Marvel Universe Logo Posted on Secret Tumblr Page

About a month ago, Gazillion and Marvel revealed the first details about their upcoming Marvel Universe MMO during an event in San Francisco. Today, they unveiled the offical logo for the game, which you can see above.

Gazillion is being quite secretive about Marvel Universe updates in order to give fans some exclusive content. The tweets on the Marvel Massively Multiplayer Society Twitter page are protected, so you'll need to send a request in order to see them. The logo was posted on the MMMSociety Tumblr page, which requires a password to view. The password will change every time something new is posted to Tumblr, so you'll need to keep an eye on the Twitter page for the details.

As for Marvel Universe, here are the main details you need to know: Brian Michael Bendis is the head writer, the game will be free-to-play, and you're going to play as Marvel characters.


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