Adventurer Appreciation Campaign

Master, Master! The Adventurer Appreciation Campaign is here again, kupo! Woohoo! Yay! We love you! Phew, I need to get more exercise, kupo! Anyway, let's review the history, kupo. It's thanks to adventurers like you that the people of Vana'diel have been able to live and prosper in peace. The Adventurer Appreciation Campaign was begun by a certain personage to show our gratitude for this valuable contribution to society. Are you with me so far, kupo? Now we come to the fun part. In addition to seeing a record of your adventures put together by the all-seeing moogles, you will receive a special present, kupo. Can't wait to see your data, kupo? Not so fast! First you have to survive the Trial of the Dragon Moogle, kupo! Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. Our campaign benefactor does, however, prefer to reward those adventurers who have shown themselves to be trusted, selfless heroes, kupo. Even veteran adventurers may squirm at the opponents they must face to complete this trial. The Far Eastern martial goddess. The uncompromising knight of the Lion Kingdom. And last and most terrifying: the heartless Witch of Abyssal Curses. What? You think I'm exaggerating again, kupo? .Anyway, you can find out more by speaking to the moogles around town. Your trial will take you around the world, so be prepared to take in all that appreciation, kupo! Thank you for your efforts, master! And thank you to all adventurers, kupo! Event Participation This event takes place in the nations of San d'Oria, Bastok, and Windurst. Listen carefully to the moogles' instructions, then join forces with other adventurers before setting out on your "trial." Moogle Locations Southern San d'Oria Northern San d'Oria Bastok Mines Bastok Markets Windurst Waters Windurst Woods This event is scheduled to begin at 17:00 on May 12 and end at 0:00 on May 30 (PDT).


Post Comment
Return Ring
# May 14 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Double post sry

Edited, Sat May 14 15:54:05 2005
figured it out
# May 14 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
Ok i'm more then Sure i have this Event Figured out due to a few fluke events that me and a friend went through.

Now take this into consideration the item that u aquire from the moogle is completely random, yes thats right just because you do a certain something a different way and get the +1 version of the ring and ur friend gets the 1 doesn't really mean much.

I'd like to prove a few Rumors wrong.


#1. You need to be partied with people from other nations. This is incorect you can get the ring normal or +1 with any nationality settup

#2. Your level gap has to be close or very distand. This is also incorrect it doesn't matter what level you are.

#3. You require a Full party to get the good prizes. This is also incorrect, but you do need to have a party of atleast 2 members. (thanks for the feedback Tsu ^^

#4. Your Score on things has something to do with your prize. This is incorrect one of my friends was a complete noob that was with us and had only been playing for about 3 days and aquired the Homing Ring second try

Now here is the real way on how to get the rings and the +1 ring.


#1. The item granted is completely random but if you meet some extra requirements it will still be random but add in the Ring and +1 version of the ring.

- Completing this by yourself will just yield chocobo tickets # of tickets depends on how many of the nation sponsors you have been to.

There is a certain point system that i've noticed and heres how i believe it works.

1 - point awarded for soloing per npc.
2 - points awarded for completing with duo.
3 - points awarded to a party of 3 or more.

1-2 points = Chocobo Ticket
3-4 points = Return Ring
5+ points = Homing Ring

Now this has been tested by me and a few of my friends numerous times, and remember just because you have the points does not mean you will get the item it only means it is a possibility to get it

(excample: You have 4 points = you can either get a Chocobo Ticket or a Return Ring)

If you alread have a Return ring or a Homing ring that drop will immidiatly be stricken from your reward results meaning you cannot get it again unless it is dropped.

I hope this guide helped you guys out i spend about 6 hrs today testing this theory of mine out and found that it is 98% accurate

Edited, Tue May 17 10:13:09 2005
RE: figured it out
# May 14 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
#3. You require a Full party to get the good prizes. This is also incorrect, but you do need to have a party of atleast 3 members.

incorrect, i did this with 1 other person and it worked fine.
RE: figured it out
# May 15 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
Did you get a ring of just Choco tickets. From the formula he presented, I think he meant you need a party of at least three to get enough points for the rings to be a possibility.

Edited, Sun May 15 14:42:50 2005
How It Works
# May 13 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
Each NPC gives you a score based on your census information. I got a Return Ring and these were my stats:

Parties Joined: 657 (Vilatroire's Comment: Good)
Alliances Joined: 34 (Vilatorire's Comment: You've had few chances to join an alliance, neither have I)
Conversations with NPCs: 23179 (Ayame's Comment: Good)
Chat Frequency: 217499 (Ayame's Comment: Good)
Battles Fought: 14378
Number of Times KO'd: 273 (Shantotto's Comment: Good)
Enemies Defeated: 11818 (Shantotto's Comment: Average)

My party consisted of a San d'Orian Elvaan, a San d'Orian Hume, a Bastokan Galka, a Bastokan Hume, and two Windurstian Mithras. All three of the NPCs give you a grade based on your party when speaking to them, and all of them basically told me that I needed to find a "more diverse" party, whatever that means. My guess is that each NPC has a different set of standards as to what "diverse" means and you need to find the best one for each.

My current theory is that each NPC offers you a grade from 1-3; 1 being Poor, 2 being Average, 3 Being Good. So, if you tally up my scores, you get:

Parties: Good +3
Alliances: Poor (?) +1
Current Party: Average (?) +2

NPC Chat Frequency: Good +3
Chat Frequency: Good +3
Current Party: Average (?) +2

KOs: Good +3
Enemies Defeated: Average +2
Current Party: Average +2

Total: 21/27

I'm not sure because the NPCs don't directly comment on it, but your Battles Fought and GM Calls Made may have an effect. I had quite a lot of Enemies Defeated (11818) and Battles Fought (14378) so my guess for why I received an "average" score is that you receive a score that is a ratio of your Enemies Defeated to Battles Fought--the higher the ratio the higher your score. I had 0 GM Calls.

RE: How It Works
# May 14 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
Incorrect guess.

I've killed over 23k enemies and I am still only "average"

I've die nearly 500 times and was told that I am excellent at surviving and escaping, so good that my friends probably hate me for leaving them to meet a "grisly-wisly" fate.

# May 13 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
went with an alliance of 10, only 2 people from bastok, rest from sandoria, eveyone got BS tickets and i wasted 3 hours and some gil...
# May 13 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
Same thing happened to me, except im 1 of 4 that didn't get the ring. 2 others did. ><
# May 13 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
A friend was also part of an alliance with at least one of each race and at least one of either gender (where applicable >_>) and a bunch of other random people, and only two people got the ring, everyone else got tickets. His theory was that the party that you're currently in has to be diverse, because in his there were 3 Tarus and 2 Mithra. But that doesn't really explain why only two people got the ring.

And then another person I know was in a party of only 5 people (one of each race) and he got the ring, and so did one other person. So your guess is as good as mine.
they're here
# May 13 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Excellent
103 posts
San d'Oria
"The uncompromising knight of the Lion Kingdom."
(Vilatroire, West Ronafaure H-5)
"The Far Eastern martial goddess."
(Ayame, Bastok Metalworks K-7)
"The heartless Witch of Abyssal Curses."
(Shantotto, Windurst Walls K-7)

sry double post >.<
# May 13 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
I just did this with someone from Bastok and someone from Windurst, just got the choco passes, is there any way for a low leveled person like me to get the ring? though it will be good to ride the chocos at my lvl ^^Thnx in advance

Edit: forgot to add im Sandorian so thats one of each nation

Edited, Fri May 13 18:58:19 2005
RE: Awww
# May 14 2005 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
Chocobo tickets don't allow people who otherwise couldn't ride a chocobo to ride one. They just make it free for people who already satisfy the conditions for riding.
RE: Awww
# May 15 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Chocobo tickets don't allow people who otherwise couldn't ride a chocobo to ride one. They just make it free for people who already satisfy the conditions for riding.

This is true, however you get the item Choco passes, not Choco tickets, which have alowed me, asomeone with no chocobo quest done and only a lv 18 job, to ride chocobos, only from the cities tho, the outposts dont accept them for some reason
>< ah well, still fun :-D So choco passes let anyone ride chocobos, /cheer

Edit: tried to look up this item on the database, doesnt seem to be there.. ah well, heres what it is:
Free Chocopass ex
This "free ride" ticket is part of a campaign to give novice adventurers a taste of chocobo riding.

There you go, i have only tried this out in Sandy but i rode a chocobo to la Thien so it definately works ^^ and by outposts i meant the people at the crags >< oops

Further edit: aha, i checked it out and it seems people who cant yet ride chocobos get the pass while those who can get the ticket, the chocopass can be used by us lower leveled peopl however it only lasts abt half the time as normal chocobo rides, just a little info :-)

Edited, Sun May 15 14:11:58 2005
Return Ring
# May 13 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
I used a charge in West Ronfaure (it does not work in towns) and it took me to the West Ronfaure Outpost. I presume it takes you to the region's Outpost (so if you use it in Korroloka you'll end up at the East Altepa Outpost, etc.), which is why it does not work in towns.

Definitely useful.

Edited, Fri May 13 16:42:54 2005
RE: Return Ring
# May 14 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
435 posts
Using the ring in Korroloka tunnel would drop you at the outpost in North Gustaberg. But same principal.
# May 13 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
The 2 prizes ive seen confirmed are chocobo ticket and the homing/return ring.

Does anyone know if a moogle belt or a choco staff are possible prizes for this event?
# May 13 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know at all? Is it 24 hours game time, server reset... anything? Just once?
Since I think I saw some people asking
# May 13 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
100 posts
I used my Return Ring to see what it did (I figured 10 charges, I'd blow 1, and save the other 9 for emergencies in the jungle or CN or something).

It took me to the last outpost I had visited, in the Valkrum Dooms.

I honestly don't know if it'll take me there after Conquest next week (when Sandy loses Valkrum most likely), but I guess we'll just have to wait and see :-)
Just a Question
# May 13 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
How often can you do this quest?
# May 13 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
S-E typically recycles the holidays they use in ffxi but change what all is needed. The boy and girl events were something different this year though.

Adventurer Appreciation event last year just required you to talk to the moogle in town and you either got a firecracker, a chocobo rod, or a moogle belt. Everyone has used the firecrackers, choco rod gave +time to riding a choco I believe (very rare and was rare/ex), and the moogle belt gave +1% hp or mp I believe.

This year it looks like they want group events which explains the boys event and this event. I did it last night and got a choco ticket...went to bastok solo, windy and san I did with 2 ls members from windy. No biggy because I really don't care for the ring beyond having another novelty item like the treat staffs and stuff.
# May 13 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Fri May 13 13:27:14 2005
# May 13 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
500 posts
yeah that was very easy to guess - ran to her manor right after talking to moogle... of course i was right XD we all know her very well
# May 13 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Has anyone used their ring yet? I was wondering how it worked. Can you choose the outpost you go to, or are you still limited to ones you did supply runs to?
Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
I hope this DOES replace summerfect this year. Summerfest was stupid last year.
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 15 2005 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
(lil taru brings out soap box, puts in down and hops on) "Summer quest ruled for noobies and I still was last year only lvl 26 at the time I got to see some great areas, that no lvl 26 could without sucide, also the vast amount of choco tickets I got really saved my butt when I have to choc from mea ~2k a pop on Pandy
Also free stylish new armor was cool, The holloween evet was the one that let me down, Great prizes but not an event that the poor could really do. I seemed the only even sofar that the day one noobie could not do." (lil taru hops off soap box, picks it up and walks off)
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
I don't see why you would think this would replace summerfest. The adventure moogles were here last year and summerfest isn't for a few months yet.

I really liked summerfest myself. I wear my tunic all the time :D Yes the music got a bit annoying near the end but it was nice for a while.
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
722 posts
Summerfest rocked last year! The fireworks and music got annoying pretty fast, but the whole part with running around dungeons at level 1 with permanent sneak/invis was lots of fun! I sincerely hope they do it again this year.
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
no it doesn't replace summerfest, they have this event every year. in previous ones you could get the bronze/silver/gold moogle belts depending on your game stats

*edit .. i can't speel

Edited, Fri May 13 14:27:43 2005
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
157 posts
I highly doubt that this event will replace the Summerfest. The Summerfest is a real holiday in Japan, it would almost be like not having a Holloween event. Sometimes I wish players would be a little more considerate of other cultures, we Americans aren't the only people playing FFXI, you know.

And also, this is not the first year they've had this event. Apparently, they did this last year as well.
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Japan has just as many stupid holidays as America. Didn't they just have a celebrate little boys holiday, and a spring festival weeks before that?
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
357 posts
Dont forget "Golden Week" which halted production on the beloved Naruto anime :(
RE: Replace Summerfest
# May 13 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Fri May 13 12:32:40 2005
new summerfest?
# May 13 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
plz tell me this isnt gonna replace the summerfest event this year? that would really **** me off if it did
# May 13 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I think I'll play around with this a bit as soon as I can and post my findings here. My account goes active again tonight, and I know I'll have a few people wanting to just run around with me and relax. I'm hoping to form a party of just one nation, then two nations, then multiple nations to play with this.
# May 13 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
So does anyone actually know how to get the different items? or does it just depend on your stats?

RE: Rewards.
# May 13 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
157 posts
Yes, I'm pretty sure that it depends on your rewards. Perhaps this event will encourage players to actually do other things in FFXI besides just leveling up all the time. If all you care about is stat-building, then go play D&D.
RE: Rewards.
# May 13 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
You can't even call leveling in this game "stat-building" since you have no control over how you grow over time (until Merit Points at least - and then only to a limited extent). Despite the multitude of things you can do, progression is still extremely linear and preset.
RE: Rewards.
# May 13 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
246 posts
Could you elaborate as to how progress in an MMORPG can be non-liner. And I hope you don't mean through quests like in EQ2, cause I tried that and it was lame, not to mention much less fun then grinding through exp.
RE: Rewards.
# May 13 2005 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
Gemstone 3 and 4 had a non-linear progression system in which you chose certain abilities when you leveled up--anyone could learn any skill, it was just harder for, say, a warrior to learn a spell than a wizard, or a wizard to learn to wear armor like a warrior...

Dark Age had a somewhat decent one too, where you chose to place the level up points in different ability categories to gain power in those.

FFXI, though, really does have a linear leveling concept--a level 75 whm/blm is a level 75 whm/blm with only equipment and skillups to change anything about them. (and race, a bit)
RE: Rewards.
# May 13 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
He means the stats the moogle gives.
RE: Rewards.
# May 13 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Maybe he doesn't consider skilling up whatever type of weapon you want as status building. or skilling up certain magic types.
Bittersweet fun...
# May 13 2005 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
100 posts
Full party:

2 Elvaan from San d'Oria
1 Hume from Bastok
1 Tarutaru from Windhurst
1 Mithra from San d'Oria
1 Galka from San d'Oria (me)

We had a lot of fun travelling and getting to know each other (everyone in the pt knew 1 other person in the pt, no more/no less, so it was a lot of new friends :), even if one of the Elves did get a little lost in Altep (Tele-Altep - Korroloka Tunnel - Escape - Zeruhn Mines)

When all was said and done, everyone in the party got 2 Chocobo Tickets, but I got a Return Ring.

What gives? I feel bad (even though I got the ring), we all went through all the running around, and none of my new friends got anything??

homing ring
# May 13 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
WOO HOO! I got a Homing Ring first try. I had a party of 3 sandorians including myself. We all had very different numbers for our participation score and our levels ranged from one guy who had 2 lvl 75 characters to a guy who was a lvl 55 war and that was his most experienced job. We talked to all 3 NPCs while in the same party, and didn't talk to any moogles between NPCs. Hope that helps for all of you looking for a Homing ring.
# May 13 2005 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
495 posts
2 chocobo tickets..... what the crap?
# May 13 2005 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
156 posts
try pt with 1 windurstian, 1 bastokan , 1 san d'orian.
of course you should do it with only 1 other nation in pt to get both rings also^^

and right now since choco are going up to 3k on hades... i'll be doing this solo a few times >.>
# May 13 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
That poo-headded taru Shantotto threatened me!!!
2005 May Quest
# May 13 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
Well, I just did the quest with 3 other ppl, the quest is for you to goto the other nations besides your Home Nation. First talk to ur Moogle, then talk to ur representive in ur home nation. Once u have that, set ur Home Point at ur Home Nation and get a Warp Scroll (unless ur a lvl 17 blm and up) After that, goto the other nations and repeat the same thing. This list of the ppl and places should be below this text. Once ur done, then warp back, and talk to ur moogle again, u should be rewarded for how many Mobs, you killed and how many times that you've been killed. This quest is repeatable, and it seems that there are 3 types of reward. 1. A Chocobo Ticket (LOL)
2. Return Ring (10 outpost warp) per use, and seems to recharge every 24 hr (Real Life)
3. Homing Ring ???

Like I said the quest is repeatable, but i dont know the time frame to do the quest again, once i do, ill post, unless someone do it before me. Hopes this helps u out.......

Carbuncle Server
locations of NPC's
# May 13 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
San d'Oria
"The uncompromising knight of the Lion Kingdom."
(Vilatroire, West Ronafaure H-5)
"The Far Eastern martial goddess."
(Ayame, Bastok Metalworks K-7)
"The heartless Witch of Abyssal Curses."
(Shantotto, Windurst Walls K-7)
RE: 2005 May Quest
# May 13 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
didn't ;eave names who u talk to sry >.<
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