I lost my hope in this @2yrs ago. It's nothing but a rip-off. Unless it's guaranteed that for those who used hard earned gil(that could have been used for more important things) to buy these ridiculous marbles(only to find out they lost all that gil) to get what they put into it back, then I might consider playing it again.
So, until that happens, my gil is being kept towards getting better gear, completing quests, & buying scrolls for my mage, ninja, drk, pal, brd, & smn jobs.
Bonanza Marble Sales to End Soon!
Be fairly warned! Bonanza marble sales for the 8th Vana'versary Mog Bonanza will draw to a close on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT).
While it defies logic that there are adventurers still who have yet to obtain marbles, we are posting this friendly reminder in the off-chance that the event has slipped your mind. Remember, folks—you have to be in it to win it!
Click here to review the details of the Mog Bonanza.
Tags: FinalFantasyXI, News