Category:Combat Shotgun (Defiance Item Type)  

See also: Pump Shotgun and Sawed-Off Shotgun.

NameDMGFire RateMagReloadAccuracyBloomNotes
FRC Auto-Scattergun8082.0153.02.2 - 2.30.00Large caliber single slugs
VOT Auto-Fragger90x85.0153.07.00.00Short bursts of pellets on individual targets
VBI CS-X Cluster Shot8082.0103.07.00.00Small grenades with knockback/stun
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Item Types

For a list of Hotshot missions that reward a Combat Shotgun Mod Cache, see Category:Combat Shotgun (Defiance Mod Cache Type).

This page last modified 2013-04-25 19:46:33.

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