Category:Blacksmith (FR Job)  

Free Realms

Blacksmiths use metal ore and other natural materials to create ingenious tools and dangerous weapons. You can craft items for your own jobs or sell them to other players to earn coins. Work with other professions to help you harvest the raw materials you need to craft additional items. Smitty in Snowhill can teach the tricks of the trade.[1]

Job Type: Crafting

QuestsCollections • Recipes
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Blacksmith is leveled by playing the forge minigames.

Quest Series

Smitty - at the Snowhill Smithy in Snowhill

  1. Blacksmith: Basics of Blacksmithing
  2. Blacksmith: Smithy Merchandise
  3. Blacksmith: Hammer Training
  4. Blacksmith: Curious Cancellation

Trixi - in Singing Crystal Mines

  1. Blacksmith: Warrior Weapon

Brody Sparfist - in Singing Crystal Mines

  1. Blacksmith: Bat Fighter

Derp Axemaker - in Dartmoor Quarry

  1. Blacksmith: Impressing the Axemaker
  2. Blacksmith: Dull Challenge
  3. Blacksmith: Hammer Quality
  4. Blacksmith: Reach Level 10
  5. Blacksmith: Supply Delivery

Supply Master Leo - in Southvale Quarry

  1. Blacksmith: Do Work!

Mili Ironcall - in Southvale Quarry

  1. Blacksmith: Bolstering the Bows
  2. Blacksmith: Chivalrous Carlos
  3. Blacksmith: Local Bonesaw Shortage
  4. Blacksmith: Reach Level 15
  5. Blacksmith: Breaking Bank

Billie JoBob - outside Blackspore Swamp

  1. Blacksmith: Silver Appearance

Silverray - in Quagmire Quarry

  1. Blacksmith: Wand Replacement
  2. Blacksmith: Teacher's Aid
  3. Blacksmith: Scythes of Stalking
  4. Blacksmith: Reach Level 20
  5. Blacksmith: Forging Rumors

Anata Caliburn - in Stillwater Crossing

  1. Blacksmith: Lady of the Lake
  2. Blacksmith: Tools of the Trade
  3. Blacksmith: No Sticks and Plenty of Stones
  4. Blacksmith: Gemstone Roundup
  5. Blacksmith: Legendary Summersaber
  6. Blacksmith: The Royal Smithy

Steelbloom - in the Sanctuary Smithy in Sanctuary

  1. Blacksmith: Helping the Hospital

Red Stonehammer - in Red's Haven in Sunstone Valley

  1. Blacksmith: Grunt Work
  2. Blacksmith: Breaking a Sweat


You obtain most of the recipes by doing the Blacksmith quests. Recipes can be purchased as well.

Recipe List

DifficultyRecipeJobPrimary SkillSecondary Skill
Quick Shot BowLevel 1, ArcherBarrage: 279 damageVolley: 506 damage
Spunky Scrapper HammerLevel 1, BrawlerGlancing Blow: 254 damageLeg Sweep: 889 damage
Dancing Monkey BokkenLevel 1, NinjaFlame Flash: 254 damageDragonstrike: 1143 damage
Valiant Guardian CudgelLevel 1, WarriorSweeping Slash: 279 damageSpinning Attack: 506 damage
Power Charmed WandLevel 1, WizardZap: 279 damageLightning Blast: 1143 damage
Rowdy Rumbler HammerLevel 4, BrawlerGlancing Blow: 444 damageLeg Sweep: 1554 damage
Field Support ScalpelLevel 4, MedicIncision: 488 damageTriage: 444 heal + 1554 damage
Biting Mongoose BladeLevel 4, NinjaFlame Flash: 444 damageDragonstrike: 1998 damage
Lunar Enchanted WandLevel 4, WizardZap: 488 damageLightning Blast: 1998 damage
Focus Fire BowLevel 8, ArcherBarrage: 1492 damageVolley: 2707 damage
Alley Fighter HammerLevel 8, BrawlerGlancing Blow: 1357 damageLeg Sweep: 4750 damage
Anguish Aid BonesawLevel 8, MedicIncision: 1492 damageTriage: 1357 heal + 4750 damage
Diving Hawk ScytheLevel 8, NinjaFlame Flash: 1357 damageDragonstrike: 6107 damage
Chivalrous Guardian HammerLevel 8, WarriorSweeping Slash: 1792 damageSpinning Attack: 2707 damage
Eclipse Infused WandLevel 8, WizardZap: 1492 damageLightning Blast: 6107 damage
Savage Sting BowLevel 12, ArcherBarrage: 2609 damageVolley: 4732 damage
Strong Scrapper HammerLevel 12, BrawlerGlancing Blow: 2372 damageLeg Sweep: 8302 damage
Pain Relief BonesawLevel 12, MedicIncision: 2609 damageTriage: 2372 heal + 8302 damage
Stalking Panther ScytheLevel 12, NinjaFlame Flash: 2372 damageDragonstrike: 10674 damage
Stalwart Protector HammerLevel 12, WarriorSweeping Slash: 2609 damageSpinning Attack: 4732 damage
Tempest Woven WandLevel 12, WizardZap: 2609 damageLightning Blast: 10674 damage
Brutal Blast BowLevel 16, ArcherBarrage: 2609 damageVolley: 4732 damage
Frenzy Fighter HammerLevel 16, BrawlerGlancing Blow: 2372 damageLeg Sweep: 8302 damage
Trauma Support ShockrodLevel 16, MedicIncision: 2609 damageTriage: 2372 heal + 8302 damage
Striking Serpent SwordLevel 16, NinjaFlame Flash: 2372 damageDragonstrike: 10674 damage
Interpid Protector AxeLevel 16, WarriorSweeping Slash: 2609 damageSpinning Attack: 4732 damage
Void Woven WandLevel 16, WizardZap: 2609 damageLightning Blast: 10674 damage
Sturdy SummersaberLevel 16, NinjaFlame Flash: 2372 damageDragonstrike: 10674 damage

Blacksmith Clothes

2Drawing Coins 378 Coin Shop
4Upsetting Coins 403 Coin Shop
6Punching Coins 453 Coin Shop
8Bending Coins 528 Coin Shop
10Combining Coins 627 Coin Shop
12Refining Coins 752 Coin Shop
14Welding Coins 902 Coin Shop
16Tempering Coins 1076 Coin Shop
18Forging Coins 1276 Coin Shop
20FinishingVoid Woven Wand (Faceguard)
Interpid Protector Axe (Shirt)
Striking Serpent Sword (Gloves)
Trauma Support Shockrod (Gloves)
Brutal Blast Bow (Apron)
Frenzy Fighter Hammer (Boots)


Note that you can only see the Miner Materials when you are IN the Miner job, and Blacksmith Materials when you are dressed as a Blacksmith. So, if you go into a quarry, you'll have to change jobs to see Mining and Blacksmithing materials. (Thanks Bane!)


  1. ^ http://www.freerealms.com/jobs.vm

This page last modified 2013-03-27 22:44:42.

Articles in category "Blacksmith (FR Job)"

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