Wings of the Goddess Release Date

News from Square Enix:

The Tokyo Game Show began just a short hour ago and will play host to a new, highly anticipated trailer for the upcoming Final Fantasy XI Online Expansion Wings of the Goddess that showcases new areas, monsters, and the revelation of an exciting new job!

Take a step back in time and uncover the breathtaking mysteries surrounding Vana'diel's violent past when the long-awaited fourth installment in the ongoing FINAL FANTASY XI saga ships on November 20, 2007!

*Please note that while players may install and register the Wings of the Goddess expansion data in advance, the new content will be inaccessible until official service begins on Thursday, November 22.


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# Sep 28 2007 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
ok im gonna laugh at you jerks when you log on november 22nd and see a time mage run by.

rdm and whm may have haste but do they have hastega, or slowga? obviously rdm has a little magic from
other jobs like healing, and elemental magic, so why not have slow and hate from time mage?
I believe if timemage is one of the new jobs, it will be kind of similar to redmage but instead of healing magic it will have DD spells like meteor or such. so it will be enfeebler/DD
time mage
# Sep 28 2007 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
Okay im gonna laugh at you jerks that deny time mage when you logon november 22nd and see one run by. Don't be so set on crticizing new ideas and possibly an awsome new job^^
Erased, nevermind
# Sep 21 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,230 posts
Erased, posted in wrong place

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 10:02am by dmhlucky
# Sep 20 2007 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Why not, thatss just crazy enough to be expected from se.
Time Spells?
# Sep 20 2007 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
What about Comet? Meteor? MeteorII??? Oooo.. Id love to cast that spell ^^
no's hopes and most likely
# Sep 20 2007 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
no time mage, its silly and will be either too weak or too over powered, and will have about a dozen spells.

no tank job, there isnt a place for it. and it wont solve any problems 4 months after the expansion. just cause there is another tank job, wont make more ppl want to be a tank. the tanks will lvl the new tank job, and then where will you be?? crying for another tank

im going for dancer(obvious) gunblade specialist and some kind of mage(ish) that may or may not use mp

it will be support, DD(half !@# tank till lvl 40) and some hybrid mage. thats just seems to be the only thing that will work and makes sense.
no's hopes and most likely
# Sep 20 2007 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 11:47pm by Jeffdogg
# Sep 20 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
I think the new job will be chocobo knight.... IMO
all we can do is wait and see...
# Sep 20 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
272 posts
No time mage? unbalance the game?

Yeah because SE have never done that before have they...

the true new job
# Sep 20 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
The new tank job they'll release will be PMP(Pimp)

Job abilities:
Pimp slap(voke)
Smack a *****(weaker voke+ having a dancer in pt increases effect by 25%)
Pistol whip
Cane bash
Smoke a rock= berserk
Call *****
pay up ***** = mug(@_@)
pimp spikes(defender+added effect diseased)

job traits:
Ho killer

its SE lol they always do some odd stuff and have a tendency to use the same thing over and over. so really its hard to tell what they might come out with other than what they've released

oh I forgot something. If they over power a new job or throw things outta balance, they'll just nerf rng again cause it seems to always work for em. XD

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 11:03am by zackaria

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 2:51pm by zackaria
the true new job
# Sep 20 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
139 posts
ROFL (too funny)
# Sep 20 2007 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,626 posts
Ive forgotten what I read a long time ago - but are we all expecting 3 jobs? as thats the general trend of the past? Or could Dancer be the only job.

Seems like Dancer fits into the Bard/Carsair category - In which case, thats fine with me, It can get annoying waiting for a Bard or a Corsair to become available.

If There are 2 other jobs, I really want a new DD, just do I can lvl it as fast as I can, and be ZOMFG everyone look at me! sher-BAM

As far as a Tank job goes - There are plenty of Ninja's and Paladins around, plenty of Ninja's lvl 10-37 also. Unless there is a new Tank job that can challenge Nin as the No1 merit tank job, or challeng PLD as No.1 HNM/God tank job.

and if theres a 3rd job, id like it to be a soloable job. but Id be happy if SE either introduces a new DD or new solo, it will keep me more than busy :)
can't be time mage
# Sep 19 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
they won't add another mage job in this release for 2 reasons. the ratio of jobs with mp and mp type abilities to jobs without mp is getting too cloes to 1/1

for mage jobs you have
blm, whm, rdm, smn, blu, pld, drk,

for mage type you have nin, cor, pup and brd. nin have spells that use the tools, bard and cor sonds and rolls grant magic type effects and pup has the ability to cast spells

for strictly melee
war, mnk, thf, rng, bst, drg, sam

for many reasons timemage will not be the new job

lets see why

basic time magic spells- slow, haste, gravity, stop, dot spells, float, berserk, just to name a few

now, whm and rdm get haste, slow, dot spells, rdm has gravity and war has berserk

float i'd consider barstone cause it's purpose is to eliminate the element of spells

also how would they me able to justify granting a job slow 2 after they made it a meritable spell for red mage. a time mage would naturally get a higher tier slow spell then a red mage and they would undoubtly get haste sooner.

other time magic spells that have been seen in games are comit and meteor. they cannot and will not intorduce those spells into thie game anytime soon. and meteor will eventually be a blm spell that required more then one mage to sucessfully cast as shown in the intro movie.

i have no idea what kind of job they are doing to ovver in this nex expansion but knowing square it's going to be something unexpected, or there wouldn;t be so much secrecy about it

they really need to introduce a new tanking job, but i'm not sure how they can without incorporating an overlap. they have dd's basically coverey in this game and like I said before, they won't make a typical mp reliant mage. it is highly possiblye that they could introduce a healing job that functions more like ninja, with scrolls or suitras instead of consuming mp.

it's all up in the air still, but that's my 2 cents
can't be time mage
# Sep 20 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
220 posts
timepassesbye wrote:
they won't add another mage job in this release for 2 reasons. the ratio of jobs with mp and mp type abilities to jobs without mp is getting too cloes to 1/1

for mage jobs you have
blm, whm, rdm, smn, blu, pld, drk,

You classify mage as any job w/mp? >.> PLD and DRK aren't mages, not by a long shot. Just because spells/mp are available doesn't make it insta mage, unless I'm not understanding what you mean.

Personally I'm not all that keen on a dancer. It would be a 3rd BRD-ish job, and I don't really see how that's neccesary.
can't be time mage
# Sep 20 2007 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
timepassesbye wrote:

for mage jobs you have
blm, whm, rdm, smn, blu, pld, drk, pup (magic automaton)

for mage type you have
nin, cor and brd.
nin have spells that use the tools, bard and cor sonds and rolls grant magic type effects

for strictly melee
war, mnk, thf, rng, bst, drg, sam, pup (melee/ranged automaton)

Corrected for PUP.
can't be time mage
# Sep 19 2007 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
314 posts
FYI Meteor is in the game already it's just a monster only spell. I know Chlevnik in KSNM99 Horns of War casts it, as well as possibly his HNM counter-parts in Behemoth's Dominion.

As for comet, I believe Carbuncle's Meteorite is the FFXI incarnation of that spell, but I could be wrong.

Regardless, you're right. Time Mage is unlikely to be the new job because its standard spells (slow, haste, hastega etc) already belong to other classes and Time Mage wouldn't be able to stand on its own as an individual job. Red Mage is almost a Time Mage + extra at the moment because they also gain Fast Cast and Chainspell.
And Time Mages spells that aren't already owned by other jobs are, frankly, overpowered or have no place in Vana'Diel.
Demi? Do you really think they're going to allow us to damage a % of a monsters HP on a regular basis? And even if they did it'd have to be on weak monsters where it would probably be inefficient or not that spectacular to do it in the first place.
Stop? Same issue there, if it's going to have any decent duration. And if it's a super short duration? Then it's just Stun in a new wrapper.
Bind? Belongs to other jobs already, as discussed.
Meteor? Entirely too powerful to be in the hands of players. Comet less so though.

Just because the expansion pack is set in the past does not automatically mean OMGTIMEMAGE. You need to look at the picture from the perspectives of game balance and design. There is no place for Time Mage in Vana'diel, Red Mage and Bard have already got all it's -balanced- bases covered. They won't add those imbalanced spells for obvious reasons.

So saying, I wonder what the new job is? I hope it's a tank, or a class that helps other half-tanks (WAR SAM etc) tank better, like a tank supporter job. I'll even settle for Geomancer. Just not Time Mage.
# Sep 19 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
I'm just gonna wait and see what they have instore for us. Time mage would be nice, so long as it's not nerfed in any way.
doubt it
# Sep 19 2007 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Can't imagine how time mage would work. What kinda spells would they have? Uh...haste..and...um... slow...and...uh...
doubt it
# Sep 19 2007 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
Stop, Bind, Demi, Meteor? etc
# Sep 19 2007 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
November 20 in Japan is my birthday! :P
Oh Emm Gee
# Sep 19 2007 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
bet u guys 100 dollas that Time Mage is this "new" job that is to be announced... XD
Oh Emm Gee
# Sep 20 2007 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ok you owe me $100 Red Mage is "Time Mage"


Pay up biotch

Lesson of the day: Dont write checks your *** cant cash :D
Oh Emm Gee
# Sep 20 2007 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
I want some of that action too, $100 you say. there is no way timemage can happen, unless they think up some new spells, rdm,smn and whm have them covered at the moment, i have just read about a dancer job, that would be a cool tank job where you would just dance around and have dance moves where you move away from attacks, that would be cool, but other than that it sounds a bit.... you know ^^
Oh Emm Gee
# Sep 19 2007 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
you're on
Oh Emm Gee
# Sep 19 2007 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
you're on...
Oh Emm Gee
# Sep 20 2007 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Don't take the bet! he's a Time mage from teh future
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