Content ID Suspension for Those Affected by Katrina

This is an announcement for all customers that were severely affected by the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina on Aug. 29. The Content IDs of those customers who reside in the regions afflicted by the hurricane will be suspended on the following date. This action is intended to help those customers who are now unable to log into PlayOnline. As a result, the monthly fee will not be charged until these customers are able to log back into PlayOnline. These customers will be able to recover their Content IDs once again by logging into PlayOnline. More details will be sent to customers through both the POL mail and mail address listed in our registration database. This mail will also contain information on how to cease the Content ID suspension. If you have any questions about these issues, please make a call to the PlayOnline Information Center. Suspension process cessation deadline: Oct. 1, 2005 until 0:00 (PDT) Content ID suspension process: Oct. 1, 2005 from 0:00 to 4:00 (PDT) Content ID recovery process: Oct. 2, 2005 from 4:00 (PDT)


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# Oct 01 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
I am in freakin alabama, INLAND alabama, and my content IDs got cancelled. It was a minor annoyance, but still.... ~.~
# Sep 23 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
seems SE means well, but i don't think they thought this one through completely, though i will say it's a nice idea =)
a thought.
# Sep 23 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
495 posts
It's a nice idea to send these people emails but from the pictures I've seen, I don't know that anyone's computers would have survived...just a thought.
Best of luck
# Sep 22 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Good
330 posts
Thickskin wrote:
In Australia, I am a long way from the devestation that has occured, but my heart is there and my thoughts are there.

I'm sure that many of you affected will not be reading this post now, but perhaps down the track, please know that you are in the minds and hearts of people all around the world, as are your friends, your family and your community.

To be honest, I know no one in that area, so I cannot pretend to know what you are going through (neither the ppl directly affected or thier friends and family). My uncle was near the towers during 9/11 and whilst he was okay, I know what its like to not have contact with someone during a time like this for an extended period of time and therefore i do have some appreciation for how scarey it is.

I hope that everyone you hold dear turns up okay.

I wrote this about Katrina, as i felt very strongly for them all. I really hope this doesnt happen to those under threat by Rita. I dont get hurricanes where I am, I cant even imagine what it must feel like for those knowing what *could* happen to them in texas and other potentional areas.

Best of luck, this time, my thoughts are with you in advance.
About Texas
# Sep 21 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
452 posts
All we can do is hope/pray that it will not be that bad. If it does go badly and tear Houston or another area up, I would imagine they would follow the same guidelinces as they are following for Katrina.

Rita shouldn't be as bad for Texas (if it goes there) as it was for New Orleans, only because New Orleans is bowl shaped, and all around it is water. When Katrina hit, it flooded and all our levee's broke and it wiped out 40 miles of the Barrier Islands (group of islands that helped fight erosion)

I myself live(d) in New Orleans, and my appartment got flooded, so I'm living with my step father for the time being. We live in Terrebonne Parish, and it looks like we might get the east side of Rita. Great. -_-

But Rita is a catagory 5 now? So it is very possible, but it shouldn't flood like you saw New Orleans did.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 20 2005 at 4:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is complete CRAP!
RE: t(-.-t) SE
# Sep 22 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
you are a ******* ******* and can burn in hell. SE does something nice to these people that lost everything and all you can think of is how SE has flawed in the past?! burn in hell
RE: t(-.-t) SE
# Sep 21 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
yes good job SE, i m sure that was the whole freaking purpose of this, to look like theby give a rat's a$$.

Charming of you to say.

maybe instead of looking like they are so customer friendly, they could actually BE customer friendly and FIX the fcuking servers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so many people kant log in becase of "POL" errors, and yet we're all so jolly happy that SE took kare of all the 12 people that kant play FFXI due to hurricanes.

I think you are having a problem with the C key on your keyboard.
BTW. No POL problems for me. Not for quite some time now.

This is not to say that i am not sorry for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, god bless 'em.

Wow! You said something nice.

Everyone gets frustrated with not being able to log in, search functions not working, or whot not. That is no reason to act the way you have when someone is trying to help the hurricane victoms.
phone number?
# Sep 20 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
It's great that SE was at least flexible enough to try to work with the community, but.....

They mention that the information on how to recover the content IDs will be sent to the register email address for the accounts, some of those emails addresses may be part of an ISP in the region that is no longer in service, so therefore the user may not be able to receive the information from there.

Secondly, in the release it says to contact them via phone, but they didn't list a phone number, which means people are going to have to look up their number and hope they find the correct one.

If anyone knows the number offhand, could they please post it to help people that may need the information? Thanks

EDIT: I think I found the number.

9am-6pm Pacific Time

G'luck Folks

Edited, Tue Sep 20 14:45:55 2005
good idea, but...
# Sep 20 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
this is a good idea and i thank SE as i live in LA myself. i wasn't hit hard by katrina unlike some others. however, they should have made it so you can reinstate all the ids at once instead of doing it one at a time. many people have more than 1 id.

thanks for thinking about us SE.
# Sep 20 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
i live in houston texas and hurrican rita is supposedly supposed to hit here >.< think if it does, i would be unable to play they would do this?

Edited, Tue Sep 20 11:24:15 2005
# Sep 20 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
All we can do is hope/pray that it will not be that bad. If it does go badly and tear Houston or another area up, I would imagine they would follow the same guidelinces as they are following for Katrina.

On a side note, I really, really, really like Gulfport. I look forward to going back there on a vacation following the reconstruction.
# Sep 20 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
People who live in the area whos homes werent destroyed but still can play will recieve nothing.

When the other guys did this for Everquest players, they were still given access, only charges were waived. They could play for free.

Typical of SE to not let anyone get a moment of free playtime.

Also, you have to apply to get this. You have to go online to PoL and suspend your content ID. If you can't play the game, how would you even know about this, let alone how you would get onto PoL to suspend your ID.

When they did this on EQ2, they simply looked up accounts and sorted them by region, people in the affected areas had their billing waived.

Way to mess this one up SE.

edit: Posted nothing untrue, posted nothing mean. Why the rate downs, please reply first.

Edited, Tue Sep 20 08:49:24 2005
RE: Sigh.
# Sep 20 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
edit: Posted nothing untrue, posted nothing mean. Why the rate downs, please reply first.

Because, Things in your post are untrue:

More details will be sent to customers through both the POL mail and mail address listed in our registration database.

SE is sending info to POL mail, AND email addresses that you included in your registration information.

The Content IDs of those customers who reside in the regions afflicted by the hurricane will be suspended on the following date...

This mail will also contain information on how to cease the Content ID suspension.

Also, These cancelations are automatic, you don't have to log in to start it, they are sending you info on it and how to stop it if you wish to do so.

Please reread the info posted, and, whining about being rated down just makes you a magnet for trolls, bad idea if you really care that much about it.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
# Sep 20 2005 at 6:26 AM Rating: Excellent
2,793 posts
/bow <SE>

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