Coral (Atlantica Item)  

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Type: Mineral
Cannot be crafted


[Craftable Items]
Spirit Sword5
Ocean Sword2
Rakshasa's Sword12
Spirit Spear5
Ocean Spear2
Rakshasa's Spear12
Spirit Staff5
Red Soul Staff2
Krishna's Staff12
Spirit Axe5
Ocean Axe2
Rakshasa's Axe12
Spirit Bow5
Deep-Sea Bow2
Ogre Bow12
Spirit Rifle5
Deep-Sea Rifle2
Ogre Rifle12
Ocean Heavy Armor3
Deep-Sea Light Armor3
Red Soul Robe3
Rakshasa's Heavy Armor8
Ogre Light Armor8
Krishna's Robe8
Ocean Helmet3
Deep-Sea Chain Helm3
Red Soul Hat3
Rakshasa's Helmet8
Ogre Chain Helm8
Krishna's Hat8
Spirit Leggings2
Ocean Greaves7
Deep-Sea Leggings7
Rakshasa's Greaves8
Ogre Leggings8
Ocean Boots1
Deep-Sea Chain Boots1
Red Soul Shoes1
Rakshasa's Boots8
Ogre Chain Boots8
Krishna's Shoes8
Ocean Gauntlets1
Deep-Sea Chain Gauntlets1
Red Soul Gloves1
Rakshasa's Gauntlets8
Ogre Chain Gauntlets8
Krishna's Gloves8
Ring of Dull Swords20
Ring of Blunt Spears20
Ring of Dull Axes20
Ring of Broken Arrows20
Ring of Wet Gunpowder20
Ring of Empty Cannons20
Ring of Null Magic20
Ring of Strength20
Ring of Dexterity20
Ring of Vitality20
Ring of Intelligence20
Multi-Hued Crystal100
Search Robot VC120
Small Catapult40
Siege Catapult100
Spirit Cannon5
Deep-Sea Cannon2
Ogre Cannon12
Bronze Arrow20
Copper Bullet30
Bronze Music Sheet20
Spirit Shield5
Ocean Shield2
Rakshasa's Shield12
Spirit Orb5
Red Soul Orb2
Krishna's Orb12
Small Bolt100
Weak Dynamite300
Normal Dynamite500
Spirit Instrument5
Deep-Sea Instrument2
Ogre Instrument12
Spirit Power Saw5
Ocean Power Saw2
Rakshasa's Power Saw12

  • Required Items for Use: x
  • Acquired :
    You can reach Level .

  • Magic: Lv

This page last modified 2012-11-03 18:10:35.