December 12th Update

We're starting to add merchant information. Initially we were adding a price to the item, but we discovered that prices varied from merchant to merchant a lot more than we initially thought. So for now, we are just going to add which merchant sells what and figure out what if anything to do with prices later on. We welcome submissions of this data to help speed things along, especially from the more out of the way areas we may not be able to get to. New Items: Kiku-IchimonjiOdentaDaihannyaJindachi +1JindachiDahnukiKazaridachiOnikiriMikazukiZanbatoMurasameArtificial LensThree-Leaf Mandragora BudSulferPickled HerringBretzelLugwormJug of Bug Broth

Updated Items: Scroll: BlindScroll: BindBeetle JawInsect Wingsprig of Papaka grassCoarse LeggingsWonder KaftanAspisCopper IngotStationary SetShall ShellHakenbuechseWolf HideHomura +1HomuraSilver BulletHoly SwordHoly MaceFlame DegenPoison CestiPrism PowderEtherHi-PotionPotionDeodorizerBlack InkTwo-Leaf Mandragora BudVitriolFire SandEcho DropsSilencing PotionEye DropsAntidoteHoly WaterGlass FiberCobalt JellyfishSageSilence OilChamomileDried MarjoramCrying MustardWijnruitGiant StingerMarlboro VineMercuryMelon JuiceDistilled WaterMeat JerkyIron BreadLauan ShieldGreavesBronze LeggingsChain HoseLeather TrousersLeather HighbootsBronze SubligarBrass SubligarBrass LeggingsLeather GlovesChain MittensBronze MittensBrass MittensChainmailBronze HarnessBrass HarnessLeather VestLeather BandanaBronze CapBrass CapThief ToolCrossbow BoltWooden ArrowIron ArrowPickaxeBrass FlowerpotGaitersBraisGlovesDoubletHeadgearAsh ClogsSlopsCuffsRobeYew Fishing RodWillow Fishing RodLittle WormSilver BeltJug of Carrion BrothJug of Herbal BrothJug of Carrot BrothPet Food Beta BiscuitPet Food Alpha BiscuitChocobo FeatherGysahl GreensBlack Tiger FangThyme MossMistletoeBulb of Shaman Garlic

New Quests: Curses, Foiled A-Golem!?Cid's SecretCandle-MakingA Candlelight VigilTenshodo Membership

Updated Quests: Reap What You SowThe Setting SunThe Merchant's BiddingLufet's Lake SaltTo Cure a CoughRoyal TeacupWarding Vampires

New and Updated Mobs: EpialtesYagudo ScribeWarchief VatgitOrcish WallbreacherStag BeetleWild DhalmelZi'Ghi BoneeaterOrcish BarricaderOrcish StonelauncherWolf ZombieRiver SahaginCreek SahaginOdoboYuhtunga MandragoraOvergrown RoseIvory LizardSoldier CrawlerDeath JacketYoung Opo-opoGoblin PoacherGoblin RobberGoblin FurrierGoblin DiggerGriseldaZemedarsDeegisBoytzGelzerioCrying Wind, I.M.NeigepanceArvaZona ShodhunZaukoPanta-PuttaNaruruMertaireKurou-MorouImasukeGuttrixGaddulDietmundChululuBrutusBluffnixVounebariontVilatroireAhtuVamorcoteSabertooth TigerTaumilaSharzalionSecodiandRoselLeuveretBlendareAdaunelMaugieVillionGuilberdrierCoulleneCapiriaBoncortPriettaPortaureAuvareAnswaldMieneRegineRaimbroyParviponPaoualaPagisalisFaurbellantOlbergieutNorejaieRiver CrabNogelleNenneAmauraNarcheralCalovourJustiMorunaudeMiageauOrcish CursemakerMaloquedil

Updated Recipes: Copper Ingot

New and Updated Spells: PhalanxGravityWater IVAeroga IIIThunder IIIWaterga IIIBlizzard IIIStonega IIIFire IIIThundaga IIFlareBlizzaga IISleepga IITornadoFreezeAeroga IIThunder IIWaterga IIBlizzard IISleep IIWarp IIStonega IIFire IIThundagaAero IIBlizzaga ISleepgaShock SpikesWater IIEscapeFirega IStone IIBurnPoisonga IAeroga IIce SpikesWaterga IBlaze Spikes


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Item variance
# Dec 13 2003 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
Items available to a merchant for major cities are also governed by region control as well. This is going to be a very hard guide to accomplish so I wish everyone luck. ;)
Jiwon in Quifim
# Dec 13 2003 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
I am a lvl 25mnk/7thf with 18 Sandorina quest completed and a few done in Selbina. The merchant in Quifim Isle next to the knight who casts signet near the tower of crag (not sure what its called but its a white big structure) whos name is Jiwon sold me items as follows:
Eye Drops 2595 gil
Antidote 316 gil
Echo Drops 864 gil
Potion 910 gil
Ether 4832 gil

I hop this helps thanks
Merch Prices
# Dec 13 2003 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Never found day/time/chr having anything to do with prices other than with Chocobo's. (Otherwise I'd buy on my BST all the time)

Prices are, however, proven to be issued by:
Rank, personal/local/global fame (depends on the area, so only care about local fame), being a member of a guild (in the case of guild shops), and current standing of the nation.

There is natural variance between vendors, like the Tenshodo salesmen in Bastok apposed to the salesmen in Jeuno. (Jeuno prices are always higher, but that goes with the Jeuno concept of taxes)
# Dec 12 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
get a range of prices...cause price is totally random based on day / time / CHR.

so maybe a range of what it sells for...
RE: prices
# Dec 12 2003 at 6:41 PM Rating: Default
My understanging is that fame also has something to do with it. Prices dropped substantially when I reached Rank 1
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