November 13th Update

We added a nice new feature to the site. Premium members can now upload images to their user page to use as avatars on your posts in our forums and comment sections. And we give you the url where they reside so that you can link them in your signatures or as avatars in other forums that allow outside links to avatars and signatures. You get upload a maximum of 5 images, in a total of 512 KB of space. Forum avatars must be 80 X 80. Feel free to personalize your own avatar and upload it and link it into your posts. Just go to your user page and it is all there. And if you want to test it out or see what others are adding, Illia started a thread about it here. New Items: Cotton ThreadGlass FiberKazham PepperBlack Ink

Updated Items: EtherPotionBee Spatha +1BeestingerBusutoPoison CestiFire SandBlinding PotionPoison FlourBlind Knife +1Blind Dagger +1Blind KnifeBlind DaggerEye DropsSilence OilGlass Fiber Fishing RodMokutoPoison BaselardPoison KukriPoison DaggerPoison KnifeEcho DropsPoison DustPoison PotionMercurySilence BaghnakhsSilencing PotionDeodorizerAntidote

Updated Quests: The GobbiebagCopper Quadavs

New and Updated Recipes: Brass LeggingsBrass XiphosWillow WandLeather BandanaScale MailBlack InkBoiled CrabRoast MuttonOpal RingBrass HarnessDoubletAsh StaffParchmentStudded GlovesBronze Dagger +1Glass Fiber Fishing RodBrass KnucklesChestnut LumberPet Food GammaSoil SitabakiFeather CollarLeather VestKite ShieldFang NecklaceBee Spatha +1Brass HammerElm StaffBeetle MaskFire SwordCopper HairpinEtherBlind KnifeBeeswaxBlock of Animal GlueBronze Hammer +1Inferno SwordSoil HachimakiCopper IngotElm LumberGemshorn +1Orange JuiceMithril EarringShell RingVegetable SoupLight OpalSilver IngotOnyxLeather SlacksCotton GlovesClear EarringCotton DoubletBrass Scale MailTurtle ShieldDhalmel SteakBamboo Fishing RodWooden Arrow HeadBeetle EarringEye DropsIron ScaleAsh ClubTourmalineRoast CarpWool ThreadSilence BaghnakhsBronze Sword +1Brass Zaghnal +1Cotton HachimakiMaple HarpVelvetBlind Dagger +1Distilled WaterDaggerBlood StoneBeetle RingBrass Baghnakhs +1Brass CapMacePiccoloMeat JerkyScale GreavesPoison KukriBrass ScaleAmber EarringBeetle GorgetBronze Knife +1Grilled HareAsh Pole +1Vegetable GruelLinen RobeKatarDhalmel's Tanned LeatherIron MaskPoison DustBee SpathaAsh LumberBone Cudgel +1Pet Food BetaGrass ClothSalmon SubLeather High BootsBrass Xiphos +1Leather GlovesBraisBrass RodLinen SlopsBrass MittensCotton SitabakiPoet's CircletLapis LazuliAsh Staff +1Roast PipiraBronze ScaleBrass DaggerWax SwordBrass Knuckles +1Silence DaggerCircletBaselardAmber RingScarlet RibbonAmethyst EarringAsh PolePoison DaggerShell EarringCotton ClothAcorn CookieBoomerangLeather HighbootsBone CudgelPoison KnifeClear RingSitabakiMaple SugarSardonyx RingFish ScaleHachimakiApple JuiceQuill GlovesCotton ThreadHarpPineapple JuiceBrass ZaghnalBone HairpinIron IngotDartChain GorgetBlind DaggerBronze Rod +1Magic BeltSardonyxBronze IngotBrass Hammer +1White Oak LumberDagger +1Bone MaskBaghnakhs +1Onyx EarringBone RingBronze SwordSilver EarringGrass ThreadLizard GlovesIron ChainBrass BaghnakhsPotionHolly PoleInferno AxeBrass RingSheep's WoolGlovesSlopsLinen ClothCotton CapeAntidoteBlack TunicLapis Lazuli RingSaparaLizard BeltKnifeBronze HammerBone Axe +1Apple VinegarPea SoupCopper RingBlinding PotionBone AxeBronze KnifeCapeBusutoMaple LumberMaple WandQuill TrousersCuffsChain ChokerHolly LumberYew LumberButterfly Axe +1Silver HairpinBrass SheetTourmaline RingFlute +1Pet Food AlphaBronze MaceBronze SheetGemshornHolly StaffBoiled CrayfishLizard TrousersMercuryBrass HairpinSilver RingBrass MaskFlame ClaymoreBronze RodFace GuardAspisLinen ThreadCotton DogiArrowwood LumberPoison PotionKunaiWillow Fishing RodStudded VestBlack BreadCrossbow BoltClear TopazYew WandRodMakibishiMithril IngotBlind Knife +1RobeBone ArrowheadPoison CestiElm Staff +1BaghnakhsStudded BootsIron SwordSelbina ButterKukriWolf GorgetRoasted CornBronze BoltChain BeltIron BreadAsh Club +1Ram's Tanned LeatherSilencing PotionBone ArrowTargeWillow LumberCarbon FiberDeodorizerPebble SoupCarrot BrothTunicMythril DaggerBrass IngotHemp GorgetAmberLauan LumberBrass AxeShurikenCotton BraisScale CuissesHard-Boiled EggSlacksBaked PopotoOnyx RingPoison BaselardFire SandAmethyst RingEcho DropsFluteLizard JerkinWoollen ClothesStudded BandanaOpal EarringBrass Dagger +1Brass Axe +1Boomerang +1TortillaBronze Mace +1Silence OilBrass Rod +1Leather GorgetAmethystBaselard +1MokutoScale Finger GauntletsBone MittensKenpogiSheep LeatherSilver ChainSardonyx EarringIron SheetChestnut ClubSpathaButterfly AxeHoneyBlack SlacksRoast MushroomStudded TrousersBronze DaggerLeather RingTourmaline Earring

New and Updated Spells: Pet Return


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