Square Enix Creates Online "Crysta" Currency

Starting December 14th, SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS will merge with the Square Enix Account system.  The move, which also combines logins for some other Japanese-only titles, will finally wrap up Square Enix online services into one neat and tidy area.  Also, it will allow them to launch their new online-based currency: Crysta.

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The site originally used "Member Coins," but now Crysta will become the new standard for purchasing things from the Members store, such as Avatar clothing, books, CDs and games.  Two things make this especially interesting: First is the fact that you can buy in-game currency in Fantasy Earth Zero, and second is the assurance that Crysta will work for "all services linked to your Square Enix Account."

In Fantasy Earth Zero, there are three types of currency -- two available in game, and one obtained via credit card or WebMoney purchase.  By standardizing a web-based currency, it seems simple for Square Enix to bring Crysta over to Final Fantasy XIV and avoid many of the headaches experienced in Final Fanatsy XI, such as billing errors and the resulting bannings.  It would be great to see Crysta available in the PSN store, purchasable through PayPal on Square Enix's site, or perhaps even Crysta cards at your local video game emporium. This would be perfect for potential Final Fantasy XIV subscribers who may not have access to their own credit card.

It also opens up the possibility for a lot more control on Square Enix's part.  If certain aspects of Final Fantasy XIV were prone to abuse by RMT, they could become available through Crysta, swiftly invalidating the efforts of gil-farmers.  However, it's a tricky issue since while some will surely welcome the elimination of RMT players, others will oppose the idea of paying real money for in-game currency or items.

In Japan, WebMoney is easy to get at any convenience store with some cash and one can be up and running their FFXI character in no time.  That's why it's easy to envision Crysta cards showing up at the local 7-11 along with the myriad of other electronic currencies available.  Sadly, it may be a pipe dream to hope that such convenience will reach foreign shores.  Presently, the transfer to Crysta has only been posted on the Japanese SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS site, but here's hoping they are working out a smoother payment system for their loyal fans overseas as well.  For a game that aims to simultaneously launch and manage customers in multiple regions of the world, it would certainly benefit both players and Square Enix to have a single, unifying currency.

Thanks to Corinth for the initial writeup at JP Button



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RMT worries part 2
# Dec 07 2009 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
149 posts
(I call this part 2 since I wrote a part 1 regarding banning of gardeners)

At first I thought this was just appalling (maybe an early first-of-april-joke). Like when the hero is trying to kill evil by turning evil - I mean, that is basic fairy-tale stuff and I can understand if some politicians are unfamiliar with fairy-tales but Square Enix!? (You know the hero is doomed when he takes that decision and can only be saved if powers from above interfere and all that those powers can save is his soul - he is certainly going to die...)

Back in the days when you could be approached by RMT in a different way than today and actually have a discussion with some I remember one time giving my reasons for not buying gil. If I would do that I would cheat and if I would cheat I would loose the game (even if you can't win!) at least in my own eyes. It is still my main reason. And then I dont know if it would make any difference if I bought the gil from "Brosale" or whatever or from "Square Enix".

But maybe I am jumping to conclusions here. My head did work on this and the possibilities awhile. I guess if I can buy some odd dress that teleports me to an odd area but doesn't really have any other function I could live with that. But can we sell stuff too? And transfer money that way from XI to XIV? Farm a *******-NM in FFXI, sell drops for gil, buy crysta for the gil and eventually get a awesome dress in FFXIV? Or can you only buy crysta with RL-money? But maybe this is also just going to far ahead. If it means to buy a plysch-chocoboo in RL with an in-game thing added or transfer money to crysta to have enough crysta for game-time that is one thing and I would be OK with that.

But if some spoiled brats is gonna strut around with millions of gil that their dad bought for them (and all legal) it is gonna be harder. Temptation is going to be very hard if I am going around spending hour after hour, month after month, maybe even years (again) trying to get the same gil without typing in my VISA-card number. I guess it is, or was, the same in FFXI (but the difference is that in the future you should be able to buy it from SE instead). Hell, there is or was (I recently saw one still up) even crafting-guides out there telling that you can't get further with crafting without buying gil. But so far there has been too many down-sides with buying gil, other players opinion, risk of banning and the inner feeling of the meaninglessness in cheating. If I understand this right and you buy gil or some hard-to-get-equipment in FFXIV it is going to be OK. The only one that thinks you are cheating is going to be YOU yourself - UNLESS you buy it from somewhere else than SE: Then you are a cheater and then you can get banned and then you are a looser. Beautiful.

But of the five years I have been playing FFXI SE has not really disappointed me. Sure, FFXI has its faults but in the end hard work has been paying off. A year and a half of crafting hours after hours I now have a feeling that if I want I can work up some gil if I just concentrate a bit. After over a year of slowly getting heaps of exp for merits I now start seeing a difference between my BLU and others. After over a year of Dynamis runs I have seen some awesome drops falling my way. Sure things would have been shortened a lot if I had bought gil, but also so my game-time. If a day ever comes when I see the only chance of getting some equipment that is essential that includes buying it for RL money from Square Enix or from whatever RMT-markets there is going to be for FFXIV I am going to have a totally new dilemma.

Wohoo, wife and kids are away for 3 hours! Pty-time. "Hey, dude, where is your Umbrella +1" "Oh, I didn't buy one." "Why?" "It is against my beliefs..." "OMG kick the looser, we got a replacement otw." "Ok, ok, hold on, I will buy one right now."

That will probably also be the day I loose interest in the game...

Edited, Dec 13th 2009 8:09am by Aljesaf
# Dec 02 2009 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
832 posts
I'm curious as to how they are going to merge, as I have both an account for my token on the SE Account System....and an account on their member site...Smiley: dubious
took long enough
# Dec 02 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
for a long time ive been saying if they want to get rid or make rmt problems alot less is for SE to make in game money. people can actually buy money and SE can profit from it. lower the price on buying gil and the rmt will be out of a job.
took long enough
# Dec 03 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
I can't be the only one to think this may yet be the stupidest idea on the face of the earth. Is there a worse way of devaluing a currency through over-inflation? I know countries, like the US, just print money without rhyme/reason/responsibility without thinking how it will bite them in the ***... but who has ever heard of a governing entity (which SE will losely be in regards to FF14) devaluing money before it even exists?

I'm looking at this from a few angles, but this one is taking precedence...
-SE is upset that people are making real cash off of their product and service
-SE has rules and such that deem the trading of real cash for in-game cash to be a serious violation.
-SE in the attempt to combat this problem has decided to make sell in-game cash for real money.. thereby having the ability to undercut any competition.
--Therefore... whenever in FF14 anyone wants money and willing to spend real cash for game cash then SE will simply, without any adding any value to the market.
# Dec 01 2009 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
I work at a 7-11 and I know it would be great for me to have something like this for me to make my life easier in game. We sell alot of game cards at the store. So if they link it to a 7-11 I know for fact it will hit the states in no time flat, taking in fact that 7-11's parent company, Southland corperation is japanese owned. So to anser SE's statement about it hiting foreign shores is easy to do as 7-11 wants to always keep on the cutting edge of the marketing field. Hell if it wasn't for 7-11 there would be no 24hr convenience store, (7-11 was the first company to go 24 hours).
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