Champion (LotRO Class)  

Critical TypeMelee
RacesDwarf, Elf
Skill LevelBeginner
RoleAoE / DPS
Skills Traits
Lord of the Rings Online

The Champion's skills are mostly powered by her righteous Fervour. She has a Fervour Meter to the left of the hotkeys that shows how much Fervour she currently has, from 0 to 5. Some skills add Fervour, while special attacks and defences cost Fervour.

At level 39 the Champion can purchase three books from her Class trainer:

Purchasing each of these books starts a deed, completion of which will reward a Class Trait.

Striking Runes<s> and Vanquishing Runes<s> can decrease the power cost of you Strikes or Blade AOE line of skills when equipped in your Class Slot. The Minor Striking Rune<s> and Minor Vanquishing Rune<s> can be purchased from your Class trainer, the improved versions must be crafted by Jewellers.

Woodworkers can make Horns to stun your foes, and Scholars can make Potions to increase your Fervour and Devastate Magnitude. The recipes for these are available from both your Class trainers and their Profession trainers, and these items are Consumed on Use.

There is a good basic introduction to the Champion class here at lotro.com.

This page last modified 2011-01-05 10:06:18.