Brenner, A New Form of Conflict

Brenner, A New Form of Conflict A new form of Conflict (PvP) called "Brenner" will be introduced in this month's version update. Ballista, the first form of Conflict, was designed with the Conquest in mind and pitted one nation's adventurers against another. However, it became apparent that dividing the teams by nation invariably resulted in an uneven spread of jobs, making it difficult to enjoy a casual match of Ballista. It was then that Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba was created in an effort to steer Ballista away from the Conquest and focus more on the competitive nature of the matches. This new style of Ballista made it possible for players to freely travel to a reserved area from Jeuno and adjust the rules and settings of the matches as they wished. This proved to be a popular pastime for many Ballista enthusiasts. Brenner has been developed in a similar vein, with adjustable match settings and an exclusive area that can be reserved and accessed from Jeuno. (The Chains of Promathia expansion disc must be installed and registered in order to access this area.) The following functions will be added to the reservation system in order to simplify the process of recruiting participants. -Any block of time can be reserved up to 2 days in advance. -By choosing the option "Recruiting Members," players who wish to participate in the match will receive a reservation item for the same time block from the NPC. * The same change will be made to the reservation system for Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba. However, if the area were subject only to reservations, there would be cases where finding players to participate in a match could become a trial, as well as players who wish to participate but don't wish to be troubled by reservation procedures. To avoid these issues, there will be "Official Matches" held on a regular basis to encourage casual participation. In the same manner as Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba, the schedule for Brenner will be based on Earth time. As a result, there will be occasions when Brenner match times will overlap with those of official Ballista matches (held on Vana'diel time.) In this case, it was deemed more important to have a schedule that was easier to understand, but rest assured that all efforts will be made to avoid official match time overlaps between Brenner and Ballista. In order to participate in Ballista, it is necessary to undergo the somewhat lengthy process of obtaining a Ballista License. Since participation in Brenner has no relation to allegiance or rank, there are no plans to implement a qualification quest. Although there were some requests for a one-on-one-style match, it was decided that the real potential for interesting matches in FINAL FANTASY XI lies in group combat. To that end, Brenner matches follow the Ballista style of pitting one team against another. Each side is provided with a like number of Flammen-Brenner (or flame burners), half of which are lit with Flamme (flame). Each Flammen-Brenner has a set number of HP, and must be destroyed before the Flamme within can be captured. The aim of the game is to protect your own Flamme while attempting to capture your opponents' Flamme and lighting all of your Flammen-Brenner. There is no "Gate Breach" status in Brenner. Defeating opposing players is directly connected to scoring points in Ballista; however, Brenner has been designed with defensive and offensive elements so that battles between players will occur naturally. Several elements from Ballista have been carried over into this new form of Conflict, such as temporary items, and the /sprint command. However, the overall flow of the game will be unique to Brenner. In response to the favorable feedback from Ballista Royale and the chance to play in set teams, Brenner will also include a system that allows direct competition between linkshell groups. There are no current plans to hold a linkshell tournament, but many functions that concern linkshell and other user events are under development. Check out Brenner for yourself after the February version update! FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (02/10/2006)


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# Jan 30 2007 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
Im with the Vanadiel wide PvP mentioned by MortalslayerXX
And if not that the "Conflict Zone" idea mentioned by Asyrian

Tierd of these HIDE BEHIND MY FRIENDS PvP. Its time to start showing the BIG MOUTH Elite who's boss.
# Mar 04 2006 at 3:13 AM Rating: Default
Colosseum? Nah will never happen. Why? Because that's what the players actually want. And SE has never given the players exactly what they want, just their own twisted, retarded, variations of it.

So you'll just have to live with crap like Ballista and Brenner... Brenner? Wtf?
# Feb 15 2006 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
229 posts
I wonder if there will be any Xp given?
woot :P
# Feb 15 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,327 posts

My prayers have been answered :D

I cant wait till Brenner comes out lol, I'm getting sick of big ballista games with 2 fights and alot of annoying ninjas running in, hitting you for 20dmg then running away.

If its what I think it is this looks to be very fun :D.

/cheer SE
# Feb 14 2006 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
This sounds like a great addition to the game. I support any additions to PvP in this game, because that is what FFXI lacks the most out of all other MMORPG's.

This whole idea about a colosseum is a joke IMO. Create a new zone in lag central(Jeuno) to make it even worse, just for the fact that 2 people can go in and fight 1v1 against each other? No thanks. Even if they do, do you realize how many people would want to 1v1 someone? I know there are tons of people/jobs I would love to fight, but that thing would be reserved more times than not.

The only way 1v1 would work in this game is to make it a challenge type command where you challenge a person in any zone (maybe not dungeons or lvl capped areas) and they have the option to accept or decline. This way 2 jobs of any lvl can walk out into rollanberry fields (or any area)and just go at it. Implement the /blockaid function when a challenge is accepted, and take the Exp loss penatly out, and there you go. No outside help, No gear issues, No Exp loss, No complaining, no excuses.

Anyway, looking forward to this addition and hope to see more PvP related games come into FFXI.
New JA...
# Feb 14 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
This is as good a time as ever to try to "pimp" the idea of a long delay Conflict only JA with the same effect as "Draw In". Because i know i am not the only person sick of chasing some loser half way accross the game area just to get that last shot in. With this ability people would be more "tied into" battles instead of being able to run away. Making people work for the win. And by long delay i mean like 5 mins or something outrageous so people don't use it every 5 secs and never let anyone do anything.
PvP: Can I have it?
# Feb 14 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
My hope is with the new expansion that in Al Zahbi, the capital of Aht Urhgan, they have a coliseum. This nation, isolated for so many years, looks like would have created a gladiatorial type event to keep themselves entertained. Afterall, we did get the pirate class, why not a gladiatorial fighting arena where people can watch and give combatants a thumbs up, or down.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to a game of capture the flag, even if it is called Brenner.

Edited, Tue Feb 14 08:57:00 2006
# Feb 14 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
hopefully, there will be more than just a capture and destroy game. maybe they'll add special equipment /em hopes they'll add special equipment
# Feb 13 2006 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
567 posts
I know the game by stones. Basically you run to the other side, grab a stone, and try to make it back without getting caught. get all the stones to win.

I think its pretty cool. If youre looking for more lopsided battles this is it. Unlike Ballista, which is more like 2 masses of people trying to psych eachother out and have someone run in and die, this will force people to blitz through a wall of death to win. If you like killing stuff, this is more up your alley.
Captaru the flag
# Feb 13 2006 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
The name sucks. Just call it Capture the flag.
Or Captaru the flag!
RE: Captaru the flag
# Feb 14 2006 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I agree on the name. "Brenner" sounds like the last name of an accountant - the kind that's balding on top, got a bit of a beer gut, wears brown slacks and a white pinstripe shirt, which has a coffee stain on it from the drink he got at 7-11 on his drive to work, which... Going too far.

Yeah, the name's weird, but it sounds like a cool game, though.

Edited, Mon Feb 13 23:28:35 2006
Open War
# Feb 13 2006 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
Bring out PvP system Vanadiel Wide,but only out
in the field,not in Dungeons or any other godforsaken place like such...
Create new command that enables one to initiate
duel with another player from a different Nation.
Once Combat Engaged;both players are at a lvl restricted fight unless both are the same lvl,if it varies then bring lvl cap at player with lowest lvl[Fair Fight]Even Match>>>then go nuts...its all about wits and planning.
Each Player Kill will accrue to your Nation's Ranking,the more kills your nation does the stronger the Nation influence will be in that region/area.
Do not make a penalty for death such as EXP loss
its bad enuf one got creamed by a rival player
and accumulated points in favor of his nation's conquest rally!!!!
Create a Kill Ranking System where players can exchange kill points for cool items at their Conquest Overseer
RE: Open War
# Feb 14 2006 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
the problem with that is people would abuse it to catch others without equipment of the proper level

a level 15 ranger looking for 75's with the flag up, engages them and eagle eye shots before they know what's going on, and the level 75 is probably not carrying level 15 gear so they can't defend or do anything but hand to hand or run
# Feb 13 2006 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
867 posts
Ya sounds like capture the flag to me.. anyway I think if they wanted to make a PvP that sounds like what everyone wants (to some extent) would be to create a certain area/region that is only a "Conflict Zone" and the second you zone in you're open game or at least given a 10 second countdown to warn that you're in the area to prevent people camping the entrance to get any who enter..
# Feb 13 2006 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
806 posts
FFXI Territorial Combat. {Can I have it?}

Brenner. {Yes, please}
We already have 1v1
# Feb 13 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,684 posts
they acknowledge that we all wanted 1v1 but they decided once again that they knew better than us.

There is 1v1..

Go.. set up a balista game. Invite 1 person

Ipso facto! You have a 1v1 battle!

Hell, you could invite 16 people, and have 8 1v1's going on at the same time. All it takes is some planning, and making sure people understand the rules.

SE now gives us things we cant do. This is like capture and destory the flag ( which is on fire)

Ha ha
# Feb 13 2006 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
737 posts
they acknowledge that we all wanted 1v1 but they decided once again that they knew better than us.

Exactly! I love how they address issues about once a year and wait another year just to give us an alternative. Damn SE quit f*cking around and build a damn colosseum in Jueno have 1v1 matches, start as a huge bracket like the Final Four in basketball. Have it be it's own zone.
# Feb 13 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
641 posts
Sounds pretty interesting. I wonder how popular it will be.
# Feb 13 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Feb 13 08:31:35 2006
yeah so
# Feb 13 2006 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
97 posts
they acknowledge that we all wanted 1v1 but they decided once again that they knew better than us.
Pandemonium {San d'Oria}Rank 10 LS: Thshadows/Delevel
DRK 75 THF 75 WAR 75 MNK 57 COR 38 NIN 37 SAM 41
# Feb 13 2006 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
Awsome team battles w00t.
Ls vs Ls
Team vs Team looks like this is gonna be fun.
A Small Clarification
# Feb 13 2006 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,088 posts
Sounds more like "Control & Conquer," by which I mean Each team starts at opposite sides of the map and they need to capture all the points in a sequence to win.

Let me clear this up...

There are 5 points to control on a map, known as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively.

Team 1 starts at 1 and needs to capture points in this order: 1-2-3-4-5

While doing this Team 1 also needs to prevent team 2 from reclaiming or capturing their points.

At the same time, Team 2 will start at 5 and will need to work their way through this order: 5-4-3-2-1, and also defend their capture points from Team 1.

(If you've played Team Fortress Classic, you'd know some maps like that such as avanti)
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 13 2006 at 7:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sounds lame and like a waste of HD space to me.
# Feb 13 2006 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
capter the flag?
# Feb 13 2006 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Direct LS combat....?
yes please ^^
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