I must have this!
I'd sit at it and stare at it for days...
Until it started talking to me and telling me to do evil things which of course I would do because I mean come on it's the freakin' Shadow Lord!
Edited, Dec 5th 2009 7:14pm by CrazyBard
Shadow Lord In-Game Statue Sneak Peek!
Among the plethora of items both old and new added to the upcoming Moggy New Year Bonanza's prize pool, the newest item to make an appearance as a possible reward is the new Shadow Lord statue furniture. Square Enix has graciously released screenshots of this new statue so that players may see what is in store if they choose this exclusive new statue!
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Recall memories of trudging through Castle Zvahl in preparation for battle with the very instigator of the Crystal War with the new Shadow Lord Statue!
Tags: FinalFantasyXI, News