Category:Mutant (Defiance Race)  

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The Mutants are a new threat that have risen from the ashes of war-ravaged ruins and abandoned military bases. These near-mindless and mutated monstrosities were once human soldiers, scientists, and powerful Bio-Marines of the Earth Military Coalition, mankind’s defunct global guard against extraterrestrial invaders.

  • Mutant Cleaver - Weak shields and VERY strong melee attacks. They CAN throw their meat cleavers at short range, so try to make sure they do not get close enough! Elites will throw more often and wield double cleavers.
  • Mutant Rifleman - Moderate shields with light assault weapons. Very accurate ranged attacks. Some can even snipe.
  • Mutant Shotgunner - Light shields but VERY strong close-range attacks. He has almost no real attack power at range so keep him there.
  • Mutant Grenadier - (Bioman) Multi-grenade magazines but with a slow reload. Circle til he stops firing, then take him down quick.
  • Mutant Minigunner - (Bioman) Medium to heavy shields with a VERY high rate of fire but slow to maneuver and requires a straight line to attack you. Circle as with the Minigunner, but if you can get something between you and he such as a truck or large rock, use a lobbing attack (grenades) so you can hit him but he cannot hit you.
  • Mutant Hulker - Enormous gray-skinned creatures with bulging veins and muscles designed by Mr. Universe, Hulkers are only seen as final bosses in Co-op maps and an odd place or two in the world (bugged?). They carry a handful of mortar rounds and throw them for massive ranged damage. Fortunately they do not have very many mortar shells and space them out. Weakness: At some points in a fight he will simply have to take a break, having overheated what is left of his mind. When he sits down he takes off the armor cap protecting his exposed brain. Note: They can kill other Mutants, too, if he runs over them while raging.

Bio-men are different from the rest of the mutants in that they were not an accidental mutation. Bio-men were made by EMC scientists during the later stages of the Pale Wars, adapting Votan nanotech in an attempt to create Human super-soldiers. Unfortunately for their creations, the early-gen adaptations of the nanotech left the candidates quite mad and almost mindless with rage. Later models were more stable but never highly intelligent.

Trivia Each generation of Bio-men were named for a U.S. President. In the show we meet a bio-man called Ulysses, from the series named for Ulysses S. Grant.

Adreno Addiction - Adreno, sometimes called "Blue Devil", is a synthetic neuro-transmitter developed by the EMC as a battlefield stimulant to enhance a soldier's capabilities. Towards the end of the Pale Wars supplies ran low. An enterprising chemist discovered a shortcut to making a version of Adreno from human adrenal fluid. Prisoners were terrified and then drained to make the new drug. Unfortunately, the Adreno-substitute was twice as powerful and twice as addictive. Withdrawal is almost always fatal. This led to the underground practice of Adreno-napping, where people are kidnapped to be scared, drained, and murdered to supply the drug for the addicted.[1]

In-game, Adreno-addicts can be seen moving with an unearthly, blurring speed and a blue glow around them. A number of them are seen in Liberate the Lost.

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Minor Arkfalls

  • Mutant Conflict:

Major Arkfalls




  1. ^ This was a key plot-point in episode 104 of the Syfy show

This page last modified 2013-05-11 02:22:36.

Articles in category "Mutant (Defiance Race)"

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