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This shell has been around for a very long time. I'll let one of the first members do the history part of the linkshell, but as for a brief overview. This is a very fun loving social linkshell full of all sorts of people. We're mostly a NA Linkshell (Canada and United States), but there are a few of us from the UK. We have a very diverse group of all kinds of jobs, races, and nations in the LS. Most people in the shell have at least one or more jobs at level 75 and everyone seems to be really devoted to progressing in the game, team work, fun, and friendship. Oh, and it's not an official LS event unless Glutt dies.

Update Please!! This linkshell has been renamed to CrazyParanoidSaintz

Members List

Linkshell Founder

  • Glutt - retired
  • Toreh

Linkshell Sac Holders

  • Arris - retired
  • Bauran
  • Cloull
  • Cluracan
  • Crimsonsage
  • Darkpheonix
  • Destructor
  • Feifongwong
  • Jaygun
  • Liglerian - retired
  • Maasahn
  • Solomonkane
  • Tadghostal
  • Thoraxe - retired
  • Yemaya - retired

Linkshell Members

  • Artini
  • Avatario
  • Bloodydeath
  • Boromir
  • Braxus
  • Cda
  • Crayne
  • Darcia
  • Darkfighter
  • Darkluna
  • Deadlast
  • Detonator
  • Dijanna
  • Dirtyfishydish
  • Dubwa
  • Endrew
  • Gravatusmiasma
  • Hellbound
  • Iggybork
  • Ithlium
  • Ivellios
  • Jarryd
  • Jesile
  • Kalanthis
  • Kasaki
  • Katsumoto - retired
  • Kenshink
  • Keoni = Keopedia, Keo
  • Kramer
  • Kronkeykong
  • Lixa
  • Magenelle
  • Mceegs
  • Mickeygs
  • Misselvtwou
  • Mosimo
  • Nebo
  • Princessjo
  • Purfect
  • Rahonzo
  • Razvan
  • Roudy
  • Ruddager
  • Sevien
  • Skyla
  • Sousuke
  • Speedtwister
  • Ssjgotenks
  • Superkai
  • Tamakai
  • Thumbellina
  • Tomthumb
  • Tooie
  • Tummie
  • Ursada
  • Wetodded
  • Whitebear
  • Wobble
  • Wombat
  • Xamien
  • Zepheron
  • Zerghas


(If you're in the shell as an active member please add yourself I did my best to put all active members, but as you know there are 55+ members in the shell)

Linkshell Rules brought you by Cluracan

Hello everyone

Now that we have quite a few new members all with different personalities and such, I think it's time to revisit the general dos and don'ts of CPS. It's probably time for a reminder for the old folks too.

We'll start out on the positive side.


Please do have fun After all it is a game, we all play games to have a good time, but remember, there are hundreds of other people out there too, your fun should not hinder other people from having fun too. Please be courteous Be nice to other people, that's it, end of story. Please do help others out This doesn't mean to always drop what you're doing to go on some random quest, it may mean giving some advice or guidance. If you can go help, please do.


Don't disparage anyone's race, sex, religion, sexual preference, etc. (I've never met anyone in CPS in real life, I'm sure you're all fine people with your own thoughts, beliefs, and morals. However, I don't have any idea on your views are. I'm not going to come into a game setting and say hurtful things about you. Please don't say them about others.) Don't TALK IN CAPS ALL THE TIME. For those of you that aren't aware, Caps in text chat is the equivalent of shouting. I really don't think you're shouting all the time in the real world, please don't do it here. It hurts my eyes and everyone else's. Don't use foul language towards other people in the LS. We all have bad days, but try not to take it out on people. I know we all let it happen once in a while, but try to not make it a habit. Don't have conversations that maybe sexual/adult in nature until after 10PM We have some youngsters in the LS, please be mindful that they may be on the LS and try to keep it clean until when they should be in bed.

I hope you all understand what I'm trying to say here. I'm not trying to prevent anyone from having fun in CPS. But before any drama gets created due to easily preventable situations, I thought it would be a good idea to address them here.

In all honestly, I should be able to just post the top 2 "Do's." Have fun and be nice. That's really it in a nutshell. If you find it hard to stick to those two simple rules, there's an easy solution for you "Menu > Linkshell > Unequip, then Menu > Linkshell > Drop". Alternatively, there's always "/breaklinkshell you"

I hope this post doesn't come off as harsh and I don't come off as some spoilsport. But this is a community, yours and mine, and I think I'm one of the folks that's been around the longest. My banstick may be rusty, but I'm pretty sure it still works.



Linkshells we do our end game events with


Prestige Contacts: Cluracan


OrderOfGarrison Contacts: Lenwe, FFW

This page last modified 2009-07-17 11:37:23.