Announcing the Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza!

 After the success of the New Year's Alter Ego Extravaganza, Square Enix is bringing the event back to Final Fantasy XI, with some new faces joining in for the fun! The special Trust alter egos that were released in the New Year's event, Tenzen, Valaineral R Davilles, Mihli Aliapoh, and Joachim are making their returns, but the highlight of this event are the Aht Urhgan automatons Ovjang and Mnejing, as well as the adorable baby chocobo, Sakura! These seven are only going to be available for a limited time, from April 1st through the 30th, so be sure to get them while you can!

Let us know what you think of this Alter Ego lineup over on the ZAM forums!

From Playonline.com:

The Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza will commence on April 1, bringing along with it three new alter egos to add to your arsenal!

Vana'diel's most prestigious chocobo chick, Sakura!
The Red Menace, Ovjang!
The Reticent Protector, Mnejing!

For those of you who may have missed them during the New Year's Alter Ego Extravaganza, we are also bringing back some more of our beloved characters as well!

From the Far East, the enigmatic Tenzen!
The Springserpent General herself, Mihli Aliapoh!
Valaineral R Davilles, master of the Uriel Blade!
Coming to you straight from Abyssea, Joachim!

Campaign Period: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to Wednesday, April 30 at the same hour.

Further information on available alter egos and methods of acquiring them will become available on this site when the campaign officially gets underway.


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