Ballista Royale Tournament

Ballista Royale is a special rules Ballista tournament where teams of 6 players (up to 10 players can be registered on the roster) compete against each other for the North American championship. First, 16 teams on each World (selected by lottery) will participate in a preliminary tournament to determine which team will be the representative for that World. Then, the representative teams from all 32 Worlds will compete in a specially prepared World for the inter-World Ballista championship! The progress and results of the championship will be available on the FINAL FANTASY XI official website at http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/. Ballista veterans and beginners alike are invited to join us for this exciting event!


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# Sep 26 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I'm not normally prone to posting out of anger, nor do i like to read those, but i need to vent.

I, and most of my team for this, have bene trying to get rdm, practice etc for this event, and yet for the past 3 days i havent been able to get on. It's the same problem that it has been for months now, this DDoS bullcrap that the fools at SE havent figured out how to track down yet.

Despite all the luude, hatefull profanities just dying to come out right now, i'm going to get right to the point. Doesnt SE realize that this is prety much gaurenteed to happen durring the tournaments? Maybe not durring the final matches, as theyre being held on a separate world, but the Preliminaries (i think thats spelled right) are on our individual servers.

I swear if if my team, or anyone's looses to some BS like what's been going on lately, it will basically ruin what looks to be a great event. Is anyone else thinking the same thing? or am i getting bent out of shape over nothing here.
ive been waiting for this
# Sep 22 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Default
Blazed will own no questions asked end of story
ive been waiting for this
# Sep 22 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Default
Blazed will own no questions asked end of story
Lvl cap
# Sep 21 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
This got a lvl cap? or is it all uncapped (75)? that seems right, but it would suck if cap was 75._.
RE: Lvl cap
# Sep 22 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
level cap 60. read the posts
Bring it!
# Sep 20 2005 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
327 posts
This is an awesome event in where it's the only time we can actually go against someone on another server. The exclusive prizes look nice, but I wonder what they do. But how many people dose SE really think can easily just make it to a live tourney? Some of us have jobs/school and other life obligations. It's easy to take a few hours from your day just to throw down, but to go out of town, kick some ***, and go back home?
I can see me asking my boss for time off. "For what?!?"
# Sep 20 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
Oh mee goshies o.o.... I'd do it but I'm so low level xD
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