FFXI Reaches 500,000 Players

Wow. This was posted on the official site: "The PlayOnline service has surpassed 500,000 registered users in North America and Japan combined, with the total online community population (number of active characters) of FINAL FANTASY XI at nearly one million characters."


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FFXI 2 years later
# Mar 05 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
I am from the future and you are all wrong lol
# Feb 13 2004 at 1:24 AM Rating: Default
Hey Final Fantasy is crap!!! EQ KICKS ITS *** DOWN TO HELL.
500,000 Players
# Jan 19 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
This is the greatest game
RE: 500,000 Players
# Jan 27 2004 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
Lol; its not THAT great. it's fun don't get me wrong. I'll prolly only stop playing it if something WAAAY better comes out. but you're right. No one can beat square. *puts $100.00 on it.
500,000 Players
# Jan 19 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
This is the greatest game
# of subscribers
# Jan 13 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
In october 2003, according to gamespy, EQ had 460,000 subscribers. Looks like FFXI is the big dog now.
# Jan 13 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
Add One More To That Count im getting mine today :) :) :) cant wait
# Jan 12 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
722 posts
All your player-base belong to us.
# Jan 12 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
I had been an EQ hard core player for three years. When StarWars came out I bought it, tried it and didnt renew after my month was up. When FFXI came out I bought it, tried it and I cancled EQ and never looked back. Quality, Story line, Quest, everything 1000% better than EQ. So far I have had four of my friends made the switch with me. Can't compare EQ to FFXI. EQ just... sucks.
# Jan 12 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
500,000 x 49.99$ = 24,995,000$ (Game only)
500,000 x 12.95$ = 6,475,000$ (Per month)

Let's say.. everyone will play at least 1 year:

6,475,000$ x 12 = 77,700,000$ (Per year)24,995,000$ + 77,700,000$ = 102,695,000$ (At least)

Talk about buiness.. 102,695,000$!
And FFXI for PS2 is coming.. OMG!
EQ Fan
# Jan 12 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
So what makes your game so great?
I've heard it's one time sink and exp. grind just like EQ.
RE: EQ Fan
# Jan 12 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
Maradon summed it up nicely. I don't think it's possible to make an MMORPG that doesn't have time sink and experience grind elements TO it, but the difference between Everquest and FFXI is that the time sinks can actually be quite entertaining, and they aren't utterly ridiculous (as in, no literally waiting weeks and weeks for a particular spawn).

Also, the classes are BALANCED. Hear that? They're balanced. That's like a balanced budget in EQ...soooooo elusive.

From day one in EQ, a lot of things feel like a "chore." The quests were moronically boring, and largely not worth doing unless the developers made a mistake and the reward was actually decent. Whenever I had to do a quest in Everquest, I literally groaned...as if someone had told me to clean the bathroom.

In Final Fantasy, the quests have CUTSCENES. There's real, honest-to-goodness story behind them, and they are (for the most part) entertaining. In Final Fantasy, the quests and missions are usually worth doing just because they're fun to do, and to watch the impact it has on the story. The rewards are more like an added bonus...and, oh yeah, the developers don't seem to have a sadistic desire to ensure that you never actually gain some sort of PROFIT from quests.

In EQ, even hunting started to become a necessary evil after those few fast starting levels flew by, and the big "slow-down" came on. That rarely happens in FF.

Oh, and there's actually a STORY. Well, I mean a story that 99% of the players DON'T ignore (as they do in EQ) because it's contrived and uninteresting. The world constantly changes, the economy has several "self-balancing" properties that keep inflation and market floods in check, but most importantly...the game isn't a race. Here that? No Paludal Caverns. There's no massive hurl for experience.

The game isn't entirely about experience, and that's all that matters in EQ. It's all that matters in EQ because as far as questing and tradeskills were concerned, it was the only thing half worth doing. Sorry, Sony, but after the first two weeks of "NeverSleep," you truly become "work" and not "play."
RE: EQ Fan
# Jan 12 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Very much unlike EQ, the quests are interesting, well written, and prolific, the graphics are extremely good but not laggy even on mid-range machines, environments are detailed, and classes are balanced and well developed, the high level game is well structured and not just self-oneupsmanship, and trade skills are more important and actually interesting to practice.

Zone-altering events are commonplace in FFXI, cities are decorated, new items are available for holidays, new NPC's and monsters spawn (a harsh contrast to EQ's events where a couple GM's spawn as high level mobs and slaughter newbies until an uberguild comes along)

I see it is an experience grind, just like EQ, only about a dozen times richer and more highly detailed in every respect.
How long till ffxi = www?
# Jan 12 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default
So how long until I type in www.allakhazam.com and it pops up ffxi.allakhazam.com by default :)
# Jan 11 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
Lol i wouldn't buy EQ2 even if Sony gave it to me. Freeport alone is going to have 20 plus zones from what i hear.
"Where you going?" Person 1
"North Freeport, just 17 more zones and i'll be there" Person 2
"Woot, bet you can't wait" Person 1

Sony can keep thier dying cash cow. I'm sticking with Square and thier excelent game FF11 all the way baby! WTG Square/Enix!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 10 2004 at 10:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ha ha eq at 400,000.. what a joke
RE: Tanthalas
# Jan 11 2004 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
Take off the fanboi blinders and smell reality man.

EverQuest sucks, a lot. When polled as to why people play the game, 80% responded that they play EQ because of the people they play with and the social interaction, something that's present in every game but works more for EQ because it's already popular and one is more likely to know someone who already plays EQ.

EverQuest's continuing popularity has nothing to do with it being a good game, it is popular only because it was the first 3d MMORPG and people picked it up first. It's only popular because of the snowball effect.

In reality, it's based off a crappy, bloated five year old engine that wasn't even good when it was released, gameplay is riddled with artificial time sinks, all the quests and storylines are as dry as a week old saltine, and the development is pure Monty-Haul "uberfication."

This doesn't mean Sony doesn't know what the hell they're doing, it just means that EverQuest was more or less the first of it's kind and they suffered the growing pains.

You claim everyone playing FFXI is just waiting for EQ2? Hell, most of the people I talked to while playing EQ1 said they'd never, ever buy EQ2. And guess what, EQ2 has one of the most highly anticipated games of all time to compete with: World of Warcraft. Considering that any given Blizzard game has sold exponentially more copies than EverQuest ever did, I'd say that's pretty serious competition.

But I digress; FFXI's popularity hasn't got a single thing to do with the impending release of WoW or EQ2. FFXI's success is based on the traditional formula: reputation and quality. It's my opinion that FFXI is hands down and without question a better looking, better designed, better written game than any other MMORPG out there. That is how it did in a year what it took EQ four years to do.
RE: Tanthalas
# Jan 10 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
The number discussed here is REGISTERED USERS (i.e., active subscribers), not the amount of software sold. If you want to shake fists over who has sold the most software in the RPG (MMO or otherwise) market, Squaresoft STILL beats Sony, hands down. Remember that there were TEN of these puppies, plus a bunch of relatives, before FFXI even came along.

For every person that's an active subscriber to the game, there's probably at least one other person that never bothered, or who has quit. We're talking subscribers here (the profit made from actual software sales are marginal in comparison with the monthly service fees). Everquest had 500,000 subscribers itself at last check, and now FFXI has 500,000. Think about how long it took EQ to reach that number, and then think about FFXI. The growth rate is, quite simply, MUCH faster.

FFXI is probably going to surpass Everquest, at the very least, in all numbers. It's just more global, and the name "Final Fantasy" has a lot more recognition power than Everquest does. Considering how well known EQ is...that's really saying something.

If you really want to grunt about Everquest's sisters (Star Wars Galaxies and EQ:OA), not to mention siblings that haven't even been born yet (EQ2), then you'll find that the Final Fantasy family is nothing to shake a stick at. Frankly, Final Fantasy and all of her buddies will beat most anything else around the room. ;)
# Jan 10 2004 at 4:43 AM Rating: Default
ok so give us more slots for the ah!!!
Cool, but...
# Jan 10 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Don't forget those players who are registered from other places such as Asia, the Middle East and Europe who still didn't have their versions of the game released so they bought the game from abroad and started playing, I am one of them lol
# Jan 09 2004 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
179 posts
you got that right
# Jan 09 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Default
you bet, when those PS2 guys come, we'll have lots of players to trade and group with

Woot, i only play'd this game at my friends for 5 mins and im getting it and it ROCKS
you got that right
# Jan 09 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Default
you bet, when those PS2 guys come, we'll have lots of players to trade and group with

Woot, i only play'd this game at my friends for 5 mins and im getting it and it ROCKS
If I may...
# Jan 09 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
If I may say so...

# Jan 09 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
Well, geez, that is great news. Anything that will keep Squaresoft up and running is good stuff. ;)

Isn't Everquest stuck at around 400,000? Looks like the best candidate for taking the "top MMORPG" title away, to me.
Sounds good to me.
# Jan 09 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Fantastic! XD

I didn't know there were so many people...we'll need some serious new servers after the PS2 people get on board.
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