce His NumbersBlacksail Folly: Buried TreasureBlacksail Folly: A Spy Among ThemDeadbone Reef: The Drowned DeadDeadbone Reef: Soothing the RestlessDeadbone Reef: Shipping LanesDeadbone Reef: Pirate StewDeadbone Reef: Attract the DeadJardel's Hook: Jardel's Hidden CoveMaiden's Grave: Mer's Lost LoveMaiden's Grave: Never Trust a SirenMaiden's Grave: Piecing Things TogetherMaiden's Grave: The Grim NewsMaiden's Grave: If You Can't Beat EmMonkey Rock: An Experiment Gone WrongMonkey Rock: Cleansing the IslandMonkey Rock: Long AbandonedMonkey Rock: The Wild IslandMonkey Rock: A Volatile DiseaseRelic, the Artifact CitySkylance: The OublietteSkylance: The LibrarySkylance: The LaboratoryCity Hall: Drachnid SpiesCity Hall: Fall of the CombineFreeport Sewers: Ratfink MysteryFreeport Sewers: The Ooze NewsFreeport ArenaFreeport City Hall



Updated Items: Santug Helper's Striped Cap OrnamentInert Median EngramInert Greater EngramInert Glowing EngramObscured Wrist Armor of the ShackledObscured Hands Armor of the ShackledObscured Arms Armor of the ShackledObscured Legs Armor of the ShackledFinesse Core of UprisingDiscolored Wood SplinterObscured Feet Armor of the ShackledObscured Chest Armor of the ShackledObscured Head Armor of the ShackledRing Polishing Cloth of UprisingOrnate Defiant GeodeFrost Giant Scout Beard


Updated Quests: Saucy Salted Seadragon Steak


Updated Recipes: Nascent Mighty GemNascent Nimble Gem


Bestiary Updates: a raging tigera gnome combatantscalewrought smasherscalewrought toolGarou



Updated Items: Rough Silver ChainHammer of Memoryforged DesolationTumified Victim's FaceTail of CorpsehideStormwheel's CoreSlitherskin MantleShield-Like RemainsLiving Axe


Updated Quests: The Mighty GarouCougarskin MaskCaptain Nalot's Triple Strength RumThe Western Wastes Scavenger (10 Points)Dragon Bones (Western Wastes) (10 Points)


Updated Recipes: Spiritually Faded Luclinite Charm of Brilliance



Updated Items: Woodcarved TeardropLethal RondelRunic Sortilege SheetFine Runic Sortilege SheetWyvern EyeLeft Eye of XygozFrozen PestleRough Combatant's StakeRain WaterFlame of VoxCelestial EssenceDwarven WireDragon Bone BraceletChipped Gargoyle EyeRuned Totem StaffWolves Eye NecklaceFortitude Focus of UprisingIntricate Defiant Silk RobeThe Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 7The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 3The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 4The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 1The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 6The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 8The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 2The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 5Serene Pluot FruitReflective Emberquartz Ore


Updated Recipes: Voidstone Ore Powder


Bestiary Updates: dire wolf stalkerLieutenant Junis BolarinCommune ProtectorateXygoza stoneleer cockatricea peckish vampyrea brownie lorda brownie queenElewisa the OathboundDiabollisWuoshiGarou



Updated Items: Sharpened Wood SpearBronze UlakBoreal Leggings of the UnwaveringBoreal Chestwraps of the UnwaveringBoreal Cowl of the UnwaveringBoreal Boots of the UnwaveringBoreal Gloves of the UnwaveringBoreal Wristguard of the UnwaveringBoreal Armwraps of the UnwaveringShiny Stone Tipped SpearElement of OneCrude Adept's BroomShadeling SilkShade Silk CordEbonlightTalisman of SycophanceShard of Everliving Clay


Updated Quests: The Acrylia PlansNew Year: Ignite The Light


Updated Recipes: Boreal Leggings of the UnwaveringBoreal Wristguard of the UnwaveringBoreal Armwraps of the UnwaveringDistorted Leggings of the UnwaveringDistorted Leggings of the UnwaveringBoreal Boots of the UnwaveringBoreal Cowl of the UnwaveringBoreal Gloves of the UnwaveringDistorted Boots of the UnwaveringDistorted Boots of the UnwaveringDistorted Gloves of the UnwaveringDistorted Gloves of the UnwaveringDistorted Cowl of the UnwaveringDistorted Cowl of the UnwaveringDistorted Armwraps of the UnwaveringDistorted Armwraps of the UnwaveringDistorted Chestwraps of the UnwaveringDistorted Chestwraps of the UnwaveringTwilight Chestwraps of the UnwaveringTwilight Chestwraps of the UnwaveringTwilight Boots of the UnwaveringTwilight Boots of the UnwaveringTwilight Leggings of the UnwaveringTwilight Leggings of the UnwaveringTwilight Gloves of the UnwaveringTwilight Gloves of the UnwaveringTwilight Wristguard of the UnwaveringTwilight Wristguard of the UnwaveringTwilight Armwraps of the UnwaveringTwilight Armwraps of the UnwaveringTwilight Cowl of the UnwaveringTwilight Cowl of the UnwaveringFrightweave Chestwraps of the UnwaveringFrightweave Chestwraps of the UnwaveringFrightweave Gloves of the UnwaveringFrightweave Gloves of the UnwaveringFrightweave Boots of the UnwaveringFrightweave Boots of the UnwaveringFrightweave Wristguard of the UnwaveringFrightweave Wristguard of the UnwaveringFrightweave Leggings of the UnwaveringFrightweave Leggings of the UnwaveringFrightweave Cowl of the UnwaveringFrightweave Cowl of the UnwaveringFrightweave Armwraps of the UnwaveringFrightweave Armwraps of the Unwavering


Bestiary Updates: a fire goblin scoutfroglok gaz knightfroglok tuk warriorRallic AristosInasch`s armsmanInasch`s sentinelInasch`s vicar



Updated Items: Savageclaw Chain Assembly KitCrude Binding SolutionCrude Binding PowderCrude Animal PeltRadiant Garnet of ConstitutionRadiant Sapphire of InsightSplit-Alloy SignetSplit-Ring of the TwinsLiving Bone TorqueDrape of Lost KnowledgeBroadsword of Memoryforged Desolation


Updated Quests: Augmentation RefundVah Shir Berserker Final Task


Bestiary Updates: Spirit Chanter BibodikSnowdwarf Toymaker



Updated Items: Goblin EyeDirty Runic Spell ScrollSimple Binding PowderCarved Wooden MaskNurgan Tribal BeltNurgan Herbal AleNascent Summoner's EarringSummoner's Earring of UprisingSummoner's Earring of RebellionEclipsed Mendicant's Cloak of the SelenelionNascent Arms ArmorNascent Head ArmorNascent Steadfast GemSteadfast Gem of UprisingNascent Hands ArmorSavageclaw Chain Assembly KitCrude Binding SolutionCrude Binding PowderCrude Animal Pelt


Updated Quests: Vah Shir Berserker Final Task


New Recipes: Steadfast Gem of UprisingSummoner's Earring of RebellionSummoner's Earring of Uprising


Updated Recipes: Blackened Pearl Silver RingUnfired Nascent TalismanAcolyte's Fortification of the Harbinger


Bestiary Updates: Spirit Chanter BibodikKeentooth, Tribal ElderTribal ElderSnowdwarf Toymaker



Updated Items: Goblin EyeDirty Runic Spell ScrollSimple Binding PowderCarved Wooden MaskNurgan Tribal BeltNurgan Herbal AleNascent Summoner's EarringSummoner's Earring of UprisingSummoner's Earring of RebellionEclipsed Mendicant's Cloak of the SelenelionNascent Arms ArmorNascent Head ArmorNascent Steadfast GemSteadfast Gem of UprisingNascent Hands Armor


New Recipes: Steadfast Gem of UprisingSummoner's Earring of RebellionSummoner's Earring of Uprising


Updated Recipes: Blackened Pearl Silver RingUnfired Nascent TalismanAcolyte's Fortification of the Harbinger


Bestiary Updates: Spirit Chanter BibodikKeentooth, Tribal ElderTribal ElderSnowdwarf Toymaker



Updated Items: Molted Voidcrab LegsMolted Voidcrab JointsMolted Voidcrab ClawsMolted Voidcrab CarapaceMolted Voidcrab ShouldersBaton of Memoryforged DesolationFaceted Bloodstone EarringInert Lesser EngramObscured Legs Armor of the ShackledMarshal's Commanding StoneMarshal's Blazing BaubleFortitude Focus of UprisingRefined VoidstoneHardy Leather Belt of Many PouchesSinful Chain of the AddictedBadger Skin BeltDouble Coiled CordonMystic's Sash of RebellionDefender's Waistguard of RebellionAcrobat's Belt of RebellionDefender's Waistguard of UprisingMystic's Sash of UprisingAcrobat's Belt of UprisingNascent Defender's WaistguardNascent Acrobat's BeltNascent Mystic's SashHodstock Invader ScaleHodstock Hawk FeatherHodstock Crab MeatFrost Coated TreeFrost Encrusted TreeFrozen Flame Floor CandelabraFrozen Flame Wall TorchFrostbound TreeVisage of a Warmly Clad ColdainMetamorph: Crystalline SpiderMetamorph: Glacial Wolf PupIce Crystal ClusterIce-Clad Sword Maiden StatueIce-Clad Maiden StatueIce-Clad Staff Maiden StatueTimewise Cloth Feet OrnamentTimewise Cloth Legs OrnamentTimewise Cloth Hands OrnamentTimewise Cloth Wrist OrnamentTimewise Cloth Arms OrnamentTimewise Leather Feet OrnamentTimewise Leather Legs OrnamentTimewise Leather Hands OrnamentTimewise Leather Wrist OrnamentTimewise Leather Arms OrnamentTimewise Leather Chest OrnamentTimewise Leather Helm OrnamentTimewise Chain Feet OrnamentTimewise Chain Legs OrnamentTimewise Chain Hands OrnamentTimewise Chain Wrist OrnamentTimewise Chain Arms OrnamentTimewise Chain Chest OrnamentTimewise Chain Helm OrnamentTimewise Plate Feet OrnamentTimewise Plate Legs OrnamentTimewise Plate Hands OrnamentTimewise Plate Wrist OrnamentTimewise Plate Arms OrnamentTimewise Plate Chest OrnamentTimewise Plate Helm OrnamentTimewise Cloth Chest OrnamentTimewise Cloth Helm OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Cloth Robe OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Cloth Feet OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Leather Hands OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Chain Helm OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Plate Chest OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Cloth Wrist OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Cloth Helm OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Chain Arms OrnamentShackled Scalewrought Plate Wrist OrnamentWild Harvest CutEmberquartz Wayfarer SourceAcolyte's Focus of the HarbingerChest Armor Lining of UprisingInert Minor EngramInvasion Force's DaggerAurelian VyrebrandObscured Wrist Armor of the ShackledHoly Wrath of the MotherObscured Arms Armor of the EnthralledDrape of the DesiredObscured Wrist Armor of the EnthralledLeviathan Scale ShawlThe Truth of QueserisEmberquartz Protector SourceBound Scalewrought BardicheArm Armor Lining of UprisingInert Median EngramScalewrought Spoils SouvenirTarnished RelicSinged Goblin EyeGilded Mask of Tak'YalizShield of the Queen's Guard


Updated Quests: Oasis of FrostIn a Bucket, or With Butter (10 Points)


New Recipes: Nascent Mystic's SashNascent Acrobat's BeltNascent Defender's WaistguardAcrobat's Belt of UprisingMystic's Sash of UprisingDefender's Waistguard of UprisingAcrobat's Belt of RebellionDefender's Waistguard of RebellionMystic's Sash of RebellionStarlight Nectar Sparkling Metheglin (Dried Vanilla)Abyssal Fillet (Void Maw Angler)Abyssal Fillet (Razorfang Viperfish)Nascent WandRefined VoidstoneMonk's Bane XXII (TOB)Strike of the Shissar XXII (TOB)Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch


Updated Recipes: Vallon's Tactic XXII (TOB)Starlight Nectar Sparkling Metheglin (Vanilla Beans)


Bestiary Updates: flame goblin shamana crownshell carapacea hardshell carapacea softshell carapacescalewrought viceroya scalewrought attackerAllezaan elder caimanElewisa the OathboundFirst ScoutFirst SoldierFirst StormerQueseris TrislethEye of MotherKellis the Youngscalewrought marshalMujiChthamalusCopperworthTatanamia caiman - TOBKupiop Iku


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