Category:Tuskgor (WAR Bestiary)  

SubtypeChaos Breeds
Chaos Breeds


Tuskgors are the result of wild boars that have been tainted by the warping influence of the Ruinous Powers. Their heads are festooned with multiple razor-sharp tusks, jutting out at odd angles to rend and tear anyone unfortunate enough to be caught up in their path.

Anyone 'lucky' enough to survive the goring of a Tuskgor charge is likely to wind up trampled under the beast's hooves and its several hundred pounds of porcine flesh.

Achievement Rewards
Encounter a Tuskgor
Kill 25 Tuskgors
Tome Quest: Not Trying to Hide
Bastion Stair: Gather a Specific Item
Kill 100 Tuskgors
Tome Quest: Tough Meat
Praag: Vanquish a Champion Monster
Gorducken ††806
Kill 1,000 Tuskgors
Tome Quest: Saving Face
(O)Eataine: Vanquish a Champion Monster
(D) High Pass: Gather Specific Items and Deliver Them to Someone in Need
Chaos Tactic Fragment1476
Kill 10,000 Tuskgors
Tome Quest: Tusk for Tusk
Eataine: Vanquish a Champion Monster
Kill 100,000 Tuskgors
   †† Item Rewards earned can be claimed from one of the Librarians in your home city. Token rewards are used as currency to purchase certain items from a Librarian.
   For even more information about Bestiary unlocks, see Guide to Bestiary Unlocks

A Horrific Combination
There is a Kill Collector, Dekindes Tovliryn, in Saphery that will reward you for slaying as many of this mob, or mob type, as you can find!. For this you will be rewarded with 223 XP per kill, above and beyond the XP you will gain for the actual slaying.
There is a Kill Collector, Dinen Lothreull, in Eataine that will reward you for slaying as many of this mob, or mob type, as you can find!.

This page last modified 2009-05-06 05:25:06.

Articles in category "Tuskgor (WAR Bestiary)"

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