New Weapon Skills to Wield!

 With the first of three hotly anticipated level caps on the horizon, Square Enix has released a new video previewing the new weapon skills slated to be added to adventurers' repertoire of abilities. With such vicious attacks as the Fell Cleave and the Aeolian Edge, these new abilities will surely bolster players' skills.

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From Playonline.com:

With the much-awaited level cap increase rapidly approaching, the development team is putting the finishing touches on a new set of weapon skills that promise to be formidable additions to players' arsenals of abilities.

Today, we're pleased to be able to offer a video sneak preview of the fourteen visually striking new skills that will be joining the fray with the upcoming version update.

Feast your eyes on the wonders that await!
(*The release version of the weapon skills may differ slightly from the development content portrayed in the video.)


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Great here we go again.
# Jun 05 2010 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
I would have to say that these images are a rough draft of the finsihing moves. More then likely, SE was just showing you shots from the Test server and not from a live server. So please give them a chance to finsh what they doing and not be judgemental about something that isn't finshed yet. I'm just expecting them to cause more of a problem after the update with a little bit of "Oh Great. The server crashed." That sounds more like SE then anything else. But I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting on this one. This way I'll not be let down too much like everyone else is expecting to be.
Not impressed
# Jun 04 2010 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
If they really want to impress ppl, & I mean really impress ppl, how about adding the ability to summon Ixion or Auroral Alicorn? Depending on the sub that Smn would choose, ex smn/blm/ or smn/whm, would effect which one could be smned.

Watch them actually have light bulbs go off if some1 sees this post & reports it to SE.

They could also lower the lvl gap on Bst pots. I mean come on, using the same pet pot over and over and over(u get the idea) again til 20-30 lvls later is just plain stupid.

If they wanna find out what needs done or updated, ASK THE PLAYERS! Take a poll, with many, many choices, and go from there. Say SE would start off with a poll that had about 15-30 choices on it of what possible ideas they came up with to do on the update. Then after about week, take the highest polled answers and put it on another poll, just to narrow it down some. Then when the final poll comes out, the highest polled answers on that last poll should be what SE should consider to update.

If SE wants player feedback, then poll it. Either that, or just select some players every so often & ask what they think could be done to better playing experience.
Not again >_<"
# Jun 04 2010 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
211 posts
Seems like old animation rehash time. Try harder S-Enix T_T"
# Jun 04 2010 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
yea they werent that impressive; was expecting more after they made the mystics, but guess we have to wait and see
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