FFXI Characters to Appear in Lord of Vermillion 2

Remember when Square Enix copyrighted Lord of Vermillion?  Forums were abuzz with rumors that it was FFXI-related -- perhaps a brand new expansion to enjoy!  While long ago it was confirmed to be a completely unrelated title, Dengeki Games has revealed there may have been a nugget of truth in our attempts at clairvoyance.  Lord of Vermillion 2 is set to receive a version update in March that will bring some popular FFXI characters into the game!

Lord of Vermilion 2 is the second in the series of this collectible card / arcade game hybrid.  Players have a main avatar they design themselves and can deploy various character cards onto the field along with it.  They are placed on the wide, horizontal surface of the machine.  On the vertical screen, the battle plays out between the player and their opponent.  Of course, getting the allies one needs beyond the initial avatar is where the card collecting comes in.  

From FFXI, Square Enix is pulling some fairly big guns.  The Shadow Lord will appear and have an ability called Implosion, which deals Dark damage to one target and continues to do damage over time.  Also, the ability will level up the more you use it, becoming more and more powerful.

Other recognizable names include Kam'lanaut, Eald'narche and Ark Angel Elvaan.  Kam'lanaut appears in his Paladin form from the Rise of Zilart missions.  His special ability is Great Wheel, which deals Light damage to all enemies in range.  Eald'narche uses his Stellar Burst, which lowers the attack power of enemies in range in addition to inflicting a slow effect.  The stalwart Ark Angel Elvaan is equipped with Dia II, which lowers the defense of enemies in range.

So what does this mean for you, the brave adventurer of Vana'diel?  Well, let's pay tribute to those from the intro paragraph and do a little speculation of our own.  Recently, there has been a lot of talk concerning an article that claims FFXI will close down this year.  Apparently, an attendee of a Square Enix's recruiting seminar heard that FFXI will "end" and the "stage will shift" to FFXIV.  While focus shifting to their new flagship MMO is not too surprising, it is harder to believe that Vana'diel will simply cease to be.  To crossover popular characters and then swiftly take those characters out of the public eye by canceling their game seems self-defeating and pointless.  Add this onto the fact that we have seen several new FFXI-related items come out recently: TaruTaru Figurines, Chocobo Caps and Chirping Hina Chocobos.  Furthermore, while perhaps not as convincing, Yoichi Wada did find time to Twitter on the issue, saying, "It seems there's a rumor that FF11 is ending..." adding that such an act would be "troubling."

Despite its age, FFXI still maintains a strong presence.  While that presence may not be center stage, it would appear that our epic adventures in Vana'diel are anything but "over."


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# Feb 22 2010 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
that is a really kick as image of the shadow lord.
Always made me proud to be a Galka, and know that if you pissed off one bad enough..he might go all shadow lord on your bum.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
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