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Live from Vana'diel...

Why get your news from PlayOnline, when you can get it from Vana'diel?

By way of secret Mog House mail, Allakhazam.com is featuring periodic blogs and columns straight from the children of Altana. Read these musings from the depths of Dragon's Aery, the front lines of the Crystal War, the Culinary Guild in Windurst and everywhere in between. Our adventurer correspondents will discuss everything from news and events to their latest romps through Valkurm Dunes.

Check back regularly for frequent updates, live from Vana'diel.

"The Weekly Refresh," a weekly column by Thayos of Garuda.

"Between Windows," an ongoing endgame blog by Vlorsutes of Siren.

"A Christmas-y Review Special; A Moogle Kupo d'Etat and A Shantotto Ascension" - Vlorsutes' review of the latter two add-on expansions to Final Fantasy XI.

This page last modified 2009-12-25 06:44:41.